There was a farmer, had a dog, Michaelus was his name… oh. The farmer was Michaelus, not the dog. He had a couple of cats too, and enjoyed drinking a bit much. The farm wasn’t doing too well, what with the monsters wandering onto the property mussing up the gourds. Between those and the beasties always hiding in the tall grass, Michaelus got used to carrying a big stick into most encounters. After awhile, the gourds were all but forgotten, the house sold to pay off debts, the pets tearfully re-homed, and Michaelus ponderously padded down perilous paths punching pests for prizes. Between the drinks and the random encounters, Michaelus found himself down in ditches more often than not, but never dead for long. After awhile the booze haze cleared enough for him to realize the annoying voice in his head wasn’t just guilt-driven drivel, but might actually be the reason he kept regrowing a drowned liver and stolen kidneys… Or maybe its just too much happy-juice combined with generous helpings of knocks to the head. Well… things can’t get much worse, and the Lady in his head isn’t always nice, but she does seem to care.
Sooo, while I was out winning fights and earning gold for bee…uiiilding your glittering temple, I happened upon a lone dog with a matted mane. Intrigued, I approached the creature, but failed miserably at sneaking, earning a yelp and a blast of crackling electricity! Luckily, with the shocking lessons in discipline you have given me thus far, it was easy for me to shrug off such a minor jolt. The beast however, appeared in awe, and began to follow after me. Some time together sharing meals around campfires and beer rounds in taverns, and I have decided to name him “Oy”, after the noise he makes in warning whenever I’m ambushed by monsters or fleeced by traders. He reminds me of the pets I once had… I hope they’re all doing well in their new homes.
My Goddess, is it alright for me to have this small helping of happiness?
I didn’t hear a no!
Come on, Oy! Lets go get some golden bricks!
Found an interesting pamphlet in the Temple District of Godville. I placed it in my diary, hoping my Goddess would take a peek.
“God Idurr’s Way of Gentle Guidance:
Tired of Punishing your dear mortals, simply to melt wealth into gold bricks? Here’s an alternative!
You can encourage your hero whenever they have more than 3k gold. That has a very high chance of converting the 3k gold into a gold brick based on the day’s price. And Encouraging for gold bricks is best done when the hero is at max health. Higher chance of success. This is all better than the hero wasting the gold on beer or fines.
Then there’s bosses. Tell your hero to dig when they are in the field and they may unearth a boss. High chance of getting a brick drop plus tons of gold to convert to bricks. Also watch out for notifiactions of folks hunting bosses nearby.
Also, look out for monsters with the ‘Bricked’ identifier. They can drop gold bricks when defeated, although it’s a very low chance.”
And Lo’! My Brilliant Lady Pazriel grew even more tolerant of my mistakes and more forgiving of my transgressions! Thank you, God Idurr! Surely a prayer of appreciation to you will be tolerated by my ever more benevolent Goddess!
As Oy and I were drinking in Monsterdam one fine morning, I had another patron whistle and pad over to us, looking appraisingly over Oy’s now sparking mane and glossy fur. “That’s one fine specimen of a Sun Dog you got there, kid!” said the patron, giving Oy a friendly pat on the head. A jolt of static electricity and some laughs later, I learned more about Oy’s species and gained a deeper appreciation for my mostly loyal and always adorable furry traveling companion. When we finally left the establishment, I found my coinpouch much lighter than I’d expected for just beerkfast, but I suppose that friendly monstrologist may have had sticky fingers alongside their friendly demeanor. They certainly could guzzle a beer with grace… maybe I’d just been fleeced by a veteran hero/ine! What a way to start the day. Oh well, might as well go earn some coins towards beerunch with my trusty Canis solem. “C’mon Oy! Lets see if your slobber really is venemous!”.
Things were good for a time, and then I began dreaming only of golden bricks. Day in and day out, all I can think of is building a gleaming temple for my Goddess. If this weren’t enough, I’ve grown to fear the jingle of coins on my person! l gain gold only to attract lightning! I’ve noticed other heroes dungeoning and sailing, and it makes me wonder if my Goddess is growing bored of this golden grind. Please, oh Shockingly Luminous One! I’m just trying my best here! Have patience with meeEEeeEeEee…
Covered head to toe in electrical burns and ash, on the fourth month and twentieth day in service to my Divine Lady, I’ve finally completed Her golden temple. What a sight to behold! Our own temple among the rows and rows of other shining examples… but my Lady’s glows brightest! As if all was known, I was lifted up with a Miracle, her touch no longer shocking, but gentle. My Lady, I’ve done it! I’ve finally done it! I did my best and it paid off! Ha…haha…HAHAHAHAHAAA! I’m done, I’m finally done! I’m… what’s this about an Ark now?
