

The Drifter 449

level 104

Traveling to the Unknown

Age 8 years 8 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 396 thousand
Death Count 136
Wins / Losses 178 / 79
Temple Completed at 04/14/2017
Ark Completed at 02/18/2019 (258.7%)
Pairs Gathered at 10/16/2023
Savings 14M, 578k (48.6%)
Pet Ticking crocodile Oy 4th level


Weapon interscepter +113
Shield rock of aegis +116
Head robbin' hood +118
Body trenchcoat of arms +114
Arms engagement wings +117
Legs strapless sandals +113
Talisman crime ring +113


  • electro-broom level 103
  • instant hairloss level 101
  • knight's move level 100
  • fake smile level 94
  • forced generosity level 90
  • inept singing level 89
  • foot massage level 83
  • explosive character level 83
  • tooth sampling level 81
  • palm of the panda level 49


  • ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones




  • Animalist, 1st rank
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Careerist, 1st rank
  • Favorite, 1st rank
  • Hunter, 1st rank
  • Invincible, 1st rank
  • Raider, 1st rank
  • Renegade, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Champion, 2nd rank
  • Coach, 2nd rank
  • Dueler, 2nd rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Freelancer, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Moneybag, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Seadog, 2nd rank

Hero's Chronicles

The Traveller is an account passed from one deity to another, with 5 simple rules.

Rule #1 the most important rule is to pass this account on. You must pass it to someone active and you must do it within one week, preferably within a few days.

Rule #2 you must copy these rules and message them to the person you pass this account to.

Rule #3 you must post something about your stay with this account on the chronicles.

Rule #4 if you for any reason change the account password please send the new password to Strong Soul and Lucidonias.(Strong Soul is less active these days, I’ll be keeping an extra eye on the account)

Rule #5 Do not use the Traveller’s Hero to Duel, spar, or dungeon with your own. You could cost him his license to travel.

Other than that feel free to do whatever you want. Change his motto, guild, post something on the forum threads… pretty much anything to make your mark on his life.

The Traveller of Godville was created to map all the accounts on Godville’s servers. If you have come in contact with him, then you know that he is nowhere near through with his task. So I ask for your help. Please sign your name at the bottom of these chronicles. And feel free to put down any other information you wish for him to remember, such as but not limited to:

  • The guild he was in during the time you knew him,
  • the level he was the last time you saw him last,
  • the Motto he had when you met him,
  • and just one small quote from you yourself to let us know a little about you.

Once you have made your mark on the travellers life, please refer him to one of your friends, tell them the password and the name, and let the traveller do what he does best.

The traveller has leveled up. He’s seen so much of the world now that his journal completely filled up. If you’d like to see all the cool stuff the people he met had to say to him, you can find his beat up used chronicles on the Godwiki (link below). You won’t regret checking it out, there’s about six years of the good the fun and the ugly for you to look over. All through the eyes of over 50 different people! But I must admit, I believe the journey will only get better from here.

List of Gods the Traveller has Come in Contact with. AKA caretakers.👇
History: Past Chronicles

132 Woody Pecker
07-11-22 to 13-11-22
Motto: Sus from the heart
Guild: Usual Suspects
Level: 101
Charges: 26

Charges used: 1
Arena score: 1/1/1 (win/unmatched/loss)
Dungeon score: 0/0/1 (win/unmatched/loss)

Day 4564 g.e. 17:00 – Sent the drifter to the ZPG arena to let them try their luck. They lost after putting up a good fight

Day 4564 g.e. 17:10 – The drifter died at the 3ab. But that means they went back to temple and sacrificed gold for experience! Well done, Drifter.

Day 4564 g.e. 22:10 – Sent the drifter to the ZPG arena and timed out.

Day 4564 g.e. 22:10 – The drifter won! Very nice fight.

133 Saturio
15-11-22 to 20-11-22
Motto: The border is closed
Guild: GWJ
Level: 102
Charges: 20

Saturio noticed the hero two days late. He spent these two days wandering around to complete the quest to join a new guild, GWJ. By the time Saturio arrived, he was already 80% done in quest and 850 miles away from Godville.

Saturio wasn’t sure of what to do with him, but she know that he has his pairs collection almost done. She decided to help him with the adventures with all the experiences she had with her own hero. These adventures reminded her that how hard it is to run adventures without the extended Godpower battery.

Dungeon: 5-2
Sail: 3-2
ZPG arena: 1-0

20-11-22 to 05-10-23

The Traveller is abandoned by the gods and sentenced to roam once again.

134 Lucidonias
05-10-23 to 06-10-23

I found the Traveller in tears, abandoned by the gods yet again. I don’t have time for his antics, I have my own “hero” to deal with. My plan is to make him someone else’s problem ASAP.

135 Dodionoo
06-10-23 to 13-10-23

No chronicles left.

No care taker
13-10-23 to 17-10-23
The hero wandered for days before he was found again. In his travels he completed gathering his thousand pairs! A huge achievement for this oft forgotten hero. Next comes cresting his book. A difficult task for someone who cannot read. Luckily Illuminaughty Goat took up the mantle to provide the hero much needed divine guidance.

