Greetings, dear gods and goddesses! As usual, we have some exciting news.
New Side Jobs
Please welcome two new kinds of side jobs. The first one should be a no-brainer for the heroes as it only requires writing in the diary. The second one rewards finding boss parts, which can be found in various places — from dungeons and mini-quests to fishing.
New Bosses Ability
For the first time in years bosses gained a new ability — сhipping. These guys can chip away bits of the heroes equipment, dealing it some damage and lowering its level. Besides making bosses more varied, it could also come in handy for equipment side jobs.
Lots of New Phrases
Once again the time has come to sort out Ideabox submissions. We’ve been doing just that for the last few weeks, plowing through half of the Ideabox sections. And we’ve just added hundreds — seven hundreds, to be precise — new phrases for diary, duels and dungeons. Thanks to everyone involved!
Reworked Ideabox Form
We also reworked the idea submission form. Firstly, before sending a phrase you can now select the phrase type — this will help ER-editors in voting and improve the idea’s chances to be accepted. Secondly, now there are phrase examples — just like in ER. Third, you might get some tips in a submit popup. Fourth, the form now has quick links to Ideabox guidelines and common variables list. All these are optional, but we hope they will be helpful.
Apps Improvements
The game’s mobile apps have been updated (Android, iOS). Beside the above mentioned new Ideabox form, there is also a new search feature: use search box on the Friends screen to find any god (not just friends) by their name. Finally, the old Mini-remote on iOS is now more visible and handy.