Happy Birthday

Godville, May 10 2014

Today’s news is short, yet important. Four years ago the first Godville heroes came to life. Every day since that moment they were learning new words, fighting new monsters, building things, traveling places above and beyond the ground and just doing their epic hero stuff. All under the restless watch of their dear gods. We couldn’t be happier for them and their masters.

Let’s celebrate this special cause with big fireworks, rainbows and other miraculous things made with the divine remote controls, freshly-replenished with festive godpower charges. Big thanks to everyone, especially those who helped Godville to become what it is.

Happy birthday to us!

Comments (222)
Augnoramous 6 May 10 2014 19:00


Da-Vich 5 May 10 2014 19:09

Happy 4th Birthday!

I’ve only been a member of Godville for a couple of months, but this game has continued to make me laugh and smile.

Thank you, and I’ll see you at the 5th birthday celebration!

… I will need more charges by then.

Thank you!

ErzaScarlet5 May 10 2014 19:11

Yay! I love this game even though I started only a few months ago…. But whatever. Happy Birthday!!!

J Ravenwild May 10 2014 19:28

Happy Birthday!!!! and thanks for the charges!

Elany May 10 2014 19:32

Thank you! i had heart attack when i saw charges XD I thought someone hacked into my acc, anyway happy Anniversary, i hope this year will be great as well, keep going

Digi 5 May 10 2014 19:34

As someone who started playing the first week of the iOS app, I’ve always loved this game. Unfortunately I lost my phone and god with my old iphone at the time. So 44 months out of 48 isn’t so bad. Just sucked I deleted it for the one year achievement. Forgot about it for a bit longer but glad to be back.

Artsonian 6 May 10 2014 19:45

You know you’ve been playing too much Godville when….. you’re waiting for your favorite former student’s graduation lunch, feeling so incredibly proud of how far she’s come …. and yet your day is made by seeing “Happy Birthday, Godville” in the Game News.

Thank you so much for not just a wonderfully entertaining game that always has something new to laugh at, but for a truly amazing community of friends who offer support, encouragement, and smiles during difficult times, without even realizing it.

Thank you, Devs, for the wonderful environment …. and thank you, fellow {gods|goddesses} for the wonderful friendships.

The Great Torbi May 10 2014 20:00

Thank you so much for the free charges. Happy birthday to Godville :D

Mystyc 6 May 10 2014 20:07

happy birthday godville! thank you for all the help and fun all these years!

IamL May 10 2014 20:25

Happy birthday, long live godville,!

Meat01 4 May 10 2014 20:40

Happy Birthday Godville !!

Persephassa 6 May 10 2014 20:41

Happy Birthday! :)

Ms Mayhem 6 May 10 2014 21:00

Haffy Birfday!! Best game ever!

Ifeanyi May 10 2014 21:12

now we gEt a fair fight.) Thanks for the charge Godville and a happy birthday to u

Armour878 May 10 2014 21:14

Dear Devs, Thanks for spending the last 4 years constantly improving the only game I’ve really continually played or gotten into the community of for this long! It’s been a great time and I hope for many more years to come!

Newes 6 May 10 2014 21:19

My very favorite game. I love that you have created such an incredibly amazing outside the box experience. Happy birthday and a big thank you from all of us.

Flutterby- May 10 2014 21:22

Happy birthday!! :D

VonBlade 6 May 10 2014 21:33

I didn’t realise my hero was nearly as old as the game itself. Happy birthday Godville

Urban Zombie 6 May 10 2014 21:41

Thank you Devs, for such an amazing experience so far with this game keep up the excellent work. Have a legendary Birthday Folks !

Brinjal 6 May 10 2014 22:11

Happy birthday and thanks for all the fish charges!

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