

Blanketses  8 

level 34


Age 9 years 6 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 23 thousand
Death Count 31
Wins / Losses 4 / 7
Bricks for Temple 27.4%
Pet Ninja tortoise Tigger


Weapon weapon of less destruction +41
Shield diplomatic immunity +43
Head helmet of thickheadedness +43
Body hitchhiker's towel +42
Arms Chinese finger trap +42
Legs hellbottoms +43
Talisman demon's heart +43


  • fanned fingers level 18
  • clinical strike level 16
  • golden vein level 11
  • flying bird level 10
  • sober view level 9
  • opacity control level 8
  • pocket hypnotoad level 4


Hero has yet to take places in pantheons.


  • Favorite, 2nd rank
  • Animalist, 3rd rank
  • Builder, 3rd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Hunter, 3rd rank
  • Martyr, 3rd rank
  • Renegade, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

01:54 PM I dreamed I was a young heroine again, and heard my mother say, “You’d better get your act together, because someday you’re gonna have to take a trip down memory lane!” Well, she always knew best.

10:31 PM Notes from the battlefield: During the excavation Pepto, SmokingOak and Blanketses disturbed someone’s lair. A giant Hulking Skilled Pickpocketing Terracotta Worrier shows up in front of them…

11:56 PM Heard some noises, swearing, shouts about raids, bosses and underground caves. Is someone digging nearby? Exalted One, I’ll be right back — if there’s anything going on, I’ll take part!

01:12 AM I can’t believe I’m level 20 already. People tell me that I look much younger though, and I still act like a total noob.

08:20 PM I’m not sure whether the Rock’em Sock’em Robot led a good life or not, but it was reincarnated as a Fabergé egg timer and 37 gold coins immediately after I killed it.

10:22 PM Tempted fate. Fate is now full of milk and cookies, and too bloated to pester me for the time being. They said only an idiot would try to tempt fate with milk and cookies. I guess they were right: after all the travels and blood, I only got 2D glasses and 630 gold coins.

08:01 AM When the bartender said that only a complete dimwit would attempt to replace Adam’s apple with a pear, I sensed I might be on to something. When he added that he was ready to bet a week’s supply of beer that no one would be that idiotic, I knew I had found my next quest.

“My wounds are healing, the holes in my outfit are disappearing, and even my pathetic life is starting to look better. My Lady, I think I shall do something great and stupid in your honor!” – Blanketses

01:31 PM A sage told me that a prophecy called for a brave, valiant heroine to grow and harvest a money tree. But, since he couldn’t find one, I’d have to suffice.

12:51 AM Just ran my fingers over an old battle scar, and was shocked to find that it said “Blanketses, go learn to dodge raindrops!” in Braille. Not sure how I can suddenly understand Braille, but I’d better do what it says.

05:56 AM Not to put too fine a point on it, but I filed and filed and filed, and managed to slim an array of rays into a slender beam. Had finally managed to narrow down broad daylight when I was ambushed by a prize committee with an oversized check for 2691 gold coins. Time to celebrate!

06:22 AM Paid 2845 coins to increase the level of my fanned fingers skill. I’d gladly pay double that for someone to train up my dating skills, though.