Epicgram Tales

Feb 13 2025

Good news, tireless deities! Prepare for another pack of godlike goodies.

Epicgram Items
The lives of Godville heroes are so dazzling that it’s a shame they didn’t have a personal chronicler… until now.

Introducing the new Epicgram items! These wondrous devices instantly fabricate a small, but surely epic tale about your hero, exaggerating and embellishing like any self-respecting scribe should.

And if you activate one within a town, it even boosts the hero guild’s influence. Hard to resist, considering it’s completely free to activate, picturize, or share.

New Jobs and Ads
Heroes can now take on a new pilgrimage side job: “Offer prayers in <Some Town>.” Unlike the usual “do something N times” jobs, this one only requires one-time prayer, but in a specific city. Note that you can order your hero to return to the nearest town with a simple “Return!” godvoice.

The newspaper proudly features two new “advertisements”. The first one instantly teleports a hero to their guild HQ town for a quick get-together with the buddies. The second is a risky one – it allows you to gamble hero’s gold for a chance to double it (please don’t do it in real life).

And Even More
Many have probably noticed, but we’ll mention it anyway: every day at 13:00 UTC (8am EST), a “Simplify” button appears in the newspaper crossword, making it significantly easier. Give it a try if you’ve struggled with crosswords before.

Finally, Happy Valentine’s Day! The Godville version is, shall we say, peculiar: almost all bosses are practically dying to give heroes their still-beating hearts, so don’t miss a chance if you need one.

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Holiday Special

Dec 21 2024

Warmest greetings, divine overseers! It’s time to get a regular bunch of good news.

Right off the bat, we’re launching a brand new “Know Your Monster” season. Every day, our newspaper will publish a monster sketch. Guess its name correctly, and you’ll get a special quest with a special outcome for your hero.

Now hold onto your Remotes because Godville is about to turn into a winter wonderland:

  • Lots of seasonal gifts here and there! Your hero will find some on its own, but even more with your help (keep reading!). Activate them for free and enjoy the sweet random rewards they offer. Pro tip: use bingo extraction to get a gift right now.
  • Catch snowflakes! These ❄️ can be obtained in many ways: defeating monsters, catching reindeers 🦌, fishing out of frozen ponds or zapping the godpower capacitor. Then trade them for gold or use as wildcards in the newspaper bingo. And if your hero collects three or more, with a bit of luck they can build a snowman and loot presents from its cold body.
  • Santa Clawses and Satan Clauses roaming the fields, so hunt them for gifts. If you’re lucky, the hero might even tame them.
  • Enjoy seasonal side jobs: easier than unwrapping presents and twice as fun. And if your hero stumbles upon a rare holiday POI, they’ll get an extra reward.
  • Dungeon Forge owners, time to shine! You can plant a Christmas tree in your dungeon and watch heroes collect surprise presents.
  • The festive town of Laplandville, neatly located right next to Godville and known for its discounts and other bonuses, will soon open its door for visitors.
  • New this year and starting tomorrow: Holiday newspaper ‘Ads’, where magic meets marketing! Summon a Satan Claus or manifest a snowflake with a mere click in the newspaper.

The feast continues until January 2nd. May our heroes be merry, and our humor be ridiculous. Happy Holidays!

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Holy Widget

Nov 25 2024

Hey there, divine watchers! We’re back with news you didn’t know you were waiting for.

Introducing Widgets
Big news on the widget front. For starters, we’ve completely revamped Godville widgets for iOS 17+ with 7 variants to choose from.

Android users, rejoice, now you can finally join the widget party! From tiny widgets showing a single phrase or hero stats, to plus-sized ones packed with Remote and everything – choose it to your liking.

Just update your app (iOS or Android), long-press your home screen, and look for “Add widget”.

Quick heads-up: your widget may update with delay (expect 3-5 updates hourly), because mobile vendors limit updates to preserve battery. If the widget appears sluggish, check this guide for some tips – or give it a manual poke. And Android folks, if your widget looks a bit wonky, try resizing it for that perfect fit.

