Poetry & Gathering

Sep 05 2019

Mushroom Season
The beginning of autumn is great time for mushroom picking. For the whole month of September the heroes will be bumping into mushrooms and collecting them. They will not dare to eat unfamiliar things, but the god surely can force it – with the consequences like free aura and stuff.

Poetic Godvoices
Godvoice is the main communication channel with your champion and neighboring gods. Also, do you remember that voices well-liked by community bring some godpower boost?
From now on you can shout in style: introducing poetic verses! Just use a slash character (/ or \) to delimit lines. So a godvoice like this:

  • Any godvoice / Could lead to an action / Poetic one though / Brings more satisfaction

will be written in diaries like so:

  • Any godvoice
  • Сould lead to an action
  • Poetic one though
  • Brings more satisfaction

Keep in mind that shout-verses could have up to 4 lines. If you find others’ godvoices irritating, you can always disable them in the app’s settings.

Neat Refinements

  1. Answer spar request directly from the push notification (via Android app now too).
  2. Turn slider in the duel chronicles now shows the turn number while sliding.
  3. Chronicle links can now refer to a specific moment in fight – just set the slider to the desired turn and then share it like usual.
  4. If you play in a web browser, you can now spot the moment of turn change if Godville browser tab is not active (it should be useful for those of us who sometimes become AFK involuntary, due to the heavy multitasking).
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Summer Happenings

Jul 19 2019

Dear %godname%, how are you doing? Are you ready for some summer news?

GodWiki Event
There is a community event centered around topic of summer – organized by players for players to encourage and celebrate creativity on the GodWiki. Check it out and participate if you feel inspired.

Guild Quests
Remember mini-quests? These are short tasks that hero takes upon occasionally and usually completes in about an hour. But who gives these quests and why can’t guilds send their members on small errands too? So here it is – a new kind of mini-quest for guilds.

Once a guild gains some initial presence in a town (at least 1% of town influence), any of its members could occasionally get a special guild quest to do something for the town and improve guild fame among locals even further. These quests can be easily spotted by the “(guild)” suffix in the quest name.

Completing a such quest will increase the guild’s fame in the town while the hero will get his mini-quest reward. Same task – double profit.

Gaining 1% of town influence is easy – about half a dozen miracles in total (from all guild members should be enough. Keep in mind that guild quests can’t be taken in the capital. If, for some reason, you don’t want your hero to glorify his guild, feel free to cancel such a quest with a godvoice.

Content Update
Long-awaited news on the Ideabox front. We finally managed to sort through few stacks of Ideabox submissions. As a result, hundreds of new phrases, monsters and quests have been added to the game. Thank you all for your submissions, ER improvements and feedback!

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Godville Turns 9

May 10 2019

Today is a big day.

On this day, nine years ago this world was created. It took a bit longer than 7 days. Way longer. In a way, the creation is still going on. Over these years heroes learned fighting and dueling, spelunking and shipbuilding, sailing, fishing and many other things – all to please, praise and entertain their gods.

It all won’t be possible without our incredible, creative and supportive community of Godville gods. Be it a new idea or game text, a bug report or grammar correction, godwiki contribution, a purchase of charges to support the game, or just helping out a fellow player, or any of the other countless things a god can do – it all adds up to the main goal – to make Godville nice and pleasant place to be, to make it a bit better than it was yesterday.

So, today is the day for gods and their heroes to celebrate. Let’s get the feast going: today and for the next 2 days congratulate your hero with a god voice to get a festive pack of accumulator charges. It would be useful to cheer up your duel opponent, dungeon comrades and sail party too.

Cheers to Godville and all its dwellers – under the ground, in the sky and all the way in between!

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Realigning the Stars

May 01 2019

Greetings, gods and goddesses. It’s news time!

Forecasting Forecast
As many of you know, Godville Times has a Forecast section, which lists special conditions that affect hero’s life for a given day. Checking the forecast is especially useful for those who like tampering with their champion on a daily basis.

From now on, gods can affect these forecasts. Starting with level 20, a god can voice an opinion on what one of the tomorrow’s forecast should be about: time, trade, influences, etc. Full day of divine voting will surely realign the stars. Then astrologers will decipher the collective will and publish their findings in the next issue of Godville Times.

Besides voting, there are couple new forecasts, which we will leave for the gods to explore.

Sailing News
Summer is near – and it should be a good time for waterborne activities. Dockers agree and will work overtime to re-supply arks for the next voyage quicker – in 8 hours (or just 6 hours if last exit was though the port).

