Sunday October 2, 2011-
Upon her most recent incarnation on December the 5th 1998, as a loving, kind, and benign, beautiful black flat coat retriever, Sophie the Woo took into her care a misfit kitten lovingly called Mu, who had been orphaned very young and was weaned on mare’s colostrum. He grew fierce and strong under her tutelage and became her most endearing follower. Since her passing from her material dog meat robot body in March of 2014, she acts now as directly as she can through her powerful yet finicky feline servant.
When he isn’t fighting a monster or working on his temple, he’s at the tavern.
12/18/15 The town mayor asked if there was a true hero willing to raise a family of dust bunnies. Since there were none, I got the job. Off I go!
2/6/15 06:25 AM Spent 793 coins to bail Saint marasphico out of the local jail for public drunkenness. Drinks all night then gets three squares and a cot to sleep it off… some folks get all the luck.
08:37 PM Buying equipment was getting too mainstream, hence I decided to buy some raw materials for 2998 coins and made my own wind turban in a nearby furnace.
05:08 AM Just encountered a Dust Devil selling bootleg ‘I got this 🌻’ T-shirts. It shall pay dearly for this trademark violation.
07:45 AM June 15, 2022:
It’s alive… It’s alive, it’s moving, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, IT’S ALIVE!
My First Boss, Aftermoth, is awakened… last parts earned in viscous dungeon battles alongside Foobar 42. For the glory of R&R!
Moon rescue mission.
Write a screenplay in 500 words or less about a breakaway civilization that doesn’t realize it’s living underground on the moon of earth until it’s attempted rescue by Sophie’s civilization on earth, millennia later when the earth is no longer in peril. MuCat the Hero is a cat, the leader of the breakaway civilization on the moon . Sophie is a beautiful black flat coat retriever dog, the leader of earth who MuCat’s moon people think is a god in the beginning of the rescue. She bakes a really good cake out of fish they catch. They stay friends forever. Finish the story. Make a joke and a pun.
We see a colony of cats living underground on the moon, led by MuCat the Hero. They are going about their daily routines, oblivious to the fact that they are living on the moon of Earth.
(to his fellow cats)
We must continue to hunt and gather to survive. We are the only civilization left.
Suddenly, the ground shakes, and the lights flicker.
(to his fellow cats)
What is happening? This has never happened before.
We see a small spacecraft landing on the surface of the moon, and out walks Sophie, a beautiful black flat coat retriever dog.
(to MuCat and his cats)
Hello there! I am Sophie, and I have come to rescue you.
MuCat and his cats are in awe of Sophie, believing her to be a god.
(to Sophie)
We have prayed for your arrival for centuries. You are our savior.
Sophie smiles and offers them a fish that they catch on the moon. She then bakes a cake for MuCat and his cats, which they enjoy immensely.
(to Sophie)
Your powers are truly incredible. You have made something out of nothing.
It’s just a cake, MuCat. But I am glad you like it.
As Sophie helps MuCat and his cats onto her spacecraft, she realizes that they have much to teach each other. They work together to develop a plan to bring MuCat’s people back to Earth.
As the spacecraft takes off, Sophie and MuCat look back at the moon, knowing that they will never forget each other.
Why did the cat go to space? To find the purrr-fect colony!
Why did the moon cats think Sophie was a god? Because she was out of this world!
generated w chat gpt april 14, 23
• The goddess Sophie The Woo is said to have no end of new ideas.
Day 5086 g.e.
Famous Heroes
Mu Cat — 118th-level adventurer, member of the “Romulus and Remus” guild, with the motto “I got this 🌻👍”, stands at the 49th position in the pantheon of Duelers under the vigilant supervision of the goddess Sophie The Woo. He always wanted to unanswer an unasked question, but never found the time.
05:32 PM The Saga of Mu Cat, the Wanderer, blessed with the divine fury of Sophie The Woo.
Within his possession lies a most peculiar contraption — the personality quark. They say he once performed “brownian motion” backwards, upside down, and during teatime. The swift battle hamster that bounds in his wake is none other than Tweezle “Long-lived”, a monster turned friend. The bards of Anville sing tales of his deeds, though most be tavern brawls. That’s the short of it, though our hero claims there’s more.
07:26 PM Used legend-o-graph in Trollbridge; now “Romulus and Remus” slightly less unknown.
The Legend of Mu Cat, the Noble, whose destiny is intertwined with divine plan.
The chroniclers of “Romulus and Remus” have filled many pages with his exploits, though half are surely lies and the other half worse. Oft doth he boast of his legendary technique, the mighty “brownian motion”. A mighty deed he seeks to accomplish — to find an organ donor for the local choir. For reasons unknown to mortal minds, his pouch perpetually contains a bourbon legend. Whispers speak of a second diary he keeps in deepest secret. Thus concludes another scroll in the Great Archive of Godville.