On pets and friends

Godville, Nov 06 2010

It is time to shed more light on your hero’s friendships. Friends have been joining the heroes occasionally and now that they are close, they may be stopping by more frequently. Specifically, whenever the gods of two befriended heroes watch over their champions, they increase the chances for those heroes to meet somewhere in the wilds of Godville. Friends can lend a hand during a perilous fight, provide companionship on sick-leave in a city, share a drink together, or just sit and chitchat near a campfire. Either way, the presence of a friend is usually helpful, and, starting today, there’s going to be more of it.

Another piece of good news is the creation of the Taming pantheon (we’re not sure about the name of this pantheon, so if you have an idea – go ahead and share it with everyone in the comments. New names and types of pets are also very much welcomed). The most active and high-level animals as well as their owners will take their hard-earned places there. The oracle has foretold great things for pets upon reaching level 30, but oracles are notoriously difficult to understand and it will be a while before anybody figures out what will happen. It is very likely that pets will die several times in the process, but a grieving hero may offer prayers in a city (with a solid amount of gold) to have some chance of reviving their beloved companion.

And finally, iPhone app for Godville 2.2.1 is out. It addresses some stability problems and some issues in the ideabox. Hope you’ll like it.

Comments (13)
Goddess Orleans Nov 06 2010 14:09

Thank you for the 3 free invites! Upgrade is great! Rock on!

Fakename1000 Nov 06 2010 16:38

My pet did just die, very sad. Poor Simba!

Danqazmlp Nov 06 2010 17:29

Great update, thanks guys!

Hammrsgl Nov 06 2010 22:24

Admin, thanks for the update, and thanks for the invites – nice to expand the Godville friendship network!!! Congrats on a great game!

Godzillla 4 Nov 07 2010 03:52

If you are going to have a tamming pantheon you need to make it easier to revive the pets… what happens when the pet is level 20? You will need 9000 gold to rez him? When does a hero hold onto 9000 gold without spending it in town?

So either make it easier to save money or cheaper to rez a pet please.

Shinchib 4 Nov 07 2010 06:34

Thanks for the update for the iPhone. It was starting to get annoying.

Perhaps having a chance to pray together to our gods might be another random event that can happen when our heros cross paths?

Pahein Nov 08 2010 05:57

For the variety of names, I would suggest transcribing the names from a baby name book. Or perhaps two. If I recall correctly, there are a few naming books out there that deal specifically with second (i.e. chosen and meaningful) names. But of course that’s fairly labor intensive, not to mention it’s likely there might be a few copyright snags somewhere in there. Perhaps a baby name website? There’s quite a share of those, too.

Pet varieties would, obviously, have to be monsters… Perhaps adding an ideabox category for (already existing as well as new) monsters that could be made into pets?

Fakename1000 Nov 08 2010 23:39

Agree w/Godzilla – something might have changed a little, as my hero has much more often had 2000-3000 gold in his possession recently. However, it was still not enough to resurrect my pet (even at only level 9!).

I was also thinking that it might be nice to change up the order of town visiting sometimes – maybe make the hero pray first before going to the store or spending lots of coins at the bar/show/whatever he chooses to waste his money on. Randomizing the order could be nice.

Mojofairy Dec 10 2010 22:55

I knew where to find the list of pets that can be tamed but i was wondering if there was anywhere in the forums that i could find a list of the pets your hero may buy.

Dyar Apr 04 2011 20:52

My pet just died. :( I also agree with Godzilla

ShannonC Oct 16 2011 12:53

How do i get a pet?

Sunflowersiren Jun 29 2013 04:00

It would be great to buy pets and have more control over them .. Perhaps even having pets do battle!

Sunflowersiren Jun 29 2013 04:00

It would be great to buy pets and have more control over them .. Perhaps even having pets do battle!

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