Hey there, celestial crew! Ready for a dash of divine news?
New Achievement
Our valiant heroes are constantly out there, doing their hero thing, and frankly, it’s time we gave them proper credit for their feats. Drumroll, please, for the introduction of the Hotshot achievement.
The 3rd-tier version pops up after any four feats, the 2nd-tier needs a mythical twelve, and the 1st-tier requires even more. If your hero has met the requirements, you should already have seen a new achievement popup.
New Badge Thingy
To make tracking and bragging about your feats and deeds easier, we’ve added a nifty counter to god’s profile page. Right next to your hero’s name and medals, you’ll find a thingy with a number — which is the total of all your achievements and feats. Click on it to dive into the details.
New Feats
Bored with old feats and craving something new? Here are five fresh feats for your hero:
- Get the 1st place in bingo at the end of a day (might be tough, but scores three points right off the bat)
- Complete 5 side jobs in a row (counting starts after this update; also you can ditch side jobs you don’t like using newspaper ad)
- Deliver both a wanted monster and a wanted artifact within one day (within 24 hours is fine too)
- Craft a mystery box (find two bold items starting with ‘m’ and tell your hero to combine them)
- Win three spars with guildmates in a row (because friends who spar together, stay together)
And Even More
- Godpower charge for arena wins rule has changed. Win a fight and you’ll get back up to two charges (twice than before) — if you actually used them in the duel.
- The town your hero is heading back to is now marked on the map. To see it in the mobile apps, make sure to update to the latest version (iOS, Android).
- Mushroom season is here! Till the end of this month heroes will keep stumbling upon toadstools, which grant random aura upon