Oh boy, my first dungeon! Diving deep with Neglios, we fought boss after boss, between each glorious battle finding random rooms of devious traps or wonderous reprieve. While exploring room after room of impossible biomes, we even found an altar to pray at and refresh our spirits! Finally, the stench of a final boss reached our noses, and overhearing our complaints, the fiercest of the monsters charged out! A fearsome battle ensued, far worse than the usual tickle-fights and rock-paper-scissors matches, but my glorious Goddess was looking out for me, and I survived to claim more gold than I’d ever had at once! So at once upon reaching the surface, I spent it all celebrating at the tavern, telling Oy of my wild adventures dungeon delving!
O… I shuppoze I shuld ‘ave shayvd shome ov da gold fer ree-tire-ment… AN’ I WILL! neksht time! Promish!
Oh boy, my second dungeon! I’ll make enough gold to buy all the finest beer and ale in town!
… ! … !! … !!! … !!!! … !!!!! …. What the heck?!
My Goddess! Why hast thou forsaken me? Where is your healing encouragement to ease my pains and raging bolts to smite mine enemies? We have barely breached the surface and I’m already bruised and barely breathing. If it wasn’t for the other gods’ miracles and blessings, I’d have been minced meat! Already two of our party have been reduced to charred chunks, and this room’s getting awfully hot…
Pasiphae told me later, as she hauled our sorry butts from the dungeon exit, that I’d been royally roasted by a fire trap. She’d made it out, barely in one piece, but the rest of us met our undignified ends in that dungeon. I suppose, maybe, I should keep my promises about depositing into savings more often… but thinking of all that treasure and gold lost just, ugh! Losing is such thirsty work! I could really use a drink!
C’mon Oy! Let’s butter-up some suckers and batter-down some doors! It’s the cheapest swill at the bottom of the barrels in Godville tonight!
Over a year has passed since the completion of my glorious Goddess’s glamorously golden temple, and I’ve finally collected enough gopher wood for a small ark. It isn’t much, but this big ol’ boat is ours. I might as well keep working on this ship though, as I continue finding and receiving gopher wood during and as rewards for my questing. Hard to believe these golden bricks I once suffered so harshly for, are now just gleaming paperweights to be sold off like any other loot.
Though my ark isn’t very big, Manimals and Fenimals are already crawling aboard. My Lady, can’t we go on a cruise just the two of us? Sometimes I feel as if you pay more attention to Oy and these wayward beasties than you do to me. I’m glad I’d already decided to keep building on our ark, since Oy’s practically the size of a lion now and taking up so much space. He’s such a good boi, my Oy, but he looks so tired as we go out and about; he hardly even guzzles beers with me anymore. Once our ark is big enough, maybe I’ll let him take a long rest with the other creatures who’ve taken shelter in what’s really a barnboat at this point.
I thought it was all just nautical jargon, but I finally grasp why they call it a “poop deck”. Maybe I’ll start trading these golden bricks I keep finding to someone who’ll clean the boat full-time… Hmmm… Maybe I can convince the younger hero/ines around town to clean the ark for golden bricks? I’m sure if I called it a quest, at least one of the drunker kids’d do it, hahaha… uh oh, I’m far too young to be thinking like a merchant. Gotta get back out there! C’mon Oy y’big lug! I don’t feel like cleaning so lets go get more gopher wood and just build new, clean rooms on the ship! Hah! A loophole!
Oy, my sweet boi, always protecting me on our journeys through the spiral’s wilds, is really racking up bills with his veterinary care! I’m not sure if it’s his sheer tiger-size or his orneriness around strangers, but the temples in towns are charging me entire treasure hoards of gold to patch him up. Now, My Lady, don’t get me wrong; I’m more than happy to foot the bill. I’m just growing anxious on how much longer I’ll be able to amass such fortunes from wandering monsters and dungeons alone. I think it may finally be time to set our boat out to sail, and find treasures on the seas outside the spiral! We’ve had this ark for months now and still haven’t taken it out for a spin… C’mon, O’ Gleaming and Luminous One, let’s leave the turf and catch some surf!
