Happy 12th

Godville, May 10 2022

Hey, you know that today is a special day, right?

Twelve (12!) years ago Godville opened its doors to everyone looking for lazy adventures and occasional giggles. Back then we couldn’t even imagine how it would all pan out, but apparently you – gods – liked it.

Today our heroes are adventuring up and below the ground, over the seas and even venture into less tangible dimensions. We sure hope it won’t stop there and there will be even more interesting things for heroes and their deities to enjoy.

All of this wouldn’t be possible without the support from our incredible community of Godville gods. Constant influx of ideas and feedback from you is what keeps the game interesting and fresh – even after 12 years. Thank you all!

Moving on to the more practical part. First of all, make sure to congratulate your hero with a godvoice to get a festive pack of godpower charges. Use godpower capacitor (while not in a duel) to get another bonus. Be on the lookout for the special anniversary monsters gleaming with godpower. Do that for the next 3 days to keep this party going.

Let the celebration begin! Feel free to congratulate everyone in the comments. There is no special bonus for this, just the good vibes for us all.

Happy 12th, everyone!

Comments (133)
The Antipunk 5 May 10 2022 12:23

Happy anniversary Godville! Thank you for all the fun!

Godonetwothree 4 May 10 2022 12:24

Happy anniversary!!!

Feit May 10 2022 12:28

Happy 12th anniversary! Cheers to many more years to come!

Cipres May 10 2022 12:29

Hey congratulations; I am new, but really enjoying all that you had made and looking forward to finish that temple and reach the Dungeon content and, in a far off future, navigation. I am impressed by all the creativity that went into this.

WardPhoenix 5 May 10 2022 12:33

Happy 12th!

Orilina 5 May 10 2022 12:33

Happy 12th Anniversary of Godville!

Phiii May 10 2022 12:37

Happy 12 annoz!

Pazriel May 10 2022 12:37

Congrats! And happy 12 :D

Thrith May 10 2022 12:40

Happy 12th peeps! Honoured to be apart of this wonderful family🍻

JoergSievers 5 May 10 2022 12:46

12 years… wow… Congratulations 👍

Jimbob64 6 May 10 2022 12:51

12 years already? Wow. And awesome. Here’s to many more years of shameless puns and adventure.

Strapping Young Vlad 4 May 10 2022 12:52

Congratulations on 12 years Godville!

Torenia 5 May 10 2022 12:55

Congrats! Happy 12th Anniversary!! ੯ू•ू ໒*꒱

Turnip God May 10 2022 12:55

Now this isn’t my 12th year but it is my 12th day. Congratulations on 12 years!

Wadeston 5 May 10 2022 13:00

Congratulations everyone! Here’s to another year stressing and fussing over our less than able Heroes and Heroines!

Azzageddi 6 May 10 2022 13:02

Congratulations, admins and the whole GV community!

Niubi 4 May 10 2022 13:04

congratulations everyone !

Brinjal 6 May 10 2022 13:06

Happy 12 years of godville! Thanks to the devs for keeping the game turning, and the community for being amazing!

Cinisi 6 May 10 2022 13:08

Grats Godville and all players!

Omniscient Reader 4 May 10 2022 13:09

*insert Pewdiepie’s Congratulations song
Ayy Congratulations! It’s a celebration! Party all day…

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