

Schmuck the Fool 444

level 109

Where is my mind?

Age 10 years 10 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 508 thousand
Death Count 204
Wins / Losses 103 / 30
Temple Completed at 05/20/2015
Ark Completed at 01/22/2017 (338.2%)
Pairs Gathered at 05/16/2019
Words in Book 45.2%
Savings 17M, 289k (57.6%)
Pet Ticking crocodile Spot 18th level
Boss Bluffalo with 70% of power


Weapon piece maker +119
Shield blame deflector +118
Head eleven-gallon hat +118
Body not-to-scale mail +119
Arms engagement wings +119
Legs sneakers of suspicion +118
Talisman tiki idol +119


  • rickrolling level 109
  • full throttle level 106
  • brainstorm level 103
  • bad breath level 103
  • pseudopod attack level 103
  • eye scream level 101
  • golden vein level 101
  • thumb blowing level 100
  • beer belly level 100
  • lossy compression level 71




  • Honored Animalist
  • Honored Favorite
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Dueler, 1st rank
  • Invincible, 1st rank
  • Martyr, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Champion, 2nd rank
  • Freelancer, 2nd rank
  • Hunter, 2nd rank
  • Moneybag, 2nd rank
  • Renegade, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Scribbler, 2nd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Miner, 3rd rank
  • Raider, 3rd rank
  • Scientist, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

On a day of great portends, a Schmuck was chosen to be a Fool for a God who’s name everyone thinks has to do with that stupid Star Wars prequel because it has a 66 in it. It went down hill from there…..

(The Ferric and the 66 are a reference to iron and the atomic weight of dysposium respectively, making a very rare type of magnetic garnet)

11:36 AM Turned briefly to the dark side. Couldn’t see anything.

08:35 PM The town doctor told me I had liver damage. I’m going to the tavern to drown my sorrows.

11:58 AM My wounds are healing, the holes in my outfit are disappearing, and even my pathetic life is starting to look better. My Lord, I think I shall do something great and stupid in your honor!

08:43 PM Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Scurrying Overtaker! Schmuck the Fool added 4714 coins, eye of the Overtaker, a golden brick, a final countdown clock and an irresistible charm to his bag.

08:43 PM Whoa! That was so close. Temper! Almighty, temper!

08:44 PM Another golden brick. It seems that you only influence my life when I have a lot of money, Luminous One. Do you still care for me now that I’m poor?


08:47 PM Was abducted by aliens looking for intelligent life forms. They promptly sent me back.

08:58 PM My quest to apply for a new monster-hunting license was completed with excellence! Got a shiny golden brick and felt great about it. (First non temple brick!)[Yes this is over the top to put this into his chronicles, but, heck, we have put more than a year into this so we don’t care!]

09:16 PM Finally arrived at the capital. 5/19/2015

09:30 PM Dearest diary, today was the day! I carefully laid the last brick, swept all the rooms, opened all windows to let your glorious light shine in. I can’t believe it, your temple is finally finished, my Lord! I feel delirious with happiness.

08:22 AM Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Skilled Heromnivore! Schmuck the Fool got 6067 gold coins, tail of the Heromnivore, a golden brick, a godvoice jammer, some eye candy, a Tesla coil and a love triangulator.

04:09 AM Got a great piece of equipment – slay-tex gloves, as a reward for reducing the Double Dragon population.

12:57 AM Notes from the dungeon: The heroes plunder the treasure trove and divide the loot. Schmuck the Fool gets 12541 coins, a log for the ark, a Godville Admin bobblehead, a gift of fate, a cone of silence, a sacrificial lamp and a portable stairway to heaven. Frog Baseball and Ranomez left unconscious. Those who missed the plunder are given 8047 coins in total as a consolation prize.

Made it into temple of storytelling!
Pantheon of Storytelling: 1


Schmuck the Fool – 58th-level adventurer, member of the “Watchmen” guild, with the motto “Where is my mind?”, stands at the 25th position in the pantheon of storytellers under the vigilant supervision of the god FERRIC66. We’ve had many reports that a Non-Terminal Repeating Phantasm has been afraid to make eye contact with him since their last encounter
Nipper made it to level 30!
11:02 AM Nipper ran into a phone booth. He spun around quickly, and was very excited to find himself bigger, stronger and leveled up.

01:33 PM Judging by Nipper’s face I think he’s tired of me. I guess it’s time to finally set him free. Farewell, Nipper! I promise to find a new best friend in your memory!- and he was level 35. You will be missed Nipper!

05:21 PM Notes from the arena: Samson333 begs for mercy. Schmuck the Fool definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 1010 coins and a golden brick.- INVINCIBLE ACHIEVEMENT 1st CLASS GAINED!

05:43 PM By the power of Godville, I have the power! Level 66 is mine, Mighty One.
Achieved Totem Monster for Watchmen! Props to Dilligads for getting in the top 100 this season with Schmuck!

Ark achieved!
03:45 AM Most Righteous One, I just re-counted the pairs and I think the ark now has a thousand of them. We’re not going to cram another thousand in there, are we?

08:46 PM I’ve grown slightly bigger as I hit level 100. More of me to love, Great One!

06:31 PM It’s alive… It’s alive, it’s moving, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, IT’S ALIVE!