Oh joy! Finally a divine sign to set to sea for the maiden voyage of our glorious SS Barnboat! With Neglios offering to share the experience alongside me, we set off… but he’s nowhere to be seen! Through the ocean’s mists, three foreign arks break from port to sail these same tumultuous seas as me. There’s plenty ocean enough for the four of us, and the more the merrier I say!
Ah, a fellow adventuring ark is coming up to me, maybe they’ve need of some fellow heroic company?
Before I could even wave and smile, the hero/ine set upon me! Fleeing the nautical assault of harpoons and sailor’s swears, I barely had time to start patching up my ark’s hull before being beset upon next by an enormous sea beastie! My Goddess, I can see your signs directing me to safe harbors, and this is surely why I did not sink, but your divine winds sound more like sighs of resignation than joyous exclamation. A single booty to my name from an island away from the action, and I retreated back to terrestrial territories after feeling I’ve had enough of getting my feet wet at sea. Next time, My Lady, we’ll surely fare better!
I’ve been hearing my Goddess’s words echoing throughout the realm. Clearly, other deities have taken a liking to these divine scriptures and radiant messages. I wonder then, why my Glorious Goddess grumbles grudgingly? Clearly, the best course of action is to share Her words more clearly! Remember, my Gleaming Goddess, that imitation is the greatest form of flattery!
A) Abandon Quest (everywhere except during boss-fights and duels):
Abandon quest / cancel quest / drop quest stop quest.
B) Attack (during combat, duels, and boss-fights):
My Wrath unbound / to guide your Strike / so lay the Beat down / with a baleful Smite!
Slay it / flay it / straight up filet it!
Punch, kick / poke with stick / smite it, bite it / put it on a spit!
Slash it / bash it / smash it / and cash in!
C) Back to town (wilderness only):
Go shop / Go trade / Go buy / Return to town so you might survive.
D) Death (while traveling and questing; doesn’t work with aura of immortality):
The Die is cast / with this Deadly demand / in Dying you’ll complete / my Death command.
E) Dig for treasure/boss (when going to/from field and while in the field):
Wondrous Treasures beneath your feet / simply go Dig and seek / Gold is great and so are you / c’mon buckaroo.
Seek and be bold / for wondrous gold / dig and behold / treasures untold!
F) Experience (in field, to/from field, and in town):
If you Learned from your mistakes / I wouldn’t have to Teach you / how to avoid painful Experiences.
G) Healing (in the field and during duels/boss-fights):
To Heal Healthily helps hush the hurt / and bring to heel / pain otherwise Healed / with Healthy practices.
It is Good to Refresh yourself / Hold on to life and Live well!
Renew your zeal / Rest now and Heal.
H) Prayer (everywhere except when actively in combat and healing in the field):
Fall to your Knees and Pray / your Dreams be filled with Praise / if you worship true I’ll be With you.
I) Prayer/Sacrifice:
Sacrifice is what I need / be it with purse, word, prayer or deed.
J) Quest (only works in the field):
Questing is a serious Job / Hurry and complete this Task!
Your Job is to Quest / I Task you to Hurry / My patience wanes thin / You might want to worry.
I hate to be a Taskmaster / but this Job won’t do itself / please Hurry up this Quest.
K) Sacrifice (everywhere except for in town):
I seek entertainment / whether virtue or vice / with divine ordainment / ye shalt sacrifice.
May my Lady’s friends and rivals benefit from these powerful prompts! Praise be She! Oy, why are you running away? Why does everything smell like ozone? Oh no! Wait! My Goddess WAIT PLEASE NOOOOO!!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️
On the date 7/29/2024, an enormous pillar of purest blue fell from the sky, crushing the monster I was fighting. Inscribed upon the monolith were the words “Cleared bingo for the second time!”. As quickly as it had come, the column disappeared into a torrent of azure light, leaving behind a pile of gold! Congratulations, my most terrifying and benevolent goddess!
On the date 8/13/2024, the 500th Fenimal boarded our ark. I really need to speed up building more rooms and floors, as the Barnboat’s really filling up!
Likely lured by the smell of fresh feed and pheromones, on the date 8/16/2024, the 500th Manimal boarded our ark. My lady, this marks the halfway-point of saving each species! We’re almost ready for any watery disaster to befall Godville! Not that I’m asking for it, Most Righteous One, but it would speed up cleaning all the refuse and graffiti from the ship… just sayin’.
