Godville Turns 9

Godville, May 10 2019

Today is a big day.

On this day, nine years ago this world was created. It took a bit longer than 7 days. Way longer. In a way, the creation is still going on. Over these years heroes learned fighting and dueling, spelunking and shipbuilding, sailing, fishing and many other things – all to please, praise and entertain their gods.

It all won’t be possible without our incredible, creative and supportive community of Godville gods. Be it a new idea or game text, a bug report or grammar correction, godwiki contribution, a purchase of charges to support the game, or just helping out a fellow player, or any of the other countless things a god can do – it all adds up to the main goal – to make Godville nice and pleasant place to be, to make it a bit better than it was yesterday.

So, today is the day for gods and their heroes to celebrate. Let’s get the feast going: today and for the next 2 days congratulate your hero with a god voice to get a festive pack of accumulator charges. It would be useful to cheer up your duel opponent, dungeon comrades and sail party too.

Cheers to Godville and all its dwellers – under the ground, in the sky and all the way in between!

Comments (95)
Howdie 6 May 10 2019 14:03

Congratulation :)

WardPhoenix 5 May 10 2019 14:03

Happy birthday Godville!

Some atheist 4 May 10 2019 14:08

Congratulations, long may we play!

Laeddis 5 May 10 2019 14:08

Congratulations to all of you guys!

Holy Gary May 10 2019 14:16

All the way!

Hershey Almighty 6 May 10 2019 14:25

Thank you devs! Cheers to us all! Here here! 🍻

Aquinas lek May 10 2019 14:27

Yay, Cheers to the dev’s for making this great and amazing game, Congrats for 9 good years of fun and excitement!

Hairplug4men 7 May 10 2019 14:29

It’s been a great many years of playing and here’s to many more! The best and only game that I play by far.

Sniper404 6 May 10 2019 14:34

Happy birthday 🎂

Beausoleil 4 May 10 2019 14:50

Thanks for all that you do, and you have played a big role in making this amazing community happen.

Jimbob64 6 May 10 2019 14:55

Thank you for 9 years of cheap laughs (not a bad thing), relaxing entertainment, and the chance to meet a bunch of great people. “Would play daily for years” out of 5 stars.

Efertone 4 May 10 2019 15:00

Congratulate all Heroines and Heroes, you are still on your feet ;)
Congratulate all the Gods/goddesses, you could save your Heroines and Heroes (somehow)

…and not least: Congratulate all the dev, host, background real gods/goddesses and thank you for providing Godville \o/

Take this Paincake with a Pointless fork:

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Artsonian 6 May 10 2019 15:07

I would say that I love this game, but it’s not just a game — it’s a community. In the many years that I’ve been playing, I’ve seen friendships formed, marriages celebrated, and deaths mourned. The audience-participation in the development of this game makes it so much more than “just” a game. So thank you for creating this Godville family.

Saturio 6 May 10 2019 15:13

Happy birthday! I wish another successful 9 years for godville!

AgWolf 5 May 10 2019 15:19

Happy birthday Godville, and congratulations to the devs for keeping this fun adventure going for so long.

YourseIf May 10 2019 15:37

Happy Birthday
I really love this game and wish all the best for us all.

Olem 4 May 10 2019 15:40

Oodelülly! Cheers to everyone! Thank you for making this world what it is!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Bing419 6 May 10 2019 16:11

Happy Birthday Godville!

Weise Socke 5 May 10 2019 16:14

Wow 9 years 😄😍
And I am Part of IT since 3,5 years 😍.
Happy Birthday Godville and Congratulation to all Devs and Gods🎉🎉🎉🎉💃

Wawajabba 5 May 10 2019 16:19

Happy birthdaaay Godville 🎉🎉🎉

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