Seasonal Spookiness

Godville, Oct 29 2022

Ghostly greetings, fearsome gods and goddesses!

The annual Halloween Festival is here, so it’s time for spooky stuff. Let’s welcome:

  • undead monsters — they need to be killed twice and they’ll drop special loot, including…
  • glowing pumpkins — these are free to activate and can occasionally turn into really valuable things
  • pumpkinezed artifacts — these things have emojis, which instantly makes them popular among zoomers and traders

There are also two new eerie things:

  • the mysterious Ghost Town (conveniently located at the 13th milestone) is now obscuring the diaries while heroes are inside.
  • a new kind of beastie in the seas that is so enormous and dangerous that it can be seen right from the start. It also has a manimal or fenimal, so sail ahead if you dare.

The spooky event will last for the next three days — aside from the new beastie, which will stay for a fortnight.

New Sail Stuff
Speaking of seas, let’s welcome two new sail variations:

  • lighthouses that emit long and narrow light beams instead of the usual (and boring) circles;
  • a sea with lots of mostly harmless vortexes — one can use them as randomized shortcuts.

New Bosses Ability
There is a new ability for bosses — decoying. Decoying boss spawns multiple dummies during the fight – they are harmless, but good enough to deceive heroes and attract their strikes.

Hope these new additions will add more fun to the eerie feast. Happy Haunting!

Comments (53)
Alphessa Oct 30 2022 17:08

Thank you, spook-tastic develpers! You stayed with us for years, I appreciate it.

Turrin Toorinbarr 4 Oct 31 2022 01:03

Thank you developers you are the very best! HAPPY HAUNTINGS!!!

Mythiaa Oct 31 2022 01:04

Lets gooo!!

Pumkine Oct 31 2022 02:10

thanks this is so amazing

Enzuna 6 Oct 31 2022 04:51

Really the only negative is how short some events last! Also really liking Illusive!

Owllight Oct 31 2022 10:32

Happy Halloween! 🎃

The Omniscient Being 4 Oct 31 2022 17:14

Thesis devs, we appreciate you!

Norami Oct 31 2022 17:48


Average Viewer Oct 31 2022 18:35


Solenopsis 5 Nov 02 2022 09:07

I know it’s late but we appreciate your work devs thank you so much! This is the longest game I played!

Dreamseeker 6 Nov 02 2022 16:17

How about for next update, you make it so bosses in datamine try to get bits instead of trying to avoid them?

The Glump Nov 03 2022 01:09

Who up wonkin they Willy

Zethil Nov 17 2022 13:38

Thanks for the new content! Much appreciated

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