Two new sea types are here to bring new experiences for the well-versed sailors. The first one lets heroes see much further in the distance, but nothing hints at the location of the booty. The second one is peaceful and kind, so no heroes will dare to attack each other.

Ideabox Tweaks
PC version of Ideabox now shows the number of not yet voted ideas in each section (same way like in the mobile apps). Gods with ER access will also see a number of ideas in ER (both PC and mobile). Newly added navigation links at the bottom of each section should make going through Ideabox a breeze.

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POIs, Bosses, etc

Mar 26 2019

Hello there, dear gods. We have good news to share.

Afterparty POIs
What hero doesn’t like to spend his hard-earned gold in taverns? From now on parties could not only be pleasant, but useful too. If a hero learns something useful during his “social hours”, he’ll mark a point on the map to check it later. The more gold he spends, more likely he’ll overhear something. That could work even if hero already has a point on the map – the one from the tavern will be the second!

Explosive Bosses Disarm
As every seasoned adventurer knows, explosive bosses always blow up when defeated, covering the area with shreds and leaving the heroes without useful lab parts. Not anymore. From now on the heroes will notice when the boss is preparing to detonate. Finishing the boss quickly after warning could prevent the explosion.

Inventory Notification
There is a brand new push notification on the number of artifacts in the hero’s inventory (make sure to update Godville mobile app for this option to appear). In addition to that, now the app has a quick link to Bingo in the Inventory tab. This combo should come in very handy.

Accessibility Tweaks
Some changes were made for deities playing with VoiceOver or Talkback screen readers. We hope that the game is already quite accessible, but there is always room to improve. The latest app update brings enhancements for sails, newspaper navigation, crossword and couple more things.

PS: Make sure the check Godville Tallent Show contest here.

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Bold Move

Feb 19 2019

A hero is not a real hero without his equipment. A regular sequence of fitting, polishing and upgrading is what every champion does since birth. But here in Godville equipment wasn’t that much useful… up until today.

From now on, these pieces of gear can become bold, giving the owner a temporary buff. Each type of equipment has a different effect:

  • bold weapon deals more damage to monsters;
  • bold shield gives better protection;
  • bold head gets more experience;
  • bold body speeds up health recovery;
  • bold arms give advantage in trade;
  • bold legs make travel faster;
  • bold talisman can save a hero from imminent death.

Bonus gain may not be astonishing, but hey, it’s free. Since it’s ZPG here, you don’t have to worry on how to get these bold items – just give your hero a couple days and eventually he’ll find it. Here is how he may get it:

  1. get a new buffed item from a trader (or as a reward);
  2. buff an existing item by defeating a “Smith” monster;
  3. buff an existing item at an interesting point on the map.

Multiple items can have buffs at the same time, which opens a lot of interesting combinations. Buffs won’t give any advantage on arena or dungeons, so no need to worry about (im)balance. Also, buffs are temporary and they will expire after about a day.

If you’re playing on a phone (Android, iOS or Windows Phone) make sure to update Godville app to the latest version available in the store to see equipment buffs.

A bit of economy news: a roadside trader was finally caught by the local authorities. It turned out that he was ruining the lives of our poor heroes in their moments of their total weakness by depriving them of their loot for cheap. After long negotiations the roadside trader finally agreed to start paying double for the loot and not buy boss parts for the lab.

Last, but certainly not least: a well-known, yet humble god Hairplug4men recently outplayed the game by collecting all of the top-level achievements. First time ever in Godville history. Quite an accomplishment we must say.

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Little News

Jan 04 2019

The new year has just begun, yet we already have a few little things to share.

  1. Bounty givers decided to up the reward for wanted monsters in Godville Times. Handing over a proof of a wanted monster can now bring twice as much gold or even better: a wood log or a manimal. Also, these beasts should be a lot easier to come across, especially for a hero with an aura of hunting trail.
  2. Healing pets have learned a new trick. They can now help their masters to heal not only in travels, but in towns too.
  3. On guild leader elections. They will be a bit easier from now on – electing a candidate require 25% of votes (instead of 30% like it was before). There is also a new rule for big guilds: just 50 votes will be enough for election to succeed, which should a lot simpler.
  4. Finally, let’s welcome new varieties of side jobs. Now heroes can entertain themselves by collecting auras, trying on equipment or tracking their sleep.

