

Hope Sigmund 14

level 54

Just a hero with a buzz

Age 4 years 3 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 71 thousand
Death Count 35
Wins / Losses 3 / 3
Temple Completed at 11/16/2023
Wood for Ark 8.0%
Savings 298 thousand (1.0%)
Pet Sun dog Toto


Weapon nerf cannon +62
Shield shield of dreams +63
Head horns of a dilemma +63
Body turncoat +62
Arms autumn sleeves +62
Legs feet of strength +63
Talisman medal of horror +63


  • palm of the panda level 29
  • disarming smile level 28
  • somersault squatting level 25
  • teeth gnashing level 25
  • contagious yawning level 21
  • opacity control level 18
  • pocket hypnotoad level 18
  • backyard portal level 18
  • toe-bite level 18
  • Cheshire smile level 17




  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Renegade, 1st rank
  • Favorite, 2nd rank
  • Animalist, 3rd rank
  • Freelancer, 3rd rank
  • Hunter, 3rd rank
  • Martyr, 3rd rank
  • Saint, 3rd rank
  • Shipwright, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

Hope never thinks himself as a candidate worthy to be a hero plus being accompanied by their personal god/goddess. Which sounds really cool if it is. But its not so long as one day he joined the sacrificial ritual at his small village near Godville, a goddess appear near him and introduce herself. The ritual then was done. The village is safe from the cursed famine.

Hope then becomes a hero and vow to the new goddess to serve. Even if he is new to swordmanship and not as brave as other hero, Hope knew that he will do whatever it takes to pledge his loyalthy to his goddess.

He held his goddess hand’s. Together they vanquish monster and evils to bring peace to the world.