

The man in black 662

level 130
trader level 28

Keleios is my co-pilot இ

Age 13 years 3 months
Personality neutral
Guild Asylum
Monsters Killed about 872 thousand
Death Count 198
Wins / Losses 348 / 105
Temple Completed at 08/16/2012
Ark Completed at 03/24/2016 (492.3%)
Pairs Gathered at 05/29/2018
Book Written at 12/10/2023
Souls Gathered 31.94%
Shop “Bricks and Mortar”
Pet Closet monster Null 14th level
Boss Exoskeletor with 132% of power


Weapon stratospear +144
Shield communication barrier +144
Head blindfold of accuracy +143
Body turtleneck plate mail +144
Arms engagement wings +144
Legs moral support socks +144
Talisman silver lining +144


  • inept singing level 150
  • bloody itch level 149
  • eye scream level 143
  • iron vortex level 143
  • pathological honesty level 139
  • scissorhands level 136
  • radiokinesis level 135
  • lossy compression level 135
  • backyard portal level 132
  • clinical strike level 102


  • ⓶ Turn in a side job in the last ten minutes
  • ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones
  • ⓶ Have bosses' horn and hoof in inventory simultaneously
  • ⓶ Find dungeon treasure after defeating exactly 5 bosses
  • ⓶ Complete five side jobs in a row
  • ⓶ Deliver both a wanted monster and a wanted artifact within one day
  • ⓵ Die to a monster and lose 15k gold
  • ⓵ Get a new aura through the aura of curiosity




  • Honored Favorite
  • Honored Invincible
  • Animalist, 1st rank
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Dueler, 1st rank
  • Martyr, 1st rank
  • Moneybag, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Scribbler, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Careerist, 2nd rank
  • Champion, 2nd rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Freelancer, 2nd rank
  • Hunter, 2nd rank
  • Raider, 2nd rank
  • Renegade, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Soulcatcher, 2nd rank
  • Coach, 3rd rank
  • Hotshot, 3rd rank
  • Scientist, 3rd rank
  • Seadog, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

I slowly wake, shaking the terror of my dreams from my head. The bed is soaked with sweat. My nightmares always accompany me in my slumber. I cleanse my face and hands before I begin the arduous chore of slowly strapping my scarred and battle worn body into my heavy amour. Though it may have saved me from certain death, the scars of countless battles riddle my sunburned,calloused flesh. Another journey awaits me. I draw my sword and admire the well balanced 7 foot long razor in my grip. Another day of death awaits. I stride with anticipation towards the door. I feel no mercy for the foes I will soon face. We choose our destiny, though fate may have her hand in the outcomes of my battles, I kneel at the door and give my prayers to my ever present god. I feel his pleasure in my stolid resolve. I feel his influence course through my body, the terror of my dreams fade, I am ready.

06:52 AM 9/28/14 Notes from the arena:
Heybaybay is on his knees. The man in )black salutes to the heavens! Extra gold prize collected by the fans for the winner is 5558 gold coins. The winner receives a gold brick and 9383 gold coins.
10:11 21/6/16The man in black picked up a spectator and hurled him towards Upset A Mole causing moderate damage.

03:41 A demon appeared before me and proclaimed: “You are doing well, tiny mortal!.” He then squinted at me and said: “Sorry, I thought you were someone else.”

05:40 AM Savagely shouted, “So sayeth Keleios! இ!” at the Cracked Kraken and, while it was cowering in fear, I ran away.
Finally made it out here!
10:59 PM Saw a sign which read, “One does not simply walk into Unspecifiedistan.” Proved it wrong.

10:30 AM Played poker with death and got caught cheating. Thankfully I’d been flirting with danger and it let me leap over it and out the window.
My quest to flirt with danger while cheating on death was completed with excellence! Got a shiny golden brick and felt great about it.

Once again, my great mentor and friend Keleios comes to my aid and saves my beloved pet. A most benevolent God is she.
22:20 Scraped together 25288 coins and managed to persuade the priests to heal my pet. Oh, Cupil, I’m glad to see you in great shape again!


06:38 PM Convinced the Bricked Immunogoblin to read my chronicles in the hope it’d be impressed and we could be friends. It sent them back with heaps of grammar corrections and a scathing review. This outrage must be washed in blood. To arms!

06:39 PM I guess I should have checked to see what was on the other side of the door before I accepted the Bricked Immunogoblin’s offered escape route. Eh, die and learn.

06:36 PM Blinded the Aardvark of the Covenant with my dazzling awesomeness and ran away.


06:41 PM A priestess told me that my god wants me to ‘go forth and multiply’. It’s a shame I was never good at math…

04:57 AM I’ve grown slightly bigger as I hit level 99. More of me to love, Most Righteous One!

072417 01:59 Notes from the arena: Ivan Yur Gudees begs for mercy. The man in black definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 3625 coins and a golden brick.

Someone’s being a punk to @Areif!!!

20:51 The man in black jumped in front of me and yelled, “Interception!” as the healing ray descended from the heavens. Please try it again, Great One, he’s gone now!

Oh why…

10:04 I don’t know if I’m more surprised to be alive at level 104, or that I can count that high.

The man in black — 111th-level adventurer, member of the “Asylum” guild, with the motto “I brake for Keleios!இ”, stands at the 23rd position in the pantheon of taming under the vigilant supervision of the god Newes. His dream is to master the “electro-broom” skill and then offer lessons in exchange for gold bricks.

Wednesday OCT9 2024
01:55 AM Great One, today is special. It’s my birthday! I am 13!

11/14/24 06:45 PM I was just about to defeat the Closet Monster when he pulled out a beer and offered it to me. Hey, I could use a good drinking buddy. Slapped a collar on him and named him Null. He looks like he’s regretting his choice now. Hopefully I change his mind. I mean we really both like beer.