Picture This

Godville, Nov 29 2022

Good news, everyone! Just as usual.

Godville Content Picturizer
Did you hear about image generation neural networks that create amazing pictures from a simple text prompt?

Here in Godville we have a lot of text and not so many pictures. So a few months ago we hooked up a neural network for creating Godville-related art, named it Picturizer and gave early access to some gods.

It went really well, so today we can finally open Picturizer for a broader audience โ€” namely, all gods with Ideabox IQ >= 10 (image generation takes a lot of processing power, so we can’t make it available for everyone, at least not for now). For those who are curious, but can’t access it yet โ€” here is how it looks like.

To sweeten up the experiment we will reward the best pictures with gratitude points. (If you already used Picturizer and submitted images, check it again to see if anything was approved โ€” we’ve rewarded dozens of pics.) The approval will happen every week for at least the end of this year.

You can find the Picturizer link in the Ideabox monster’s section. Feel free to discuss it and its art here.

Guild Council Reactions
The internal guild chat is a nice aspect of any talkative guild. Now it could also be colorful, because you can finally add reactions to Guild Council messages. You know, these colorful thingies like ๐Ÿ‘, ๐Ÿ”ฅ and ๐Ÿ˜ก that some people really like for some reason.

To use this feature be sure that you’ve updated the Godville app (Android, iOS) to the latest version released today.

Winter is Coming
By the way, winter is just a day away. That means heroes can expect three things.

Firstly, more frequent fishing โ€” in winter fish nibble even without a bait. Secondly, icebergs in seas colored thingies theyโ€™re just like reefs, but save your supplies while the ark is on it. Thirdly, Christmas presents are getting closer… but let’s keep that one till the next announcement.

Comments (30)
Keleios 7 Nov 29 2022 19:53

Thanks Devs! Love how you keep making updates and changes and listen to us.

Coddin 6 Nov 29 2022 19:53

Thanks Devs! Love that youโ€™re keeping things fresh constantly. Exactly why Iโ€™ve played this game just one month shy of 12 years!

Recliner 4 Nov 29 2022 19:59

Thanks! Great game addition once again.

Therunespectre 6 Nov 29 2022 20:15

Awesome! I love the picturizer and am looking forward to the holiday event :) ๐ŸŽ
Hoping to tackle a few snowmen and open some pressies.

Augnoramous 6 Nov 29 2022 20:15


Godonetwothree 4 Nov 29 2022 20:31

Awesome thank you so much!

Hairplug4men 7 Nov 29 2022 20:48

Happy Winter to you developers!

Hyt4yhu 7 Nov 29 2022 20:55

Thanks for the update devs!

Smada456 4 Nov 29 2022 21:09

When I try to add a reaction on desktop and then send another message the reaction vanishes; they also vanish when I close the chat.

Are reactions a mobile only feature?

Vessna 4 Nov 29 2022 21:37

So what about the copyrights of the used pictures? Because I do am against using art that doesn’t belong to you

Te Fiti 4 Nov 29 2022 22:05

I’m not sure the Ideabox IQ is the best line of who can use it. A lot of us never get Ideabox IQ points no matter what we do. If image generation takes a lot of processing power, why not give it to those who have already given money? Say, one image for every five charges bought, or every ten charges bought, or something like that. That feels a lot more fair.

Goddy B 6 Nov 29 2022 22:06

That sounds really cool, looking forward to testing it out.

Liftedplane 6 Nov 29 2022 23:05

Oh, cool… Locked behind needing to get IQ points.

I don’t think I have even one, not because I haven’t tried but because in a zpg where people are ruthless about ideas it’s nearly impossible without gaming the system.

Coolbp5 4 Nov 29 2022 23:51

Thank you devs!

Turrin Toorinbarr 4 Nov 30 2022 00:17

Thank you developers!:. You rock!

Thirteenth Flower 4 Nov 30 2022 01:58

Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh this is like the 32th best day of my life

Ruvy 5 Nov 30 2022 02:15

booooo on the image generation. AI ‘art’ generators have repositories of images stolen without knowledge or permission from the original artists, and then it does a hack job of shoving those images together in a weak facsimile of a real, human artist’s hard work. Deviantart and Artstation creators were never informed their art would be scraped for this until it had already done so and it was much too late to stop it or take it back.

Don’t promote this crap. I love this game and its simplicity, its earnesty, and wholesomeness, and stolen art repositories are none of that. Please don’t throw your lot in with this generated art theft garbage. You have loads of true artists who play that can be hired to make actual art for the game, either as individual commissions from players or as actual contract work for the game itself. You don’t need AI generation. If you can pay to use the resources and software the tool requires, you can pay a real human artist.

‘but it looks cool’ is not a good enough excuse for promoting the abuse of real people who put actual work into building artistic skills, only to have this software absorb it all without asking them, and regurgitate it back out as a mangled, soulless mockery of them.

just gross. sorry, this ain’t it.

Drag0nslayerx 6 Nov 30 2022 02:47

I preferred this as a text based game. I appreciated the images in the wiki, but text base is what gives this game charm. Also pretty silly locking something behind having idea box IQ seeing how insanely impossible it is to gain those no matter how many ideas you submit. May need to rethink this update IMO.

Hershey Almighty 7 Nov 30 2022 02:49

Just 3 emojis this time: ๐Ÿ˜ฒ ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ‘

Jimbob65 6 Nov 30 2022 03:40

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽต, I say! Pleased hieroglyphs to you, and thanks for the continued entertainment.

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