New Content
Fresh content ahoy! We’ve gone treasure hunting in the Ideabox, sorting through your submissions. After tackling half the categories, we’re proud to inject 400+ new ideas into the game, including quirky news bits and, finally, Godville Times refreshment. We particularly love the new punchy headers and the updated guilds section, which now mentions guild HQs town (starting tomorrow). Big thanks to all contributors and the ER team!

Coming Soon
Two special treats heading your way this week. On November 27-28, expect to find some Thanksgiving healing gifts. Then on December 1st, winter officially arrives in Godville – time to chill out with icebergs in frosty seas and enjoy the baitless fishing. Stay tuned!

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Eerie Show

Oct 29 2024

Hey there, fearful deities! We’ve got some trembling news.

Dungeon Refreshments
Let’s stir up the dungeons a bit, shall we? You may have already noticed the new special dungeon with its neat, grid-like layouts – that’s a first thing.

Next, please welcome a brand new type of dungeon: Cave of Demolition. The miracles in these can literally knock down walls around your heroes. With a bit of luck, you might just make a shortcut straight into the treasure room.

And most importantly, get ready for the hundreds of new eerie dungeons: Pits of Graxicity, Tomb of Hoardindance, Crypt of Mystedness, etc. Yep, you guessed it right – dungeons can now have two types at once, leading to some really intriguing combinations. If you can’t figure out the types from the dungeon name, just rely on the bold text with dungeon rules at the raid start.

New Boss Ability
As if dungeons weren’t enough, we’re introducing a new breed of bosses: Escalating. They’re weak at first, starting with just one or two abilities, but they intensify the fight by learning new tricks along the way, right before the horrified heroes’ eyes.

Halloween Special
The annual Halloween Fest is of course here, bringing back all the spooky things. Let’s get scared of:

  • undead monsters β€” they need to be defeated twice to get special loot, including…
  • glowing pumpkins β€” these are free to activate and often morph into valuable things
  • pumpkinized artifacts β€” these come with emojis, making them a hit among new generation of traders
  • the silent Ghost Town at the 13th milestone is obscuring the β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘ while heroes are around
  • a colossal beastie in every sail β€” so huge that you can see it right from the start and go after its booty right away

The spooky event will last for the next three days. Have a nice scare!

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Achievement Unlocked

Sep 09 2024

Hey there, celestial crew! Ready for a dash of divine news?

New Achievement
Our valiant heroes are constantly out there, doing their hero thing, and frankly, it’s time we gave them proper credit for their feats. Drumroll, please, for the introduction of the Hotshot achievement.

The 3rd-tier version pops up after any four feats, the 2nd-tier needs a mythical twelve, and the 1st-tier requires even more. If your hero has met the requirements, you should already have seen a new achievement popup.

New Badge Thingy
To make tracking and bragging about your feats and deeds easier, we’ve added a nifty counter to god’s profile page. Right next to your hero’s name and medals, you’ll find a thingy with a number β€” which is the total of all your achievements and feats. Click on it to dive into the details.

New Feats
Bored with old feats and craving something new? Here are five fresh feats for your hero:

  1. Get the 1st place in bingo at the end of a day (might be tough, but scores three points right off the bat)
  2. Complete 5 side jobs in a row (counting starts after this update; also you can ditch side jobs you don’t like using newspaper ad)
  3. Deliver both a wanted monster and a wanted artifact within one day (within 24 hours is fine too)
  4. Craft a mystery box (find two bold items starting with ‘m’ and tell your hero to combine them)
  5. Win three spars with guildmates in a row (because friends who spar together, stay together)

And Even More

  • Godpower charge for arena wins rule has changed. Win a fight and you’ll get back up to two charges (twice than before) β€” if charges or influences were used in the duel. UPD: there is still a good chance to get a charge just by sending influences.
  • The town your hero is heading back to is now marked on the map. To see it in the mobile apps, make sure to update to the latest version (iOS, Android).
  • Mushroom season is here! Till the end of this month heroes will keep stumbling upon toadstools, which grant random aura upon eating activation.
Comments ( 39 )

Know Your Content

Aug 02 2024

Good news, dear deities!

