Arks and Dungeons

Godville, Sep 21 2013

The time has come to bring more meaning to the life of templed heroes. Sure they are already busy by saving gold for their bright future, but what if something bad happens before that? Something like global warming or heavy rain that will cause a giant flood… So let them build something big and buoyant, like an Ark. Just in case.

But there is a small problem here. As it was foretold in the ancient manuscripts, proper arks have to be built with a special kind of wood. It doesn’t just grow in the nearby forest, so heroes will have to search for it.

Luckily, there are as many as three separate ways of obtaining this wood:

  1. Sometimes pilgrims could put a log to the donation box in the temple (don’t worry, it doesn’t affect charges generation, as those are generated from gold).
  2. A hero can be rewarded with a whole pile of logs upon completing an epic quest.
  3. A piece of wood can also be found in the recently uncovered dungeons.

Yep, now we have dungeons! No one knew for sure what’s in there, but there were rumors of big rooms, long passages, hidden traps, strong bosses never seen before and rich treasuries. Heroes are too scared to enter dungeons by themselves, but sure enough, a god with a temple can make a compelling conviction, using a recently discovered new button on the Remote Control.

The main goal of a dungeon campaign is to find the treasury, which contains lots of gold, loot and yes, this rare gopher wood. Heroes are capable of finding the treasure completely on their own, by choosing directions at their will. However, wise gods can read the map and chronicles and guide the heroes with god voices, greatly increasing the overall chances of the party.

Notes on dungeons:

  • heroes must form a party of at least three to enter a dungeon. While underground, there must be at least two conscious adventures, otherwise the whole group will be evacuated to the surface (with minor penalties for unconscious heroes);
  • avoid sending your hero to dungeon on low health;
  • keep an eye on direction hints hidden in some rooms! Also, stronger bosses tend to live closer to the treasure;
  • bosses can be spotted from the distance just be reading the chronicle carefully and often could be avoided.
  • looting two wood logs from the treasuries within 24 hours is guaranteed. Getting more is still possible, but it’s up to The Great Random. Pay attention to send to dungeon confirmation popup for details (for the mobile apps it will be available with the next app update).

There could be various strategies and goals of dungeon exploration and it’s up to gods how much (or little) godpower to use, as most of the boss encounters could be avoided. But be prepared for the fact that the first few explorations won’t look easy and may take a bit more time. Not finding the treasure is not a big deal, as heroes won’t lose anything irreplaceable.

Final note: dungeons are for fun and you don’t have to explore them if you don’t want to. The hero is able to collect all of the required ark wood from temple and epic quests. Hail ZPG!

In other news, ones longing for new content submissions are kindly welcomed to check out a few dungeons first and then proceed with submitting their gems using the newly added category in the Ideabox. Grammar corrections for existing entries are welcomed too, as usual.

If you’re into dueling, make sure to check out new community-organized championship ‘Rest in Pieces’ with really awesome prizes!

Comments (48)
Yelowsub Oct 12 2013 08:02

I dont have a dungeon button…

The Big Guy Upstairs Oct 18 2013 16:17

* heroes must form a party of at least three to enter a dungeon. While underground, there must be at least two conscious adventures, otherwise the whole group will be evacuated to the surface (with minor penalties for unconscious heroes);

I went into the Dungeon in a group of five. On the last boss just prior to the treasury, the fourth adventurer was defeated leaving just me. I continued battling the boss using numerous charges and defeated him. I was then evacuated to the surface without being allowed to collect the treasure. It would seem to me, if the above guideline is true, the last remaining hero should be evacuated immediately following the defeat of the next to last adventurer and not be forced to continue fighting the boss or give up and wait to die. I would like to see this changed to allow the adventurer to continue or be evacuated immediatly if he or she is the last remaining hero.

Lord Actar Nov 16 2013 09:44

Damn nice

Tpod666 Dec 12 2013 07:11

Please add tpod666 for dungeon runs and pvps. I’m friendly too :)

Burnu4sure Dec 13 2013 06:34

Plz add spit fire to dungeon runs. I am firce and unafraid of dying.

EfiBRaps Feb 22 2014 11:20

Hey, I am new in God Ville and… Can someone help me?

EfiBRaps Feb 22 2014 11:20

Hey, I am new in God Ville and… Can someone help me?

Heavenly madness Mar 04 2014 06:09

Im new here can u add me

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