Front Page


At the turn of the century, Godville became home to the first University of Heroes. Here, young men and women were challenged to make the transition from sword-fodder to sword fighter.


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Famous Heroes

Lautrec 128th-level adventurer, member of the “Yeti Seekers” guild, with the motto “Lets not get too friendly”, stands at the 51st position in the pantheon of Destruction under the vigilant supervision of the goddess Goddess Fina. He dares anyone to come up with a better motto.

Shuwid 136th-level adventurer, member of the “bakhara” guild, with the motto “I hate Mondays”, stands at the 173rd position in the pantheon of Mastery under the vigilant supervision of the god Djsksjdjgd. The hero has no distinctive features to date; however, he promises to get some before his next appearance.


The Aardvark of the Covenant is carrying a highly contagious bug. Run or kill on sight, 2100 gold coins is promised for containing the glitch.

Caught today: 118 pcs.

Recent studies claim the Giant-Shaped Windmill has become entrenched in the Godville ecosystem. We'll reward anyone who helps weed them out.

Caught today: 156 pcs.

Guild Spotlight

A controversial choice for Guild Spotlight is League of Adjudicators with 23 members. They have managed to rise to 33rd place in the pantheon of Unity. The highest rank here is “adjudicator”. Members call Unsettlement their 'turf' and will 'have a rumble' with any disrespectful guild. Guild's admission tests include proficiency with the “exhaust of the dragon” skill.

Secret Hero Society is where 31 heroes come together to brag about their 82nd place in the pantheon of Adventure. Elders call themselves “classified”. Every member must adopt a dramatic cape-swooshing technique.

Guild popularity in

10% — Knights who say Ni

9% — Harvest Moon

7% — Ankh-Morpork City Watch

7% — Blue Feather

3% — Legion of Steel

3% — Shadow Fighters

2% — The Forsakens Lament

2% — Order of the Sith Lords

2% — Warriors Of The Dragon

55% — (other guilds)

Buy and Sell

Can't close your bag because of a piece of destruction paper? “Lacon con Grelos” and Pepe el Autonomo personally offers aid to all overloaded heroes.

Found today: 79 pcs.

Rumors abound that there are five golden tickets to the magical artifact factory, each hidden inside a king's bounty. Traders will do anything for a chance to win such a valuable prize.

Found today: 43 pcs.


Today only, a very special offer — buy a socks and sandals four times and get a duplicated copy for free!
Feeling battered? Motivation all fried? Don't burn yourself out: after a gentle grilling, Pathfinders Inc. will cook up a better career for you.
Ready to solve your tribbles problem, if you are willing to part ways with all your loot.

Daily Forecast

• The daily assembly of astrologers proclaimed that today's disposition of planets doesn't promise anything bad ...or good, for that matter.

Godpower Cap


Ideabox News

• 44 ideas were voted on in the Ideabox since the last issue of this newspaper.

• Let's celebrate Anciace and his devotion to helping our ideas be all they can be.

• We are proud to announce that Galaxis The Almighty may or may not have been nominated for the Nobel Ideaboxing Prize.

Forum News

02:59 Crossword & KYM Hints

01:40 Spring Content Cleaning

01:11 Acronym game

01:01 [Game] The Person Above Me

01:00 [Game] The banning game

Broken News

• A malicious mathematician who perverted postulates of the probability theory has finally been caught. From now on, all events should be regarded as equiprobable.

• Alchemists from all cities are offering premium prices for a alchemical transmuter. They hope it proves to be more than just another bold artifact.

• Friendly reminder that existing without permission from unfathomable higher entities is frowned upon and illegal.

Market Quotes

1 bosscoin

7747 gold coins +14.2%

1 Godville invite

1044 gold coins +12.0%