First of all, please welcome a big content update. We spent a few weeks diving headfirst into the Ideabox, where we sift and approve your ingenious ideas, managing to work through half of the categories. Today we’re infusing the game with six hundred or so new ideas, including diary entries, equipment, trophies, and dungeon entries. Hats off to the all authors and the ER squad for helping with ideas! You’re making the game better.

Secondly, please welcome the new season of Know Your Monster. Every day, our newspaper will publish a monster drawing β€” guess its name and get something in return.

Thirdly, three new feats await heroes’ prowess:

  • Get a new aura through the aura of curiosity (hint: just wait for your hero to self-activate aura-giving artifact)
  • Find dungeon treasure after defeating exactly 5 bosses (no more, no less)
  • Single-handedly light up all lighthouses in one sail

Finally, in the last weeks we have made a bunch of improvements for visually impaired players. If you’ve been playing via web browser, you might’ve noticed some positive changes in dungeons, dungeon forges and datamines.

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Bold Meal

Jun 25 2024

How’s it going, dear deities? We’ve got another hodgepodge of heroism for your godly pleasure. Let’s dig in:

  1. Help is easier to find now β€” while in Godville mobile app, tap on what you’re curious about on the hero’s screen and select “What is it?” to open up a hint (currently works for about half of the stuff).
  2. Two brand-new, activatable “ads” are about to hit the newspaper. The first one is going to swap all potions for bold artifacts, and the second will set up a blind date for your hero with a monster on the wanted list.
  3. Speaking of wanted monsters: β€œa worthy reward” bounty now includes souls, assuming your hero is already collecting them.
  4. The My Ingenious Pieces section now lets you sort through your brilliance β€” whether it’s to admire what’s accepted, popular or ERed. Really handy if you have hundreds of submissions.

And now, after those appetizers, we’re set for the main course: new kind of pets. Let’s meet the latest addition to the pets roster: embolding ones!

No one knows what they really look like, but we are somehow sure they are chunky, big boned and proficient with typography. In practical terms, they could attract monsters carrying bold trophies. More importantly, they could occasionally turn your hero’s gear bold. And as you may recall, bold equipment has its own set of cool perks, making the heroes even more daring and irresistable.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to pick monsters of this new breed. A special Ideabox section is open for the next 48 hours β€” vote for the creatures you’d like to become the next pets. And if you got some other in-game monster suggestions, drop them in the “other” section, and we’ll add the intriguing ones to the vote. Then check back on Thursday to see the list of new pets that made the cut.

UPD: thanks for voting! Here is the list of new pets: Fat Cat (needs level 35+), Grease Monkey (55+), Legal Weasel (70+), Cinnaminion (90+), Wizaardvark (105+), Closet Monster (120+), Bear Minimum (135+), Optimus Slime (160+).

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Birthday Blessing

May 10 2024

Hey, listen! Today Godville turns 14. Fourteen years! We know, it’s almost unbelievable!

Naturally, it’s a day to celebrate. Best wishes to everyone who makes Godville special: the gods watching from above, the heroes battling it out, the creative minds in the ideabox, and the supportive guildmates. And big thanks to you all.

As usual, we’re marking the occasion with gifts. Give your hero a congratulatory god voice and get a birthday pack of free godpower charges. Keep it up for the next three days to triple your bonus!

But wait, there is more. Today we’re introducing a new divine ability: the blessing.

Firstly, it enables you to instantly see what loot (or special ability) every monster carries.

Secondly and more importantly, the blessing allows your hero to gather the resources he needs β€” be it wood, pairs, glyphs, or souls β€” 1.5x faster than he usually gathers on his own. The blessing isn’t cheap, as it takes sixty godpower charges, but its effect lasts for a whole month. See more info on how it works here.

