Arena 2.0

Godville, Jun 05 2014

Greetings, Godville gods!

It’s time to shake up one of the oldest part of the game – the Arena. A refresh of the arena duel experience was long overdue and finally the time has come to make it more interesting… in the unique Godville Random way.

The fundamental idea of an arena duel remains the same – a god sends his champion to fight some other hero. The winner gets a golden brick, accumulator charge, all of the opponent’s gold and a win record for the pantheon/achievement. However, there are important changes:

  1. Each fight can have slightly different rules – a fight can be twice as fast, or have an extra reward for the winner (or even the loser), or each turn will restore some godpower, or there will be a certain limit on the total number of accumulator charges that can be used, etc. Pay attention to the introductory messages at the beginning to know what kind of extra rule this fight has.
  2. To make pairing easier the level of the opponents won’t matter in new arena duels. From now on a match between level 15 hero and level 45 hero is possible and quite normal, as both opponents will be made equal. Nobody has advantage due to a level, hp, equipment, strike power, etc.
  3. After teleporting to the arena the hero will wait for the opponent for 10 minutes. If he doesn’t find an opponent a godpower refund or a golden brick is guaranteed.
  4. In addition to the old “attack/heal/pray” duel voices now there is a new one – “defend”. This will order the hero to take a defensive stance, which will decrease all upcoming damage during the turn, and should add a refreshing twist to dueling tactics. Btw, this command will work in boss fights too.
  5. There will be a new pantheon for arena duels, which will be more tolerant of duel loses and will only rank heroes who’ve been active in the arena within the last few weeks. The new pantheon will appear when there have been enough fights held under the new rules.
  6. Finally, heroes have became more civilized and won’t fight each other outside of the designated area. So your champion will no longer get into a duel while you’re asleep or something. Bye-bye skirmishes!

There have been many internal changes, so some bumps here and there are quite possible over the next few days. Any feedback on the new arena duels is highly appreciated.

UPD: There are some matching restrictions worth mentioning: a new player won’t get matched against a seasoned player; a hero with a temple can only match against another hero with a temple. Oh, and special artifacts teleporting to the arena are no longer require godpower. Oh, and now we have special arena teleporting artifacts that don’t require godpower!

Comments (79)
Viola Rosaline 4 Jun 05 2014 19:16

I have to manually refresh on my windows phone. Faster duels won’t be very fair.

Pavementman 6 Jun 05 2014 19:21

I for one didn’t like outside-arena-duels that kept draining off the valuables & equipments of my hero, so I’m happy these matches are now regulated (I.E. open-world-you-lose-your-loot-pvp-anywhere is now gone).

I’ll certainly try out the arena more often now.

Brinjal 6 Jun 05 2014 19:45

I’ll miss the thrill of catching my hero in a skirmish or waking up to find he had beaten a random opponent up. But the new arena stuff is awesome. I have to say I’m wondering what the defend command is best used for, as cool as it is, a heal command will undo damage. However, if it can defend powerfully against a punish or save your team mates in a boss battle, then awesome!

Eririnn Jun 05 2014 19:53

Brilliant! That’s exciting news, and I can’t wait to try this out! However, not to criticize, but a fair amount of us seem to have preferred skirmishes. Perhaps an on/off switch for those could be implemented? Thank you so much! Rock on, Godville!!

Awesomecanuck Jun 05 2014 20:23

YES no more skirmishes!

Richard Noggin 6 Jun 05 2014 20:34

I would like to see arena ties be eliminated. A tie should just be a push…doesn’t get recorded in the win/loss, no brick award, and neither loses their gold. It’s annoying enough to blow charges and still lose a well fought bout. But its even more irritating to lose on a tie decided by the great random.

Glavious Jun 05 2014 21:36

Cool, off to the arena! :)

Schizophrenic Jun 05 2014 22:48

This is stupid. What’s the point of being equal?! The winner is only determined by using charges now, of course strategy matters too but if my opponent has three times my godpower I’m gonna lose no matter what my strategy is.The extra rules are cool but I liked it better dueling with people my level.

Teromil Jun 05 2014 22:57

Glad to see skirmishes gone. Great update. Thanks!!

