Dear deities, are you thirsty for some news? Today we have half a dozen to unpack:
- From now on, heroes will mark their responses to godvoces with a ➥ sign. It’s quite notable and handy.
- Remember the April 1st side job to “fail a side job”? Yes, the one that required to do absolutely nothing. It’s back and here to stay.
- Some of the looting pets tamed last fall are about to reach level 30. This milestone gives them a unique ability to occasionally turn stuff in the hero’s inventory bold.
- A new auxiliary quest for dungeons — to find a treasury using a limited number of direction god voices.
- Good news for guilds: electing a leader should be easier with lowered election thresholds. From now on, it takes only 20% of eligible votes or just 30 votes for big guilds.
- Like the spirit of healthy competition? Check out Godville Olympics — a big community-organized contest that covers all of the Godville adventures from Arena to Datamines (with a separate division for AFK players). Signups are open till June 18th.
Amazing! Thanks in advance!
Thank you for the improvements, Devs! You’re always working for us and we appreciate it.
Wonderful news! Thank you! 😊
Thanks for continuing to work hard on a great game. Cheers! 🍻
Sounds like more wonderful fun! Thanks Devs!
This looks really cool. Kudos to the devs!
Thanks for all of your efforts Devs. Loving the GV even more :)
Great news! Thank you devs, and also the community involved in the organization of the Olympic Games. You are awesome!! 👍🤘👏
Thanks! I especially like the new dungeon auxiliary quest and side job.
This looks fantastic. Thanks to the devs for the quality-of-life updates as ever, and thanks to Tuirix for hosting the big event (and the devs for announcing and sponsoring it).
I already wanted a looting pet, but that level 30 ability makes me want one even more.
And also wonder if there might be a level 30 ability for other types of pet in the future- that could be pretty neat.
Thanks! I guess some of these may be useful to somebody out there.
Thanks for the update!
Thank you for all the improvements and enhancements!
Sounds great :)
Very neat updates, a little bit more AFK love to an already ZPG. This community just keeps on going. Thanks so much!
Thanks for the great update. Especially about the God voice replies! :)