Merry Voting

Godville, Dec 24 2014

Warm greetings to you, Godville gods!

There are a lot of good news today. Let’s start with guild-related ones.

Guilds in Godville are self-sustaining amorphous substances and nobody really knows how they all work, which sometimes could be confusing. It’s time to bring a bit more order to this anarchy. From now on, the guild members will be able to elect a leader via newly created page. All prominent candidates can nominate themselves and fight for the mindshare of the fellow guildmates with mind-blowing campaigns in the Guild Council, forum topic, etc. It’s assumed that the leader will do things for the greater good of the guild, but in case he won’t, the guild members can always impeach him before the end of his term.

So, what a leader can do? In the ZPG spirit of Godville – probably not too much, but enough to bring a bit more order and fun to the guilds. A leader can set a daily topic for the Guild Council and setup a quick link to the guild’s forum topic to improve guild collaboration. For the high-ranked guilds the leaders will also be able to setup their own high-level guild rank and pick a known monster as a guild totem which will sure come in handy in the future. But enough words, let’s get to voting!

Meanwhile, the spirit of upcoming holidays is slowly but surely descending upon Godville. A pop-up settlement, also known as Laplandville, has opened their doors right next to the capital and began disrupting its business with bargain sales, overly generous traders, and extra efficient praying chapels. Heroes’ diaries are full of snow, and their sacks are full of gifts, while overcharged Holiday monsters are festively running around. Satan Clauses and Santa Clawses are also back in town and they look happy and quite tamable.

Happy holidays! Ho-ho-ho!

Comments (131)
Kingdada 6 Dec 24 2014 12:55

merry christmas and happy new year.

would be good being loyal to guild will get us rank 1 careerist

Hershey Almighty 7 Dec 24 2014 12:59

Merry voting to all! Happy Holidays!

God of Storms 4 Dec 24 2014 13:02

Merry Christmas godville!!!:D

Jimbob65 6 Dec 24 2014 13:11

Looks like a great day to me!

Dragon Orb Dec 24 2014 13:11

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Yipee! Thank you for the contents!

The Octagon 4 Dec 24 2014 13:18

Happy festivus, one and all!

Anubhav2 4 Dec 24 2014 13:19

Merry christmas and happy new year!

The God Of Monsters Dec 24 2014 13:23

The “newly created page” link in the blog post takes us to … the blog post. Shouldn’t it take us somewhere more, ahem, interesting?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all, from the monster guild.

The God Of Monsters Dec 24 2014 13:26

(Hint: check your guild pages )

The Truthseeker Dec 24 2014 13:27

Apologies, I hate being that kind of replier, but:

A pop-up settlement, also known as Laplandville, has opened their doors right next to the capital and began disrupting its business with bargain sales, overly generous traders, and extra efficient praying chapels. Heroes’ diaries are full of snow, and their sacks are full ot gifts, while overcharges Holiday monsters are festively running around.

You need to fix that typo in bold.

That written aside, this is a wonderful and Christmas-y fun thing! Thanks and Merry Christmas!

Firawr Dec 24 2014 13:51

Merry Christmas to All & HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015. WOOOOO! 2014 WAS A BLAST.

Brinjal 6 Dec 24 2014 13:59

Merry Christmas! (or whatever it is you celebrate) And this guild leader thing sounds very exciting! I can’t wait to find out more!

Wilhelmina Wang Dec 24 2014 14:12

Harpy chrimbole

Hairplug4men 7 Dec 24 2014 14:38

politics! Just the thing I was hoping to get for Christmas

Domerthos Dec 24 2014 15:01

_ Y u doin this, Devs? Do we really need politics here? And most guilds already HAVE their leaders, mostly the founder… sigh… Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone!

Vorpal 6 Dec 24 2014 15:10

Slaves to Armok has never had leaders, never needed leaders, never WANTED leaders! (I know, I’m such a scrooge and a grinch) We are a collective. Like the Borg ship. “You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile”. Hopefully, there will be an option for guilds that as a whole, do not want a hierarchy of ANY KIND

Vorpal 6 Dec 24 2014 15:12

…and holiday greetings to everyone!

Haylie 4 Dec 24 2014 16:04

I really like this new leaders idea. Hopefully means more for guilds in the future! I don’t understand all the hate. Having 1 person to be the one capable of accessing these features keeps everything under much greater control than hundreds changing it every other minute!

Vorpal 6 Dec 24 2014 16:11

For a lot of, and probably most guilds, I think the new features are just fine. But there should be an option for long standing guilds, that have never had nor want a hierarchy. Several members have posted in our guild council, and the overwhelming response is against this.

Vorpal 6 Dec 24 2014 16:37

One of the eldest Slaves said it best in the StA GC: “The culture and flavor of our fellowship reflects this guiding principle: Armok is our Lord and we are his Slaves. We need no leader- dwarf, human, or elf.”

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