Little News

Jan 04 2019

The new year has just begun, yet we already have a few little things to share.

  1. Bounty givers decided to up the reward for wanted monsters in Godville Times. Handing over a proof of a wanted monster can now bring twice as much gold or even better: a wood log or a manimal. Also, these beasts should be a lot easier to come across, especially for a hero with an aura of hunting trail.
  2. Healing pets have learned a new trick. They can now help their masters to heal not only in travels, but in towns too.
  3. On guild leader elections. They will be a bit easier from now on – electing a candidate require 25% of votes (instead of 30% like it was before). There is also a new rule for big guilds: just 50 votes will be enough for election to succeed, which should a lot simpler.
  4. Finally, let’s welcome new varieties of side jobs. Now heroes can entertain themselves by collecting auras, trying on equipment or tracking their sleep.

You know GodWiki, aka Encyclopedia of Godville, right? Its written by players – just like you. An amazing community event going on there now:

January on the GodWiki will be a month-long content drive, dedicated to creativity and inspiration, centered around the topic of beer. It is organised by players for players, to encourage and celebrate creativity on the GodWiki.

If you enjoyed reading Godwiki articles (or better – thought about writing one) make sure to check it out.

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Christmas Special

Dec 21 2018

Winter holidays are at the doorstep. Godville is ready to welcome them with regular Christmas Special. Please take a sit while we walk through it.

The most peculiar thing is winter snowflake ❄ – a god can spot it in the hero’s inventory. There are few ways to get them: a hero can knock one out of a monster or fish out from an ice-hole… Snowflakes are actually useful. First of all, you can use them as a bingo wildcard in Godville Times. Secondly, if a hero get a bunch of them, he could make a snowman and get some presents after heroically beating it. Finally, these snowflakes can be sold to traders for a good price.

Next are traditional seasonal presents – Christmas gifts. There should be plenty of them in the fields. Besides of the regular goodies, during this season they could yield a log of gopher wood, replenish godpower or give a nice chunk of experience. Of course, these artifacts can be activated for free. By the way, there is a quick way to get a gift – each bingo extraction will give one right away!

And of course there are special Christmas critters. This time we have a whole bunch of Christmas reindeers – hunt them for the snowflakes! More conventional Santa Clawses and Satan Clauses (tameable with some luck) are grazing in the snow-covered fields too.

Finally, let’s not forget the festive tent-town of Laplandville, known for its great holiday discounts and other bonuses. Very soon it will conveniently appear next door to Godville.

This Christmas Special will last until January 2. Happy holidays!

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Telegram Bot

Dec 07 2018

Godville is slowly but surely expanding on both width and depth. It all started with a browser game, then iPhone, Android and even Windows Phone apps were released. Еvery god should have easy access to their hero, right?

So let’s welcome a new addition to the herd – official Telegram bot @godvillegame_bot.

It’s not a full-fledged alternative for the mobile app or the web site, but it could be useful for quick status checks, revivals or occasional influences. It should also be handy if push notifications are not very reliable and you want an alternative notification channel. If you’re just beginning your divine journey, treat this bot like a demo. You can learn more about the bot in this forum topic.

A bit unrelated, but certainly good news for those with a Lab, already collecting boss parts. Unlike dungeons, where boss parts are plenty, finding them in ZPG-mode was not so easy. Not anymore. From now on, a hero can get a boss part for lab while fishing. Rumor says that various parts can be found in ponds and lakes, even from the really strong bosses.

Finally – as you noticed, the winter is here. In this time of the year heroes enjoy fishing without a bait and sailors can preserve their precious supplies on sea icebergs.

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On the Side

Nov 01 2018

Hey, gods and goddess. Did you enjoy the special Halloween event in Godville? Risen monsters, activatable pumpkins, angry tribbles and the surreal pumpkin trade – we’re pretty sure the heroes were baffled too. As many of you noticed, there was a new thing this year. Yes, we’re talking about that cryptic progress indicator in the hero’s stats.

