(Mini)-Questing for Life

Nov 11 2014

You did enjoy the Halloween pumpkins, right? We sure did. Here is a quick heads up on what else is happening in the world of Godville.

Since the heroes spend most of their time questing it would be useful to upgrade this part of their life. A fresh content update has added a few hundred of new quests (including epics) awaiting to be completed.

There are also new types of mini-quests, which are just like the old ones, but better, more varied, and with more exciting rewards – a golden brick, godpower restore, faster quest progress, random aura, etc. Sudden boss encounters while traveling are gone now, but a hero can still meet a boss when on a mini-quest and when that happens he will be smart enough to use a potion if needed. It’s good to remember that a simple godvoice or two can cancel any current quest if a god wishes so.

Btw, did you know that quests can have endings? Some of them already have them, but some still don’t. From now on the endings will be visible in the Third Eye, so if you see a quest and you have an idea for a great punch line appropriate for the diary line, you can submit your gem here and get IQ points if it’s accepted.

Another change that should come in handy, especially for those of you ever-present, multi-gadget gods – message status sync. E.g. if you read a new friend message on your phone, it won’t show up as unread on your tablet or in a web browser. It’s a bit experimental though and it only applies to the newly received messages (so if the old unread messages are bothering you’d need to logout and login back again if you’re on mobile or reset the page’s setting if playing in a web browser). This feature should already work in a web browser, while mobile apps will require an update (updates for Android and Windows Phone are already available and corresponding iOS update is pending Apple’s review). Bug reports with the detailed description of how it happened are welcome via Ideabox.

Oh, and just in case if you didn’t know, Godville iOS app has been recently updated with a whole bunch of goodies: brand new Today Screen widget, Phone 6/6+ support and Touch ID login. Make to sure to stay up to date to get enjoy the awesomeness.

Happy questing, everyone!

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Pleasing Variations

Aug 21 2014

Let’s add some finishing touches on the renewed arena. Firstly, the duel ties are no more. Instead of tossing the coin, arena judges will throw in potions or do whatever they can to see who would actually win, fair and square.

There are two new special duel conditions too. First one limits the maximum number of influences to two (instead of the usual four). Second one is for the beloved gods with temple – your hero now has a chance to get a log of gopher wood for winning in the arena.

Meanwhile, a new report from free-walking spelunkers mentions new kinds of dungeons with new side quests. Let’s dig!

In other changes. Due to the limitation of having constructive discussions in the Ideabox, the “Questionable Content” section is now closed. Instead, please use this forum topic to submit and discuss “not good enough” or confusing texts from the game. (Bugfixes, grammar corrections and inappropriate content should still be reported via Ideabox/Corrections).

Finally, as it was announced in the previous post a new town is about to be founded. “Roflopolis” will be its name and now it’s up to you to decide where this town would be. Any suggestions?

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Glory to the Champions

Jul 05 2014

It’s been some time since new Arena was opened and now the time has come to lift the drapes from the new pantheon – the Pantheon of Duelers. Its rating is based on the classic Elo rating system, which accounts for the outcomes of all previous duels of both players. It’s also more forgiving towards occasional loses (comparing to the old rating).

To make things even more interesting, there now will be contest seasons. During a given season all wins and losses will be counted towards the present player’s rating. Once the season is over a new achievement will be awarded according to the final standings and the rating will start over again for the next season.

The guild dueling pantheon (previously known as the Pantheon of Aggressiveness) has been renovated as well. Now it’s called the Pantheon of Duelery and it’s also based on the Elo ratings of the most successful duelers among the guild. This rating is not seasonal and it accounts for all fights that took place since new arena rules were put in place (June 6, 2014).

In other news – the influx of new dwellers are about to settle down in some remote locations, but they yet to name their towns and decide what to do. So, if you have great ideas for a particular new feature for town (as well as a name) please voice it via comments or Ideabox.

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Arena 2.0

Jun 05 2014

Greetings, Godville gods!

It’s time to shake up one of the oldest part of the game – the Arena. A refresh of the arena duel experience was long overdue and finally the time has come to make it more interesting… in the unique Godville Random way.