For the active players, this might not be so interesting, cause they are probably already making the most out of their godpower. But if you’re the one who checks-in once a week or so, wondering what to do with these hundreds of temple charges, the blessing could give your hero a nice effortless boost.

And the very first blessing doesn’t even need charges. If you have a temple, open your Remote right now, bless your hero for free and see how it all looks like for the next thirty days. Or just give him a birthday blessing for the sake of it, cause you know, we have a party here.

Happy Birthday, Godville! Here’s to celebrating the old, embracing the new, and continuing the adventure together.

Comments ( 89 )


Mar 31 2024

Today’s a big day, dear deities. For the first time in the history of Godville, a hero reached an epic milestone of collecting a full set of souls. A huge round of applause for Ngma!

So, what’s the grand prize? The list is extensive, so bear with us.

Up first, a gleaming new medal and a fancy title of Soulcatcher, along with a corresponding achievement.

As expected, our pioneer cements their legacy in the Pantheon of Soulfulness.

Their soul extract limit in the Spirit Refinery is increasing to a whopping 200%.

They have the privilege to name their ark, a title they can proudly display on their profile and in sails.

Another great perk β€” soulful hero gets immortality! Talk about an upgrade. It comes with some fine print, here it is:

Immortality doesn’t equal invincibility β€” the hero can still lose to monsters and pass out in dungeons, like with a similar aura. But they can’t be killed; and their pets won’t get knocked out, as there is no longer a need to risk their lives to protect their owners. Immortality lasts for 40 days, after that it can be prolonged with spirit extract and a batch of new souls (those keep piling up). Prolonging is up to deity β€” being mortal has its own charms.

Now, with all these wonders, what’s next? Well, we already have an answer. A soulful hero can now work on Constructs – small-scale projects to enhance their property and unlock unique features.

Currently, there are three constructs available, buildable in any order:

  • The hindsighter for the ark allows taming pets the hero has outgrown level-wise.
  • The cryopod for the lab lets one stash an extra boss inside.
  • The temple tower, while currently featureless, undeniably makes the temple fancier.

Each construct requires various resources, such as spare wood or souls, and takes several months to complete. Naturally, they also could be constructed passively, just slowly β€” this is a Zero Player Game, after all.

Oh, and there is a set of new achievements for constructs.

Whew, this covers it all. Once again, congratulations to Ngma!

Btw, check that your Godville app (iOS, Android) is up to date β€” tomorrow this will come in handy.

Comments ( 54 )

Seasoned Refreshments

Mar 05 2024

Good day to you, divine beings! Please have a little something of everything.

Fresh “Know Your Monster” Season
Yep, Know Your Monster is back again! Every day our newspaper will publish a silly picture of a Godville monster. Name the monster correctly and watch your hero receive a special present. Each KYM season lasts 2-3 months, so don’t miss out.

Brand New Feats
Remember feats β€” fascinating and/or peculiar deeds to proudly present on your champion page? Try out these fresh challenges:

  • “Befriend Godville Administrator” (hint: it’s about monsters, not us!)
  • “Carry bosses’ horn and hoof in inventory at the same time” (not necessarily from the same boss, any will do)
  • “Walk the pet that has sat in the ark for a whole year” (and be responsible for what you’ve tamed)
  • “Complete and turn in two side jobs within 24 hours” (where “turn in” means getting reward at POI)
  • “Miserably fail both arena and dungeon within an hour” (ok, this one looks doable)

Neat Things

  1. The guild stats page now displays the latest feats and achievements among other daily news.
  2. Two new coupons can be found in a dungeon or in the newspaper: one for a pile of gold and another one for a supply crate with random artifacts.
  3. Remember those new activatables that send heroes to dungeons and sail trips for free? Now they will shave off an hour from the timeout if the hero is not ready for adventure yet.

Spring Content Cleaning
Finally, let’s welcome the spring by clearing out the stale content. If you think some of the game texts are inappropriate, poorly worded or just plain boring, share your thoughts here. Btw, your votes in the Ideabox for existing ideas are also making a difference!

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