Front Page


There are certain special monsters that may be tamed as a pet if your hero is able to defeat one. It's a good idea to watch the hero if they are battling one of these creatures, and help them win the battle. Then, the hero may randomly decide to spare that monster's life and tame it; the god can't influence the outcome.


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Famous Heroes

Woohoo90 148th-level adventurer, member of the “Harvest Moon” guild, with the motto “Stop Touching my 屁屁!”, stands at the 85th position in the pantheon of Might under the vigilant supervision of the god Ypchua. He is known for his disarming smile and ability to wake even the most exhausted comrades with his laughter.

Corporal Johnson 135th-level adventurer, member of the “Adventure Time” guild, with the motto “Is it bedtime?”, stands at the 131st position in the pantheon of Arkeology under the vigilant supervision of the goddess Polynaomial. He asked us not to feature him in this issue, but we do what we want.


The Godville blood bank is low on Tempered Glass Dragon blood. A reward is promised to anyone who can collect some.

Caught today: 98 pcs.

A Motorcyclops is wanted for randomly being placed in this newspaper article. Exchange its proof of death for a worthy reward.

Caught today: 80 pcs.

Guild Spotlight

Guild Name is a group of 178 brave adventurers, who have climbed to the 4th position in the pantheon of Unity. The upper echelon call themselves “middling”. Despite all the protests, the Mediogre is totem of this guild. They promise a free Godville Times subscription to all new members.

Holy Random is a group of 22 brave adventurers, who have climbed to the 68th position in the pantheon of Duelery. The people muttering about “the good old days” in this guild are known as “karmechanic”. Despite all the protests, the Leeroy Jenkins is totem of this guild. Initiates of this guild never know what they are getting into.

Guild popularity in

7% — Ankh-Morpork City Watch

7% — Blue Feather

6% — Harvest Moon

4% — Knights who say Ni

3% — Soul Reapers

2% — Ghosts along the Mississi...

2% — Band Of Brothers

2% — Ganja Smokers Local 420

2% — Demonlovers

65% — (other guilds)

Buy and Sell

The insane is amassing Godville's largest kraken leash collection, and willing to pay a premium for yours. Head down to “Chattel House” today.

Found today: 34 pcs.

Wanted: a problem solvent. Don't just stand there — sell!

Found today: 38 pcs.


Too heavy to walk? Ready to relieve you of half of your loot bag at your first wish.
Dungeon maps available at deep discount. Visit the Charterhouse for more information.
Are you afraid everyone is out to get you? You are not alone. Tune in to the Truth Hour, every Sunday on KGNF 105.5, Godville's only Text Based Talk Radio.

Daily Forecast

• After observing a meteor shower of gold coins, astrologers concluded that today all monsters should have something valuable on them.

• Astrologers are not sure why, but today every accumulator charge restores 70% of godpower.

Godpower Cap


Ideabox News

• The Ideabox saw 31 ideas yesterday, almost all of which are printable.

Rhons was spotted in the ER. All ideas are requested to form an orderly line and await improvement.

• It's a good thing people like God King June write into the ideabox, or we'd be out of a job.

Forum News

03:28 Accomplishments (Big and Small)

03:23 [Game] The Person Above Me

03:23 [Game] The banning game

00:49 Count as high as possible!

00:48 Acronym game

Broken News

• Did you know that a careful reading of the FAQ increases heroes' level-up speed by 3x?

• The excellent nutrition of the “Brotherhood of Dudeism” guild has made members of the “Guild of the Demon King” guild extremely jealous.

• It’s strange, but all the daily news of Godville magically fits into a single page of our newspaper!

Market Quotes

1 bosscoin

15235 gold coins -3.8%

1 Godville invite

1068 gold coins +7.5%