My Lady!
After nearly two days of failing to secure the necessary funds for my pet’s extortionate vet bill, Oy’s lustrous coat and sparky charm was dulling fast; my beautiful Sun-Dog’s vitality ebbing away before my very eyes. As if summoned by my distress, Neglios appeared, leading me in a daring dungeon-dive! Combining the treasures reappropriated from boss hoards and what gold I’d scrounged together, I was able to foot the bill and put Oy back to rights! With my sweet boi shining bright again, I offered a quick prayer to Apathanos and beers to Neglios in thanks for their most heroic assitance in rescuing my precious companion.
On 9/26/2024, the sky alighted with purest blue and exploded into an uncountable number of azure sparks. Gold rained from the heavens as a song rang through my very bones “B-B-BIG BINGO!”. With one fell submission, my most fortunate Gleaming Goddess completed the entire Bingo Board! Such luck must prove Her a favored Divinity of the Great Random Itself! All hail Pazriel! All hail… oh… just me? Well, woohoo anyways! Hip hip hurrah and chip-cheerio! Now off to spend this fortune on testing my own luck against thousands of gold worth of braggadocious brews!
🎶Luck bless my liver tonight! Luck bless my liver tonight! Luck if you ever blessed a liver in this city, Luck bless my liver tonii~iight!🎶
On 11/14/2024 @1812, Oy the Sundog level 63, retired with 2 years & 7 months of loyal service; Earning his longest rest in the Barnboat. Rest well, Oy, you were the boonest of companions and the bestest of bois. 😢😭
On 9/9/24, I reached Hotshot 3rd rank.
On 9/13/2024, I turned in wanted artifact & monster within 1 day.
On 9/17/2024, I got a new aura through an aura of curiosity.
On 9/30/2024, I reached Dueler 3rd rank.
On 11/18/2024 @1351, I awoke from my depressed daze to a porcine arachnid having fallen into my backpack. Grabbing it by the scruff, I found myself instead with a trophy, the monster scuttling away with great speed. Bristling, the creature pointed its snout at me and clicked its mandibles, multiple sets of beady eyes all staring me down. With a feral leap, the Spider Pig attacked, and just then I twisted my ankle and went down. Luckily, as the eight hoofed monstrosity knocked me out of my boots, the last of Oy’s static-electricity sparked from my socks and shocked the monster, leaving it unmoving beside me. I tied some of its silk around my ankle, and threw the monster over a low-hanging branch, stabilizing and elevating my now swollen appendage. I probably should have checked to see if the hairy-little-horror was dead, as I awoke to it dragging me all around the Spiral. I’m not sure if this is the safest way to travel, but it sure is quick, and maybe it was just the last of Oy’s juice, but this Spider Pig seems to have taken a shine to me. I think I’ll call it… Scrat.
Scrat the lvl 1 Spider Pig joins lvl 89 Michaelus Pilido’s adventuring party.
On 3/21/25, a bolt of blue lightening landed at my feet, leaving behind a cake with three candles… My adventuring career has turned three years old! With a celebratory blessing from my Goddess, I just reached level 94! I have vanquished over 220400 monsters, saved over 9M 660k gold, have collected 880 Fenimals and Manimals, have over 175% of my Arc completed, and am an honored favorite and honored careerist. I have achieved first rank in animalist, builder and shipwright. I am 6 side-jobs from freelancer 1st rank, and have completed 11 Feats. Dueling, I have 53 wins and 48 losses (most of which were ZPG duels), and have died over 66 times. I am a Phoenix ranked member of the Blue Feather guild, and have fallen to 27th in the Storytelling pantheon. My next highest pantheon rankings are Gratitude and Survival, at 1052 and 1632 respectively. My highest level equipment is a +106 Weapon, and lowest is +102 Talisman. My current pet after the retirement of my longtime traveling companion, Oy the Sundog, is Scrat the Spider Pig. Scrat is level 22 and has been adventuring with me for the last 4 months and 2 days. I am still “Just trying my best here” as I adventure through Godville’s Spiral, bashing baddies and bringing back the bacon, my Goddess bestowing bombastic boons and blasting banishing bolts. Thanks for the fun times, My Lady, and thanks to all the other deities and their Hero/ines for making Godville great! As I blow out these candles, I wish to have another wonderful year with you all!