On Your Privacy

Godville, May 24 2018

You’ve probably been receiving a lot of emails about the changes to how your data is kept and managed. We’re tired of it too, so let’s keep it up to the point.

We’ve updated our privacy policy, in case you like reading such things. There are no meaningful changes in a way your data is stored or managed. We don’t keep much of your data to begin with and when we do, we don’t share or sell it to third parties. After all, we’re just making a cozy game, not a business monster to secretly gather some private data and sell it to the highest bidder. Hopefully the policy now explains it in a way easier to comprehend.

And what’s up with game news without new features? So here it is: from now on you can update your email as many times you need or even request deletion of your account. Hopefully, you won’t need the last one – but in case your will, head to the app’s settings in the newest Godville app (already being rolled out and will be available over the next couple days) or here.

Taking care of you, Devs.

Comments (46)
Oversee Year 2 May 24 2018 15:43

Cool thank you

AmeliaBedilia May 24 2018 15:44

You sirs are gods amongst morals.

Baradimo 5 May 24 2018 15:46

enthousiastic applause

Jimbob64 6 May 24 2018 15:46

Thanks for thinking of these things. I really appreciate having the option, even if not expecting to need it.

Anubhavagrawal 4 May 24 2018 15:47

Finally, can delete my account in a crazy fit of anger …

Laskljffj 4 May 24 2018 15:50

That’s a not-so-subtle nod to Facebook

Mister Messis May 24 2018 16:12

Ya know, after 5 years and 7 months… Y’all still awesome~ ,..,

Cassia Rainsonne 5 May 24 2018 16:19

thank heck, we finally have account deletion :D

Awesomeness Fawn 6 May 24 2018 16:37

I really enjoy not playing this game. Thank you, you are awesome!

JayMarie 6 May 24 2018 16:57

I tried to update my email, it won’t accept the change because my heroine and Godnames have caps in the middle. I’d like to keep my current names please, but my email is really out of date. Thanks

Windows Xp May 24 2018 17:31

nice, thanks devs.

Azaroth Maladeus 4 May 24 2018 17:32

Thank you from the Demons

Saltamontes May 24 2018 17:49

Thank you. And thank you for the amasing game and comunity you have created ????

Cham Almighty 6 May 24 2018 17:50

Thank you! places ten bags of gold on the sacrificial altar

IgneousMagnus May 24 2018 18:05

Thanks, dear devs, for everything you do. Godville rocks.

Alllexia May 24 2018 18:06

You guys are the best! Thank you for the great game you made!

FERRIC66 4 May 24 2018 18:23

You guys just really do rock.

Bust It Baby 6 May 24 2018 18:46

Thank you for caring about us!

Tekhartha-zenyatta May 24 2018 18:52

Thanks for the update! Love this game and the community!

Spon 4 May 24 2018 18:57

Just want to add to the thanks :D devs doing a great job as always <3

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