For Clarity Sake

Godville, Mar 10 2023

Hey there, fellow deities!

Let’s talk about “earthly news”. Remember those handy updates above the diary that keep us in the loop about what our heroes are up to? Sometimes they get a little too creative and puzzling, making it hard to understand what’s going on down there.

So we’ve made some changes to make divine observation easier. Now, the news headline tells you exactly what your hero is doing. “Fishing on 13th milestone”, “Sleeping in Bumchester” or “Trading in Herowin” — it’s all simple and clear. And the earthly news itself is still there in all its ridiculousness.

To check out this new feature make sure your Godville app is up to date (Android, iOS).

In other news, spring has sprung! That means it’s time for our annual Spring Content Cleaning. If you come across any poorly worded, inappropriate, or overused game texts, let us know in this forum topic.

Comments (37)
Brinjal 6 Mar 10 2023 18:12

It’s simple, but it’s useful! Thanks, devs!

Hershey Almighty 6 Mar 10 2023 18:51

Great addition! Thanks!

Thirteenth Flower 4 Mar 10 2023 21:26

happy noise

Sophie The Woo 4 Mar 10 2023 21:40

Woo hoo! Thanks to Godville! 🍻

Capri Of Illora 4 Mar 10 2023 22:52

Love this change!

Raven 6 Mar 11 2023 01:24

Another great update! Thanks.

Dymphnation 4 Mar 11 2023 03:09

Great idea, thanks 😊

NebulousOne 6 Mar 11 2023 04:05

I like the improvement of the earthly news on top of the diary. That is practical info. Thanks.

AngelSoLovely Mar 11 2023 13:22

Thank you devs loving the update!

Hankvi Guidza 6 Mar 11 2023 14:51

That’s pretty quality right there. Thanks!

Enzuna 6 Mar 11 2023 21:10

Love this as a QoL! Does anyone think perhaps it should say “fishing at the 42nd milestone” for an example though?

The Mighty Stang 4 Mar 12 2023 00:09

Excellent! Now that I’ve seen it, I’d miss it terribly.

Turrin Toorinbarr 4 Mar 12 2023 14:00

Thank you developers for your attention to fine details that put the polish on an already super game and community!

Solenopsis 5 Mar 12 2023 14:27

Thank you Devs

Hup-hup 6 Mar 12 2023 19:58

Thank you

Tlazolteteo 6 Mar 13 2023 19:59

Enzuna – Absolutely. You should submit that as a grammar correction.

Coolbp5 4 Mar 16 2023 15:07

Thank you devs!

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