Frost Bites

Godville, Dec 01 2020

Winter is Coming
Actually, it’s already here — which means it’s a perfect time to welcome the usual suspects.

The first one is kinda fishy. Fishing is what heroes do a lot in the winter. Hungry fish like it too and will nibble even without bait.

The second one is about ocean cold and what it brings to sails — icebergs. They’re just like reefs, but with an extra refrigeration function, which helps to save supplies while the ark is on it.

Skill Swaps
A hero is nothing without his superpowers aka skills. As you know, a hero could swap a skill for another one whenever he feels like it, which doesn’t happen too often. From now on, there is a way to give him a divine kick in that direction — a special activatable artifact. Once triggered, it will forcefully replace an existing skill with some other one. It’s not like you have to use it, but if you want – the option is there.

Content Update
Every once in a while we dive deep into the Ideabox to get back with a fresh bunch of game texts. Today is one of these resurfacing days. Having sorted through the vast deposits of just four ideabox drawers, we’re glad to report that hundreds of new diary phrases, quests, and artifacts are now in the game. And it’s not over just yet — more will be added over the next few days. Big thanks to all the authors and ER-editors!

One more nice thing — while the idea is in ER you can quickly jump to it right from your ingenious pieces. Handy!

Comments (36)
Rabarba Dec 01 2020 15:50

Cool, long live the Godville!

Jim22 5 Dec 01 2020 15:50

Awesome devs, keep up the good work and I’ll keep enjoying it! 👍🏻

Beausoleil 6 Dec 01 2020 15:52

Thanks for the updates and for keeping the game fresh and interesting.

Bigbeerman 6 Dec 01 2020 15:52

Hip hip hooray!

Snowplug4man Dec 01 2020 15:53

Thank you development team for making the holidays something to look forward to

Hershey Almighty 7 Dec 01 2020 15:58

Looking forward to seeing the new content as always! Thanks and happy holidays!!!

TaiJuan 6 Dec 01 2020 16:01

Thanks, Devs.

Weise Socke 5 Dec 01 2020 16:07

Just awesome 🤗👍👍

NebulousOne 6 Dec 01 2020 16:09

Interesting improvement in Godville!

Recliner 4 Dec 01 2020 16:30

Thanks guys, these changes look like fun!

Jimbob64 6 Dec 01 2020 16:35

Thank you for the million quality of life updates- it’s especially exciting to see the results of those deep dives into ideabox, both as it happens and when we see new content for several months afterward.

Linking to ER will make it much quicker to see what’s happening with our ideas, which can be educational.

Even the usual winter perks like ice fishing and icebergs are welcome every time.

Happy December!

Waxweather 5 Dec 01 2020 17:01

Is there a way to put a pet in the Ark so you can have more than one?

Brinjal 6 Dec 01 2020 17:09

Thanks for the updates, Godville!

By the way, Waxweather, there should be a “put into the ark” button in the pet section of your hero info once you have an ark.

Cwpjacky 4 Dec 01 2020 17:43


Hankvi Guidza 6 Dec 01 2020 19:02

Well done! All very interesting and heartwarming.

Infinitecircle 7 Dec 01 2020 19:15

Great additions. Keep them coming.

Awesomeness Fawn 6 Dec 01 2020 20:23

Thank you for your hard work. You are awesome!

Eos Erigeneia Dec 01 2020 20:36

Thanks for the update! Funny enough I just got the swap skill book today. I wonder how common it is.

Elantien 4 Dec 01 2020 21:12

❄️ Thanks for the updates ! ❄️

Corelia Core Dec 01 2020 22:44

Yayyyy!! Thanks for the hard work! I can’t wait for the new stuff to show upp

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