Short and up to the point.
Five years ago Godville opened its doors.
Five years ago first gods and heroes were born.
Five years ago first diaries were made.
Let’s make our heroes a hell of a day today!
Thirty festive charges will hopefully come in handy for this.
Congratulations, everyone!
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Congratulations, keep up the good work!
Congratulations! Keep up the good work!!!
Super High Five __
Keep up the good work!!!!
Longest I’ve ever stayed with a single game lol, Happy 5 Years!!
Yeah I love Bacon floors
Congratulations! :D Woo!
thank you let tavern time
Happy Birthday, have to get my hero drunk now, cheers for the most enjoyable game that I don’t even play.
Happy Happy Joy Joy! Best wishes for your birthday.
Happy birthday
Thanks and happy birthday! Godville made my life complete!
selamat hari jadi
This is now the only game on my phone. Keep up the good work !
Aww! Godville is starting Kindergarten this year! I’m so sad that it’s growing up so fast. ;)
I just started Godville and can’t put it down =D wonder what happens when I have my own temple. ..
Belated happy birthday Godville!! Love the game! Everything’s wonderful! You guys are awesome!! Thank you for the charges! :)