Happy Birthday

Godville, May 10 2014

Today’s news is short, yet important. Four years ago the first Godville heroes came to life. Every day since that moment they were learning new words, fighting new monsters, building things, traveling places above and beyond the ground and just doing their epic hero stuff. All under the restless watch of their dear gods. We couldn’t be happier for them and their masters.

Let’s celebrate this special cause with big fireworks, rainbows and other miraculous things made with the divine remote controls, freshly-replenished with festive godpower charges. Big thanks to everyone, especially those who helped Godville to become what it is.

Happy birthday to us!

Comments (222)
PutInNameHere 4 May 10 2014 22:20

Happy birthday, Godville! It’s unusual to give a present when having birthday yourself, but as I have no choice I’ll take these charges… Thanks! :)

Circus Boy May 10 2014 22:33

Hooray! Happy Birthday Godville! Thanks for the charges

Broadminded bastard May 10 2014 22:38

The gods are shining on you… happy birthday

Lord Patricio May 10 2014 22:44

Happy birtday

Stansia 5 May 10 2014 22:55

Happy Birthday Godville!

Hammer Time May 10 2014 23:07

Even though I’ve only spent a month here, I’m overwhelmingly glad I have just to see the Devs and community’s unique relationship! Happy Birthday!!!

Foxcheng May 10 2014 23:18

Happy Birthday, still remember the first day I started the new heroin, haha..

Hammrsgl May 10 2014 23:30

Hero age: 46 months

Happy Birthday and congratulations on one of the most unique games available! Not many games can claim such longevity and community spirit.

Round of applause! And thankyou for the charges! Good luck and good fortunes to you all!

Budapesties 6 May 10 2014 23:40

HAPPY BIRTHDAY let us celebrate with woodness!

Adelie May 11 2014 01:05

Happy birthday Godville!

Fik May 11 2014 01:42

Happy birthday all

Der Moerder May 11 2014 01:53

looks as if I’m later than normal in seeing a post. Well 99 days till I’m 4!

Jungglumanda May 11 2014 02:00

Yay! Happy Birthday to one of my favourite games of all time! Not many online games manage to last near this long, so it is certainly an inspiring achievement! I hope Godville is around for many more years, and I don’t doubt it will be, due to the wonderfully unique nature of the game.

Thank you to everyone who has put such hard work into this game over the years, we all appreciate it very much, and thank you lots for all the charges as well (I’ll try not to waste them)!

Happy Birthday again, Godville!

AlmightyDeadpool May 11 2014 02:12

Woohoo here’s to 4 more years thanks for the charges :D

Raven 6 May 11 2014 02:38

I can’t believe I’ve been enjoying this almost from the beginning. My hero is just shy of four years old! Four years has flown by. Thanks for all your work. I especially enjoy reading all the submissions. They brighten my day b

Maximus Briarheart May 11 2014 02:39

I’m a relatively new player and I love this game! Hooray birthday Godville! :D

Godsmack13579 4 May 11 2014 03:17

Happy Anniversary Godville!

Jbracy May 11 2014 03:19

Oh I wish u a merry Xmas

Htown82 May 11 2014 03:35

Happy Hannakuh! :P

AgusQueen May 11 2014 03:43

Happy birthday

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