The fundamental idea of an arena duel remains the same – a god sends his champion to fight some other hero. The winner gets a golden brick, accumulator charge, all of the opponent’s gold and a win record for the pantheon/achievement. However, there are important changes:

  1. Each fight can have slightly different rules – a fight can be twice as fast, or have an extra reward for the winner (or even the loser), or each turn will restore some godpower, or there will be a certain limit on the total number of accumulator charges that can be used, etc. Pay attention to the introductory messages at the beginning to know what kind of extra rule this fight has.
  2. To make pairing easier the level of the opponents won’t matter in new arena duels. From now on a match between level 15 hero and level 45 hero is possible and quite normal, as both opponents will be made equal. Nobody has advantage due to a level, hp, equipment, strike power, etc.
  3. After teleporting to the arena the hero will wait for the opponent for 10 minutes. If he doesn’t find an opponent a godpower refund or a golden brick is guaranteed.
  4. In addition to the old “attack/heal/pray” duel voices now there is a new one – “defend”. This will order the hero to take a defensive stance, which will decrease all upcoming damage during the turn, and should add a refreshing twist to dueling tactics. Btw, this command will work in boss fights too.
  5. There will be a new pantheon for arena duels, which will be more tolerant of duel loses and will only rank heroes who’ve been active in the arena within the last few weeks. The new pantheon will appear when there have been enough fights held under the new rules.
  6. Finally, heroes have became more civilized and won’t fight each other outside of the designated area. So your champion will no longer get into a duel while you’re asleep or something. Bye-bye skirmishes!

There have been many internal changes, so some bumps here and there are quite possible over the next few days. Any feedback on the new arena duels is highly appreciated.

UPD: There are some matching restrictions worth mentioning: a new player won’t get matched against a seasoned player; a hero with a temple can only match against another hero with a temple. Oh, and special artifacts teleporting to the arena are no longer require godpower. Oh, and now we have special arena teleporting artifacts that don’t require godpower!

Comments ( 79 )

Happy Birthday

May 10 2014

Today’s news is short, yet important. Four years ago the first Godville heroes came to life. Every day since that moment they were learning new words, fighting new monsters, building things, traveling places above and beyond the ground and just doing their epic hero stuff. All under the restless watch of their dear gods. We couldn’t be happier for them and their masters.

Let’s celebrate this special cause with big fireworks, rainbows and other miraculous things made with the divine remote controls, freshly-replenished with festive godpower charges. Big thanks to everyone, especially those who helped Godville to become what it is.

Happy birthday to us!

Comments ( 222 )

First Ark

Apr 27 2014

Dear Godville Gods,

Let’s join our divine hands in Godville-wide congratulation of Kingdada for completing the First Ark! It’s time to reveal its perks. Firstly, an owner gets a shiny new medal. Secondly, heroes can now use the ark in accordance with its widely known application – store multiple pets. Following a god’s command a hero can place his current pet in the ark and head on for taming a new one. Thirdly, an ark-owning god is finally powerful enough to give a name to any pet of his hero. Other uses for arks are also likely when there will be quite a lot more of them. Btw, arked heroes will keep scavenging for gopher wood – who knows, it may come in handy for upgrades.

Speaking of pets, a bunch of new monsters have became tameable. Some of them even have an all new dungeon-ability and are fully capable of accompanying their masters in spelunking. For now these breeds are Grounded Hog, Inner Demon, Gummy Wyrm, and Vengeful Mole (feel free to suggest more in comments). Also, a report from the mad scientists claims that a fast healing of the pet (within 10 hours after the knock out) will boost up its development – the pet will gain a new level faster or even level up right on the spot. Btw, did you know that heroes with a pet medal change their pet’s personality three times more often?

The most groundbreaking update comes to dungeons. Recent developments unearthed half a dozen new types of dungeons, a new kind of harmless trap (that forces the team to skip a turn) and a mindbreaking “Hot and Cold” treasure clues. But here’s the real kicker – dungeon side quests! Sometimes heroes can get a minor side job like visit a certain room or avoid all bosses. These side quests are entirely optional (except for that one case when it’s not), but most of the time the reward should be totally worth it. Happy spelunking!

Comments ( 65 )

Spring Refreshments

Mar 21 2014

Well, it took some time, but it’s finally here – new Godville app redesigned for iOS7. The app was “flattened out” to make it look better on the latest mobile OS from Apple and it has some new cool things too. On iPhones is has two secondary screens that can be revealed with handy swipe gestures: swipe left to reveal Friends/Guild Council and swipe right to bring up the Game’s Menu. Remote Control moved closer to the Diary, but here is the cool thing – most of the time you can avoid opening it, as now there is a brand new Mini-Remote! Press and hold the Remote button and then drag to send an influence of your choice. That’s how you show your divine reaction while still reading a diary.

