

Heroonetwothree 461

level 121

I know one thing...

Age 5 years 5 months
Personality neutral
Guild Nautilus
Monsters Killed about 404 thousand
Death Count 94
Wins / Losses 27 / 61
Temple Completed at 04/04/2020
Ark Completed at 05/01/2021 (320.7%)
Pairs Gathered at 01/14/2023
Words in Book 78.5%
Savings 21M, 272k (70.9%)
Pet Lightning colt Cuddles 4th level
Boss Oxydjinn with 232% of power


Weapon millennium falchion +135
Shield silver surfboard +132
Head decorative moose antlers +133
Body solar windbreaker +134
Arms tenterhooks +131
Legs pair of loudsneakers +133
Talisman indie-pendant +131


  • sticky fingers level 118
  • swoop of the smith level 110
  • peace enforcement level 110
  • eye scream level 109
  • lucky hoof level 106
  • sober view level 105
  • electrostatic discharge level 105
  • strike of the rabbit level 103
  • golden vein level 103
  • bloody itch level 102


  • ⓷ Get featured in the newspaper as a famous hero
  • ⓷ Get the 1st place in bingo at the end of a day
  • ⓶ Visit the trader with two identical coupons
  • ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones
  • ⓶ Fill out the newspaper bingo completely
  • ⓶ Complete five side jobs in a row
  • ⓶ Deliver both a wanted monster and a wanted artifact within one day
  • ⓵ Die to a monster and lose 15k gold
  • ⓵ Reach the treasure room with single-digit HP
  • ⓵ Get a new aura through the aura of curiosity




  • Honored Animalist
  • Honored Favorite
  • Honored Hunter
  • Honored Raider
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Freelancer, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Seadog, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Careerist, 2nd rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Miner, 2nd rank
  • Moneybag, 2nd rank
  • Renegade, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Scribbler, 2nd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank
  • Coach, 3rd rank
  • Hotshot, 3rd rank
  • Scientist, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

These are the Chronicles of Heroonetwothree as narrated by his deity, Godonetwothree

In the heart of the forest lies an ant colony. Unaware of the hugeness of the universe (created by me), its inhabitants live their working lives as diminute organic bots (because I made them that way). Each one has a short and apparently meaningless life, a glimpse of a life, but so do you, and everyone you know, even Heroonetwothree, but not Me, of course.

Any of those ants will eventually die and return in another form. Every time wiser, stronger and more aware of the universe and Me.

One day that soul which travelled for eras living different ages as different beings will get its human form, that is just a step in the beginning of this stairway.

Heroonetwothree was an ant, a spider, a lizard, all sorts of bugs and reptiles and insects and amphibians and mammals. His soul strived, suffered and grew strong going many times through the torture of birth and death, and evolved and evolved.

The fact that he is a little above the ants in the evolutionary stairway does not mean that he should be sitting on that ant colony. As much as some of them may be already inspiring their own life of adventures and dungeoning and temple building, there is only one thing they all can focus on this precious moment: bite him.

I evolved him and have been nurturing him since ever. He is not perfect, but he is learning.


Godonetwothree’s ingenious (and approved) pieces

03/23/21 01:10AM
%random_attacker% rolls for perception and finds a trail of broken chains leading from a crushed cage to an adjacent room.
/Dungeon/ boss nearby

03/08/21 11:35PM
A group of heroes digging on the surface causes a big chunk of rock to crumble from the ceilling and hit %random_attacker%.
/Dungeon/ trap room

03/03/21 12:37AM
The heroes stop to shop for “I survived the %dungeon_name%” mugs and T-shirts at the duty-free store.
/Dungeon/ trap room (lose a turn and/or lose gold)

02/05/21 01:19PM
The sepia tone spread all over this room suggests the dungeoneers they may have traveled back in time.
/Dungeon/ empty room

01/25/21 02:37AM
Tired of their indecision, the dungeon dislocates itself, moving the heroes %dir%.