Side Jobs

Let’s welcome a new source of profit and trouble for our champions – side jobs. After level 25, heroes may find them on bulletin boards located at the points of interest. Side jobs don’t interfere with regular questing and are done simultaneously. Unlike regular quests, which are somewhat routine, side jobs call for a more creative approach. For example, a hero may be asked to sell certain artifacts or even… get resurrected.

A side job can be failed if it’s not finished it in time (which is usually a day or two). Failing a side job is not a big deal, as no client in their right mind would trust anything important to our heroes. However, some jobs are easily doable and heroes will finish them on their own. In the best of ZPG tradition, you – the god – can get involved as much or as little as you want.

Halloween side jobs were new and experimental. Those should be almost over by now. After few days there will be new and more regular (but still somewhat experimental) side jobs ready to be taken on.

Friends Management

A few words on friends. Up until recently, deletion from your friends list essentially worked as a block – the person was deleted from your list, but from the other side you’re still shown as a “friend” that can be “messaged”… into the void. With the latest app update, this option is called “Block”. Also, there is a new “Delete” option, which deletes you from the other person’s list as well. Keep in mind that after this deletion the second party can add and message you again.

App Updates

Side jobs and the other new features require latest version of Godville app. Updates for Android and Windows Phone are already available in their stores (iOS update will follow up once it gets through Apple’s app review process). Besides of the new options, there are few other things as well: you can now see god names and boss abilities in dungeons and sails without having to open the details screen. Very handy.

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Three Things

Aug 30 2018

Hello there, dear gods! We have three interesting things to share today.

Special Town
Do you remember recent episodes of mass town building and map making? Here is the cherry on that cake – the town of Heisenburg. A town with such a name just has to be special. Indeed, it moves around every day, and changes its properties as well.

Death Offerings
Sometimes heroes die. That’s the law of Godville nature and nothing can be done about it. However, some after-death presents could brighten up the long wait for resurrection. From now on, after resurrection the hero will keep whatever the mourners have left on his grave while he was lying lifeless. The longer hero has waited, the more sweet things he will have once he comes alive.

Godpowerful Items
There is never too much godpower, right? We agree, so here is the last new thing – a new activatable artifact that replenishes your godpower. Best of all – it can be used for free. Free godpower, yay!

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To the Point

Jul 05 2018

More on the Map

Remember the swirly map that heroes discovered couple months ago? Today it gets swirlier.

Once a hero defeat a monster (especially a strong one, with a special mention in the diary) he may learn about a particular spot on the map. Upon reaching this point of interest he may find something cool: а health boost, a new aura, an extra prayer… you get the drill.

In the best tradition of ZPG it doesn’t require any action from the god. If a hero couldn’t hit the point for some reason — no problem, there is always another one ahead.

Another map thingy: thanks to your submissions, five (!) new towns are proudly placed on the map.

More Variety

  • New addition for spelunkers — dungeon of abundance. Almost every room in it has something good (or bad), making the exploration more exciting.
  • Please welcome a sails novelty — dead sea. Abundance of reefs makes this sea almost free of the beasties.
  • And last, but certainly not least — mutating bosses. These creatures can change their abilities on the go, right in the middle of the fight. Surely it will add some drama to the boss battles.


Town list in the Guild Popularity section of Godville Times now includes distance for each town. Note that towns without enough guild influence are not present in the newspaper.

Problem catching up with game updates? Worry no more — now you can search all game news and find more about the game features as they were added.

All these changes are already live and don’t require mobile app update.

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On Your Privacy

May 24 2018

You’ve probably been receiving a lot of emails about the changes to how your data is kept and managed. We’re tired of it too, so let’s keep it up to the point.

We’ve updated our privacy policy, in case you like reading such things. There are no meaningful changes in a way your data is stored or managed. We don’t keep much of your data to begin with and when we do, we don’t share or sell it to third parties. After all, we’re just making a cozy game, not a business monster to secretly gather some private data and sell it to the highest bidder. Hopefully the policy now explains it in a way easier to comprehend.

And what’s up with game news without new features? So here it is: from now on you can update your email as many times you need or even request deletion of your account. Hopefully, you won’t need the last one – but in case your will, head to the app’s settings in the newest Godville app (already being rolled out and will be available over the next couple days) or here.

