Greetings, oh patient deities! We came with a fresh update, and dear gods, we’ve crammed in a lot.
Todo Widget
Feast your eyes on the brand new widget for newspaper-related activities (#1 in the screenshot below). It gently reminds you of your (lack of) commitment to the newspaper things – bingo, coupon, crossword, “know your monster”, etc.
And with inventory widget you can now see if there’s an activatable trophy in hero’s bag, indicated by the @ symbol (#2).
Live Activity
The iOS app now features a “Live Activity” during adventures when the app is not active, graciously displaying the turn number and hero’s health in the phone’s top (#3) and on the lock screen (#4).
We hope that this will make adventuring just a tad bit more convenient, especially while juggling several apps at once – you know, the usual deity multitasking. Of course, you can disable this via your phone’s settings or fine-tune in the game. Live Activity for each adventure type shows only if corresponding notification is enabled.
Sailing Helper
A small but surprisingly handy thingy added to seas. When the ark is low on supplies, the sea around it now displays a dotted ring – it’s a visual reminder of the ark’s health and maximum travel distance with current supplies.
To ensure everything in this update works properly, please update your game app: iOS or Android.
New Content
We spent another few weeks in the dreaded Ideabox, overwhelmed with your submissions. Now we’re quite pleased to add 500 new ideas into the game! Look out for new monsters, loot, equipment and hundreds of diary phrases. Hats off to all the contributors, and the ER crew for somehow making sense of it all.
Spring Cleaning
It’s March already, which means it’s time for the traditional “spring cleaning” event. In this forum topic, you can suggest deletions or revisions to any in-game text that you find poorly written, unpleasant or otherwise in need of improvement.