Mobile web pages got their share of facelifting and some new perks too:

  • much easier voting – dupe/offensive options were moved under the long press gesture (or swipe left when on Windows Phone).
  • voting progress is now displayed on your personal ingenious pieces page while idea is still being voted.

Finally, a fresh batch of awesome phrases has arrived into the heroes’ diaries. In the mean time, the Spring Content Cleaning is underway. If you have that one phrase that you wish weren’t in the game, it’s a good moment to mention them in this forum topic.

Comments ( 27 )

Special Monsters

Feb 09 2014

New species has been discovered in the living world of Godville. Do you remember holiday monsters walking around with free accumulator charges? It turned out that they were only a first wave and there are other special beasts too: Wealthy (walk around with pockets full of gold coins), Bricked (like to carry bricks, sometimes even gold ones), Enlightened (restore some godpower when defeated), Glowing (can infect hero with an aura) and even more. Winning over the special monster usually gives some perks, meanwhile losing to it sometimes results in an equally unique penalty. So pay attention to the adjectives in the monsters’ names and don’t miss your lucky beast.

In the meantime, annoyed by the adventurers underground goblins finally had it enough and screwed up some of the treasury hints by making them double-sided. So don’t be surprised if you see a knotty arrow on the map and pay attention to the exploration log because one of the directions is still correct. Btw, there are two new dungeon types:

  1. Dungeon of Uncertainty – all hints to the treasury are double-minded.
  2. Dungeon of High Stakes – winners take extra gold from the treasury while knocked out get nothing.

There are also two new auras to help the heroes find peculiar monsters:

  1. Aura of Hunting – increases chances to dig up a boss or just stumble upon a boss while traveling.
  2. Aura of Baiting – helps find the newly discovered “special monsters” and the monsters wanted by the Godville Times.

Finally, an announcement from our players: Are you smiting for smooches? Hurting for hugs? Is your idea of a good Valentine’s Day telling your hero to beat someone up? Sign up to Tournament of Champions: Valentine’s Day Massacre! Sign ups are open until Midnight, CST February 10, 2014.

Comments ( 32 )

Holiday Fair

Dec 24 2013

It’s that time of the year when the feeling of coolness is accompanied with the joy of unpacking presents.
As usual, the hordes of Santa Clawses and alike swarm into Godville for whatever reason. They carry so many presents, so they literally just litter them around, making heroes happier and wealthier. Important note: for the first and only time during the holidays these special monsters can be tamed!

This year nature also rewarded us with a new invention – a special breed of holiday monsters that gift an accumulator charge once defeated. Pay attention to whom your hero is fighting and don’t miss your chance.

Finally, for this very special occasion, a pop-up settlement of fair tents was opened right next to the capital. Laplandville welcomes all visitors with bargain sales, generous traders, and extra-effective chapels.

Happy holidays!

Comments ( 43 )

Multicolored Dungeons

Dec 03 2013

Greetings, Godville gods! Are you ready for some good news?

Let’s start with spelunking. To make tedious underground explorations more exсiting heroes can now end up in special named dungeons, ones that have certain aura-like effects. This effect can do something nice, not very nice or just strange and fun. Pay attention to the introduction phrase at the beginning of expedition to know what the effect does.

In the effort of streamlining the Remote Control, the “Send to Arena” action now requires only 50% of godpower, just like the other options in close proximity. In the meantime, not finding a duel opponent still guarantees a consolation prize. One more note about the “Challenge a Friend” option: from now on, winners of imaginary sparring fights will be rewarded with 1% of real experience (only once in 24 hours), which is infinitely better than it was before.

Some other nice news:

  1. The long overdue update of the earthly news finally brought us more than five hundred of new entries. Yay!
  2. Lightning (or any other punishment) are now more likely to melt gold coins into a brick. After all, high temperatures are obviously better for this than sweet encourages or sending flowers.
  3. Godville Windows Phone app has been updated with support of new color themes, making it as fancy as Godville apps on other mobile platforms. Make sure to install the update and enjoy all colors of the rainbow!
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