Taking care of you, Devs.

Comments ( 46 )


May 10 2018

Today Godville turns eight. Yay!

Lets cheer each other and celebrate this special occasion.

All the best wishes to gods in the clouds, heroes in the fields, creators in the ideabox and helpful guildmates.

Send a congratulatory god voice to your brave champion and get an anniversary pack of charges.

Do that for the next 3 days to get this bonus trice!

Cheering while dueling, sailing and spelunking could grant extra bonus.

Happy Godville birthday, everyone!

Comments ( 125 )

Map Out

Apr 24 2018

It’s known that heroes can only go there …and back again. Still, it will be interesting to see this unidimensional route from a side. The long-awaited has finally happened – welcome The Map!

The heroes, towns nearby and their features are neatly visible on the bird’s view spiral. Some towns are good for trading, praying or something else. Tap on the town’s badge to know what this town is good for.

There are new towns too! Cartographers already marked 9 new settlements on the map and are eager to draw few more. Voice your suggestion via Ideabox, idea, using this template: “new town suggestion: Х”.

Here is another mind-blowing thing – routes between towns change every day, making some towns swap on the map. You can notice these towns by the gray color badge.

Don’t forget to update Godville mobile app to get the new goodies. A tap on the milestone icon in the Earthly News will show you the map. Android and iOS updates are already in the stores, Window Phone app will join them few days later.

In other news:

  • Now you can change your mind while in a duel/boss fight/dungeon/sail. Just send your updated godvoice or new influence until turn is over. Don’t wait for the last second though, as your updated influence may roll over to the next turn.
  • Heroes of level 100 and higher will deal higher damage on Arena, which should prevent some overly long duels (regular rules for opponent equalization still apply, so there is no real advantage for any hero).
  • Using Auto-Discharge feature? Last holdouts in the Remote – Spar, Duel, Dungeon and Sail options – are finally Auto-Discharge compatible.
Comments ( 52 )

On Guilds and More

Jan 30 2018

Hello, fellow gods! Lots of exciting news today. Let’s start off with guilds.

Guild Spotlight

After long begging Godville Times editors gave up and agreed to add a whole new section dedicated to guilds. Every day it will feature two guilds, randomly selected from Top-100 of all guild pantheons. Obviously, having a guild included in more than one pantheon increases its chances to appear. By the way, Famous Heroes newspaper section works in a similar way, only requiring heroes to be in Top-200.

On Guild Leaving

It is known that heroes tend to leave a guild during first few months of membership. However, years of continuous training are finally bearing a fruit – the heroes will stop fleeing from guild 1.5 months earlier, once they achieve Grandmaster guild rank. Btw, did you know that if a hero’s alignment is similar to the guild’s alignment he is less likely to leave the guild?

Keep in mind though that godless heroes will still be expelled from guilds after 30 days of inactivity, regardless of their guild rank. The nice change here is that from now on Godville’s postal service will send one-time warning email few days before expelling. Only if you have a recovery email for your account, of course (can be set on Settings screen within the app).

Heroes Birthdays

It was suddenly noticed that Godville heroes are not some perishable item. Their shelf-life is measured in years and it’s worth to keep track of heroes’ birthdays. Now guildmates can see in the Guild Bulletin who were born today (if any), so they can congratulate them. By the way, the heroes will get a present too – on their birthday all drinks and partying are free!

Sparring Checkmarks

One needs to get dozens of Spars with friends to get the Coach achievement and the further you go the harder it gets to keep these records in mind. From now on, the Sparring partner selection list will mark those friends that you already trained with (please install today’s app update if playing on Android). Hooray.

Sea Pets

Last but not least, let’s talk about our lovely pets. It turned out that some monster species are quite amphibious and can lend heroes their paw, fin or limb in sails. Landsharks will accompany heroes starting from level 80. Higher level heroes will be able to tame a Ticking Crocodile, OctoBear, Battle Toad, Presidential Seal and even a Fail Whale. Sea pets will help in sails by peeking into distance and helping to explore islands.

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