

Isekaitaro 574

level 126

🦡 [Spar] [R] [R±2]

Age 5 years 6 months
Personality neutral
Guild Hufflepuff
Monsters Killed about 423 thousand
Death Count 88
Wins / Losses 709 / 795
Temple Completed at 02/10/2020
Ark Completed at 02/14/2021 (347.6%)
Pairs Gathered at 09/04/2022
Book Written at 02/16/2025
Souls Gathered 4.14%
Savings 27M, 856k (92.9%)
Pet Octobear Pilot 61st level
Boss Tinkerhell with 322% of power


Weapon spatula of mightiness +140
Shield company policy +139
Head helm of second thoughts +138
Body solar windbreaker +140
Arms oktoberfists +139
Legs footnote² +137
Talisman extra chromosome +140


  • deafening snore level 130
  • frost bite level 130
  • rickrolling level 123
  • street magic level 121
  • rays of love level 118
  • golden vein level 116
  • spoon-bending level 116
  • self-propelled feet level 114
  • epitaph writing level 109
  • lucky hoof level 102


  • ⓷ Get featured in the newspaper as a famous hero
  • ⓶ Turn in a side job in the last ten minutes
  • ⓶ Win an arena duel that lasts for 50+ turns
  • ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones
  • ⓶ Complete and turn in two side jobs within 24 hours
  • ⓶ Complete five side jobs in a row
  • ⓶ Deliver both a wanted monster and a wanted artifact within one day
  • ⓵ Dig up and defeat three bosses
  • ⓵ Die to a monster and lose 15k gold
  • ⓵ Reach the treasure room with single-digit HP

Show all 14




  • Honored Animalist
  • Honored Favorite
  • Honored Hunter
  • Honored Invincible
  • Honored Raider
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Champion, 1st rank
  • Coach, 1st rank
  • Freelancer, 1st rank
  • Miner, 1st rank
  • Saint, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Scribbler, 1st rank
  • Seadog, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Hotshot, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Moneybag, 2nd rank
  • Scientist, 2nd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Renegade, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

Hi. Welcome.
Here’s some tips in Godville that I follow (mostly post temple though):

A. When your hero has more than 30k, try to send it back to town. Ideally, good savings towns. And if there’s a good savings town behind the nearest town where your hero will go back to, use “go back to town”, because this phrase has a very small chance to skip 1 town (unconfirmed yet, I guess)

B. When your hero’s quest is about to be finished, and your hero has more than 10k gold, send back to town, especially if your hero doesn’t have any expensive items (bosscoins, sailing loot, etc.). Because its ideal that your hero enters the Capital with less than 10k gold, so a temple bonus will be triggered. Temple bonuses give logs and GP charges. Ideally, you should get 1 GP charge per day, for charge farming. Especially if you’re only free2play god.

C. If you open the game and your hero has finished the quest, and is already going back to Godville with more than 10k gold, go sail. Because this should skip the entrance to the capital, which is what triggers the temple bonuses. But in this case, if your hero has more than 10k gold, instead of a temple bonus, an XP conversion will happen. Not only that this will consume 10k, 20k, or 30k gold; it will also not trigger a temple bonus.

D. This is my ideal cycle in playing his game:
1. Go and win an arena match.
2. Then use the 100% GP that you get on arena wins, to go do a dungeon or datamine. After the adventure, your hero should pray at the end of the town cycle before leaving Godville (ideally, it should give another 100%).
3. Use this GP to go and sail. After your sail, another town cycle will happen, and your hero should give you another 100% before leaving the capital. Do note that you should first let your hero do regular questing and monster killing before you send to sail, as to maximize your full health potential.
4.a. Here, you may do dig commands, or do another adventure (datamine or dungeon), or do the newspaper KYM (if available). As your hero will still have full health.
4.b. Alternatively, if you have less than 10k, after leaving the capital, you can send you hero back to the capital to trigger a temple bonus. This should do another town cycle, and make your hero pray.
4.b.1. If you managed to send your hero back to the capital, and still have at least 50% GP, I suggest you go do a spar. Because any excess GP will be wasted if your hero prays at the end of the town cycle.

E. If you’re looking for active Dungeon players, feel free to use the Dungeoning Time forum. Just don’t forget to follow the drop time format, and mention if you’re gonna drive, or if you’re looking for someone else to drive for you. And if needed, mention it if you’re not okay with basement drops, if you’re low on charges, or doesn’t want to consume a lot of charges for a single dungeon run. I suggest that you post a drop time at least 2-3 mins apart from the time you make your post, and if possible, make it 5 mins. So any potential actives whom might want to drop with you, gets enough time to see the notification, open Godville and check on their hero, then finally prepare to drop.

F. Be kind to everyone here in Godville. Don’t use slurs, bad words, or very very mean comments. (Aside from it being a bad thing to do, it may also get you being banned in a guild, ideabox/ER, or anywhere here in GV)

G. If you have a somewhat cool idea or phrase for a diary entry, items, equipment, or anything at all really, you might want to send your idea to the ideabox. The more ER votes you get, the higher chance you’ll have your idea be added to the game. (If you’re already doing this, thank you for helping and supporting Godville.)


These are my hero’s logs on their major goal achievements.

Feb. 11, 2020. It took me and my hero 5 months and 12 days (162 days) to build the temple.

01:27 Carefully placed the last brick, swept all the rooms, opened all doors, and cut the ribbon in a stately manner with my sword. I can’t believe it’s finally happened! After all these months of work, the temple in your name is finished, my Lord! I feel crazy with happiness.

Feb. 14, 2021. Ark built! Took approximately a year to get all 1000 logs (369 days; 531-days old).

Sep. 4, 2022: initial 1000 pairs completed! he’s just over 3 days after his 3 year old birthday. (1099 days old hero)

11:10 PM Almighty, I just re-counted the pairs and I think the ark now has a thousand of them. We’re not going to cram another thousand in there, are we?

Oct 27, 2022: Boss completion (Thanks to Discord – Godville Explorers, I was able to awaken my boss as soon as I got my additional 100 pairs, and have a 180% boss):

11:14 AM It’s alive… It’s alive, it’s moving, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, IT’S ALIVE!

Feb 16, 2025: Book completion

02:47 PM Wrote down the thousandth word into the holy book, took a deep breath and snapped my numb fingers. Hallelujah, Mighty One, the great work is done!


newspaper mention:
Oct 28 2021:
06:05 AM Wow, I’m in the newspaper. That’s news!
Isekaitaro — 87th-level adventurer, member of the “Hufflepuff” guild, with the motto “⚠ Passive Dungeoneer 🦡 R”, stands at the 21st position in the pantheon of Duelers under the vigilant supervision of the god Orgm. His worst enemy — an Impedimentor. Favorite trophy — something that looks like a quantum singularity. He is also a huge fan of Nothingham’s pubs.


Pets info (outdated):

1st: Rocky Raccoon – Buck ( alive )
Date tamed: approx. Sep 2019
2nd: Spider Pig – Pinky ( alive )
Date tamed: Feb 15 2021


Remarkable personal records

1 coin arena win:
03:15 AM Notes from the arena: Aeiona is on her knees. Isekaitaro salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 1 gold coin. Fight log

Aug 29, 2023: 100 step boss fight (Dungeon 4AB). Huge thanks for Saturio. Dungeon log: Godville link / Eromine link