Snowman79 Jun 06 2014 01:27

So now it comes down to who has more charges left..hmmm

Red Lala Jun 06 2014 02:52

I have to agree with the sentiment of missing the skirmishes, especially since I get a notification for them. Granted, that’s not really useful for when I’m asleep, but I really like the idea of having a setting where you can restrict the times your hero can get into skirmishes, or where you can just turn them off if you didn’t like them. I also like the idea of having a set number of charges a god can use in a duel, especially if you’re taking the level and equipment advantages away. Seems like it’d make it a little more fair. Otherwise, great job as usual, admins!! :D

Don the Great 4 Jun 06 2014 03:13

At what point does fairness become good. I am currently in a arena battle where my hp dropped to the level that’s equal to the lower level opponent…but now…The duel doesn’t count on the win/loss stats? It’s random granted…but what’s the point of wasting my time if it’s randomly not going to count?…boo on the update

Don the Great 4 Jun 06 2014 03:30

Maybe part of the change log should have stated “we’ve implemented a random event where some of the fights will not count. We call it the fairness rule. In this fight EVERY ONE WINS!!” It’s a waste of time and waste of charges. Especially if both gods are active in the battle. I feel no pleasure by winning the battle because before the update ….it actually meant something to win. I reiterate…

Don the Great 4 Jun 06 2014 03:36

So long to skirmishes. ..never liked losing while i was sleeping. long arena…“the great random strikes again”…This game is all about the random…maybe, just maybe, you should treat updates like guilds treat their members……: “hey godville players. We’re thinking of implementing some new features X, Y, and Z. Let’s us know what you think.”….Instead of mucking up the gameplay that has been a staple for thousands of your players for… 4 years…

Scifiaddict Jun 06 2014 05:07

Anyone else lose the arena button

Vrach Jun 06 2014 07:36

In regards to “yay, this combats charge buyers in the Arena” – no, it doesn’t. I go to the Arena on pretty much every cooldown. In total, I’ve fought ~250 battles. Maybe 5 of those were buyers, people having infinite charges for all a non-buyer is concerned. That means you run into a charger once every 50 fights. They didn’t implement a new rule saying “only 3 charges per fight”. That’s just one of those possible random scenarios in Arena. Now, there seems to be a good number of possible scenarios – I’ve seen/heard of 3 bricks for the loser, 3 bricks for the winner, 5% GP/turn and longer fight=more gold. If those are all the scenarios (and they’re likely not), that means you have a 20% chance of that being the case whenever you fight someone. So, let’s ignore the laws of probability and actual maths and just combine those two probabilities, that means you’re gonna fight a charger who is limited once every 250 battles. That’s not restricting buyers at all.

I’m not a fan of “fight any level”. I get the “friends can enter Arena against each other now”, but the previous system allowed 10 levels of disparity between levels and I think that was more than enough, if it wasn’t, you still had sparring matches (which are now nearly utterly pointless) and the option to create alts. As it is, levels, equipment and everything else now all feels pointless and there’s pretty much no chance your hero won’t find an opponent (which was a nice little boost now and again and was still rare enough in my experience not to be overpowered) as you can fight anyone. With the matchmaking system in place, that just slows down temple building further and it really didn’t need to be any slower than building the damn thing in at least 6-7 months without paying for it. It’s all about the charges now and that’s pretty boring, I liked being able to do the Arena often, not once a day or two when I could accumulate 3 charges and hope to hell my opponent doesn’t have more than that.

Iduna Jun 06 2014 07:52

AWESOME UPDATE you may get a flood of new fighters!

Don the Great 4 Jun 06 2014 11:33

TERRIBLE UPDATE…that flood will eliminate veteran fighters….If you want to give new fighters the chances veterans have, then create their own arena. Call it the newbie league. Forcing players to be downgraded to a lower level just to make fighters feel good sucks. Maybe one or two random rules about gold bricks, gold, or experience would have been fine. But when you dip your hat into stats I’m trying to build because you don’t want feelings to be hurt? ?? It’s like putting a big mystery box or a deus ex machina down before the battle. My experiences with those suck. One out of every 5 did something to benefit me BUT THAT WAS A RANDOM. Me taping on “send to arena” isn’t random. It shouldn’t be random if I win or lose or if it doesn’t count. I lost fights and it sucked. But I also one which made up for it. This update is a “flood” of suck.

Don the Great 4 Jun 06 2014 11:39

TERRIBLE UPDATE…that flood will eliminate veteran fighters….If you want to give new fighters the chances veterans have, then create their own arena. Call it the newbie league. Forcing players to be downgraded to a lower level just to make fighters feel good sucks. Maybe one or two random rules about gold bricks, gold, or experience would have been fine. But when you dip your hat into stats I’m trying to build because you don’t want feelings to be hurt? ?? It’s like putting a big mystery box or a deus ex machina down before the battle. My experiences with those were terrible. One out of every five did something to benefit me, most of the time it steals or adds another death…BUT THOSE ARE RANDOM EVENTS. Me taping on “send to arena” isn’t random. It shouldn’t be random if I win or lose or if it doesn’t count. I lost fights and it sucked. But I also won which made up for it. This update is a “flood” of suck.

Don the Great 4 Jun 06 2014 11:41

oh….sorry for the double post. I didn’t mean to send that rant twice. Lol

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