You know GodWiki, aka Encyclopedia of Godville, right? Its written by players – just like you. An amazing community event going on there now:

January on the GodWiki will be a month-long content drive, dedicated to creativity and inspiration, centered around the topic of beer. It is organised by players for players, to encourage and celebrate creativity on the GodWiki.

If you enjoyed reading Godwiki articles (or better – thought about writing one) make sure to check it out.

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Christmas Special

Dec 21 2018

Winter holidays are at the doorstep. Godville is ready to welcome them with regular Christmas Special. Please take a sit while we walk through it.

The most peculiar thing is winter snowflake ❄ – a god can spot it in the hero’s inventory. There are few ways to get them: a hero can knock one out of a monster or fish out from an ice-hole… Snowflakes are actually useful. First of all, you can use them as a bingo wildcard in Godville Times. Secondly, if a hero get a bunch of them, he could make a snowman and get some presents after heroically beating it. Finally, these snowflakes can be sold to traders for a good price.

Next are traditional seasonal presents – Christmas gifts. There should be plenty of them in the fields. Besides of the regular goodies, during this season they could yield a log of gopher wood, replenish godpower or give a nice chunk of experience. Of course, these artifacts can be activated for free. By the way, there is a quick way to get a gift – each bingo extraction will give one right away!

And of course there are special Christmas critters. This time we have a whole bunch of Christmas reindeers – hunt them for the snowflakes! More conventional Santa Clawses and Satan Clauses (tameable with some luck) are grazing in the snow-covered fields too.

Finally, let’s not forget the festive tent-town of Laplandville, known for its great holiday discounts and other bonuses. Very soon it will conveniently appear next door to Godville.

This Christmas Special will last until January 2. Happy holidays!

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Telegram Bot

Dec 07 2018

Godville is slowly but surely expanding on both width and depth. It all started with a browser game, then iPhone, Android and even Windows Phone apps were released. Еvery god should have easy access to their hero, right?

So let’s welcome a new addition to the herd – official Telegram bot @godvillegame_bot.

It’s not a full-fledged alternative for the mobile app or the web site, but it could be useful for quick status checks, revivals or occasional influences. It should also be handy if push notifications are not very reliable and you want an alternative notification channel. If you’re just beginning your divine journey, treat this bot like a demo. You can learn more about the bot in this forum topic.

A bit unrelated, but certainly good news for those with a Lab, already collecting boss parts. Unlike dungeons, where boss parts are plenty, finding them in ZPG-mode was not so easy. Not anymore. From now on, a hero can get a boss part for lab while fishing. Rumor says that various parts can be found in ponds and lakes, even from the really strong bosses.

Finally – as you noticed, the winter is here. In this time of the year heroes enjoy fishing without a bait and sailors can preserve their precious supplies on sea icebergs.

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On the Side

Nov 01 2018

Hey, gods and goddess. Did you enjoy the special Halloween event in Godville? Risen monsters, activatable pumpkins, angry tribbles and the surreal pumpkin trade – we’re pretty sure the heroes were baffled too. As many of you noticed, there was a new thing this year. Yes, we’re talking about that cryptic progress indicator in the hero’s stats.

Side Jobs

Let’s welcome a new source of profit and trouble for our champions – side jobs. After level 25, heroes may find them on bulletin boards located at the points of interest. Side jobs don’t interfere with regular questing and are done simultaneously. Unlike regular quests, which are somewhat routine, side jobs call for a more creative approach. For example, a hero may be asked to sell certain artifacts or even… get resurrected.

A side job can be failed if it’s not finished it in time (which is usually a day or two). Failing a side job is not a big deal, as no client in their right mind would trust anything important to our heroes. However, some jobs are easily doable and heroes will finish them on their own. In the best of ZPG tradition, you – the god – can get involved as much or as little as you want.

Halloween side jobs were new and experimental. Those should be almost over by now. After few days there will be new and more regular (but still somewhat experimental) side jobs ready to be taken on.

Friends Management

A few words on friends. Up until recently, deletion from your friends list essentially worked as a block – the person was deleted from your list, but from the other side you’re still shown as a “friend” that can be “messaged”… into the void. With the latest app update, this option is called “Block”. Also, there is a new “Delete” option, which deletes you from the other person’s list as well. Keep in mind that after this deletion the second party can add and message you again.

App Updates

Side jobs and the other new features require latest version of Godville app. Updates for Android and Windows Phone are already available in their stores (iOS update will follow up once it gets through Apple’s app review process). Besides of the new options, there are few other things as well: you can now see god names and boss abilities in dungeons and sails without having to open the details screen. Very handy.

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