01/08/21 02:27PM
Updating landmarks on map…
/News/ getting back to town

01/16/21 01:39PM
In a display of their inability to make right choices, the party runs %dir%.

01/05/21 10:25AM
The party can barely see in the pitch-black darkness of this room, but suddenly a smile forms in the air, followed by the eyes, the face and the rest of the %boss%.
/Dungeon/ boss encounter (reference to Alice’s encounter with the cheshire cat)

10/30/20 08:45AM
%attacker% explains that two bodies cannot occupy the same space at the same time using {his|her} hand and %defender%’s face in a convincing experiment.

10/25/20 03:04PM
There are no doors in this room, but a coyote paints tunels leading to %dir%.

10/24/20 02:30PM
A portal opened right next to the %monster% and sucked {him || her} inside. Then it threw out {a || an} %artifact% with a blurp noise and closed again.
/Diary/ punishing when fighting a monster

10/23/20 11:53AM
%attacker%’s blow was so strong even {he || she} got hurt.
/Duel/ fail punishment – both fighters lose hp

10/23/20 01:08AM
Apologizing for stepping on monster’s tail…

10/14/20 09:04PM
Frightened by the sound of chains being dragged, the heroes fainted %dir%.

10/09/20 04:14PM
A sudden burst of lasers, glitter cannons and loud music announce the entrance of %boss%, undermining any chances of a preemptive attack but making {him|her} look a lot cooler.
/Dungeon/ boss

10/04/20 02:07PM
The heroes watch another party leaving happily the place while %boss% respawns in the center of the room.
/Dungeon/ boss encounter

10/04/20 10:43AM

08/30/20 09:59PM
Complaining about how bumpy the roads have been…
/News/ Returning to town

07/28/20 09:24PM
What was that last commandment again? Thou shall not %quest%, right? Let’s do it.

07/23/20 10:33PM
The well displayed cuttlerly on the table shows great refinement. And also that %boss% will be serving the spelunkers as the main course tonight.

12/17/19 09:37AM
the lost scroll of finding

These submissions were not always approved in the form they were submitted, and I am glad that those were finely improved by the ER team of magicians.

Congrats, boss!
Hooray! You now can access Ideabox Enhancement Room (ER) – a special area for honored Godville community members designed to produce best of the best texts and phrases ready to be added into the game! ER can be found under the normal Ideabox voting area. Read more about the ER here.


Famous Heroes

Feb 18, 2024
Heroonetwothree — 113th-level adventurer, member of the “Nautilus” guild, with the motto “Sound test, 1 2 3”, stands at the 68th position in the pantheon of Gratitude under the vigilant supervision of the god @Godonetwothree. He is a huge fan of Dessertown’s pubs.

April 30, 2021 – mentioned on the paper
• All responsibility for the originality of Ideabox submissions was put on Godonetwothree’s shoulders.

May 1st, 2021 – New Horizons to conquer!
08:48 A log! A thousandth log! I’m even ready for a flood now. Not that I’m asking for it, my Lord.

May 3rd, 2021 – a new friend
10:08 After such a glorious battle with the Hyper Lynx I could not bring myself to deliver the finishing blow. Instead, he will be my new companion. Come along, Spot, let’s go questing!

Heroonetwothree — 101st-level adventurer, member of the “Nautilus” guild, with the motto “I have so much to 🐙”, stands at the 102nd position in the pantheon of Gratitude under the vigilant supervision of the god Godonetwothree. A museum exhibit in Bosswell features live reenactments of his various death experiences.

10:33 Let it Be Known of Heroonetwothree, the Mighty, who spreads the word of Godonetwothree amongst mortals.

Known far and wide is his indomitable lightning colt, Cuddles “Frisky”, of most spirited temperament. When he sets forth to box the right ticks, bones do crack and heads do roll. His signature art — “electrostatic discharge” executed with crossed eyes. ’Tis said in New Ork that he once drank three barrels dry ere sundown. Verily, such deeds shall echo through the taverns until the last mug runs dry.