While the world is going crazy, here is some silly news to relax.
Secret Treasury
Fascinating news from dungeons. There are rumors of a hidden room, stranded in the dusty corners of underground catacombs. It’s just like the treasury, but with even more loot inside. Sweet amenities of this room are guarded by the well-known practice of “security by obscurity”: It’s uncharted, nothing points to it nor even it has a dedicated boss-guardian. Secret treasury can only be found by sheer luck — which is what AFK-parties often rely on.
Sweet Reunion
A little upgrade for the heroic heads — they can now feel the long awaited return of the master. If you haven’t visited your hero for weeks or months he will notice your return and greet you. A mere trifle, but who doesn’t like attention?
Ideas Withdrawal
Quite a few times we received a peculiar feature request — to be able to delete an idea after it was submitted. Well, recently it was added — you have full 10 minutes after sending to change your mind and withdraw an idea before it will go for public voting. You can find the withdrawal link on My ingenious pieces page in the Ideabox.
Spring Cleaning
Finally, let’s welcome the spring by getting rid of old stuff. It’s time for Content Cleaning. If you believe that some of the game’s phrases are poorly worded, inappropriate or just boring please post them here.