136 Illuminaughty Goat
17-10-23 to 24-10-23
Was at Ιδίοπολις when took him over. Peasants call it “Quirkytown”. Simpletons with narrow horizons. It’s not quirky, it’s idiosyncratic! Had low health. Had to stop by.
Χαδ α δουbλε-χεαδεδ δράγον αζ α πέτ. Impressive!
Gύηλd: Gods of Creation (Θεόι ταῖς κτῐ́σεσῐ)
Lεβύλ 104.
His motto was: “The border is closed.” What βόρδερ? Θέοπολις isn’t a country. Unless those simpletons who call it “Godville” think otherwise… that would make sense.
The Traveller of Godville believes they are being taken over by someone else because they have episodes of psychosis – there is definitely no account shifting here, I have no idea what this Lucidonias guy is talking about, but trust me – I ain’t fooled by you, or him. Next thing you know, he will call you tomorrow and try to sell you a rust bucket while you believe it is a brand-new car. The day after tomorrow, you arrive at the scrapyard and discover that the car you bought is a bicycle frame with missing wheels. Utterly ridiculous gaslighter, could have told you that the frame is some sort of high-end, cutting-edge carbon road bike stuff worth twenty thousand dolleons, instead, you were led on to think you are buying an elaborate air polluter.
Man, I sounded exactly like my mother for just a few seconds there… This is all a ploy to keep you unaware that we live in the Matrix. I don’t like money, anyway – why do you carry it? How about I graciously help you out and carry it for you? The Traveller could also have delusions of grandeur from all the heroics they perform. Who wouldn’t? I mean, this person has a double-headed dragon as a pet, of all things! This must really put a strain on one’s mind – which manifests as ever-changing self-perception. Not to mention that they drink just like any other hero… which is why the Traveller decided to enroll with The Hug Central – as deluded as he is, he did so with a hope that some other spirit will possess him, something different than the usual spirits that hold power over him. Wish him best of luck! What do you mean that the money I have is yours? You are attempting to rob me! Anyway, this hero is very certain he saw an UFO above Ιδίοπολις and almost decoded the algorithm containing a hidden message from the developer of this game called real life (the game, not the developer) that is encoded in each person’s birthdate and date of death, thus there is no time to think too much – onwards, in pursuit! Of the Truth! Νί (he has no idea what it means)!

137 Thegamerking777
Decoded Message – Read the Chronicles to find out the pattern shown in plain sight. In Day 6, it would be complete.

26-10-2023 to 01-11-2023 (included)

I saw an opportunity and didn’t know if or when it will come.
Since the message came little late through the day (when I slept), today it starts;

Day 1 –
“The Jacked Sparrow applauded my “inept singing” skill before realizing that it had suffered massive damage.” – This is the first entry on the diary that I saw after logging in.
Time to explore!

“You… You healed me? That must mean you’re in a good mood today, Almighty. Is something wrong?” – Nothing’s wrong, it is part of the change that you feel currently, as you are Traveling to the Unknown.

Somehow, I came with this message, thought that it can be worth to be read by all of us:
“Only when it is gone, we know how much we miss it dearly. Stand up and continue forwards, without expecting anything in return.”
(Each day that passes, a new word is unlocked, you may influence which word it is by sending a private message with the number of the word from left to right)

“I never ask why I need to finish this quest, Soul Supreme! It’s all for You.
Finally completed my quest to find algebra’s X without asking Y. Got some experience and a golden brick after a long, draggy cutscene.” – It came to my attention, putting it here.

“Pondered over my contribution to the world and society. Maybe if I start at the end and work back to the beginning people will remember my name.” – Actually, it is a nice quest idea, certainly can bring a new perspective to the table.

“As I continue my efforts to become a better person, my resolutions are: 1. Stop making lists. B. Be more consistent. 7. Learn to count.” – Beginning to smile.

Logging off through this day, made me wonder with something that I have encountered before – Is X worth it?
The answer obviously changes when X takes another form.
I am not quite sure how it is here (perhaps basically just code?).
Still, we might as well respect those, even if built with entire code or something else, as it guides us.

We are… literally creating and shaping, whenever we know it or are ignorant, or like me, striving to learn and know more about it.
I am sure The Drifter, in some parts, does the same, as do YOU.

Day 2 –
Game on,
As chosen, the 3rd word unlocked: dearly.

While dreams were close to come before sleep and predictions leapt me in before them (Is it a coincidence?), I was thinking about writing something a little personal that can relate here as well.

How does The Drifter and Your hero/ine cope with hardships? or perhaps when there is distress in the air?
One way is that some hero/ines spend the majority of their gold in a pub, even if the sum in one go, is waaay higher (50,000+ gold for a visit).

While The Drifter makes his way to improving himself, probably in it’s natural state, I am writing this… when the majority tilts to be where the questions lay.
I do not know why, as much as I’m affected, worry does not come, somehow little fear and other siblings remain.
Instead, assisting and helping with what I can do, and being praised for keeping the high-spirits.

The expectations of how it would land on me, were far too off and because of it, this surprises me in a good way in the present.
Plus, it changes; The people, when overcoming with the first event, they set an frank and high standards for exemplary in their actions.
This, is what keeps us all alive, OUR each, every individual and intertwined light inside of us.

“Unzipped and stepped out of my aura of saving and left it by the roadside. It had started to smell a bit funky.” – Hey! This is only temporary and understandable?

Today was rather uneventful compared to yesterday, but in it’s own, there were a few surprises, here and in real life.
Tomorrow might be a good time to do this.
The challenge is where and how it can be done – Creativity…

Day 3 –
Before getting into it, the results of the next unlocked word is the 2nd word: miss.

Another surprise that might change some plans + It’s harder to sleep in night when you know there are some exciting duties you take!
A clue for it might be when I activated an Invite to Godville – “Looks like my invite to Godville has been used as it should be… Great One, please send me a date!”

Soon, I am going to implement the Creativity, experiment time! – Done.

“Reluctantly, the trader took my coupon, frowned, and led me into the changing room. Wow, engagement wings!” – Okay, this is the second thing that surprised me, in exchange for equipment coupon.

“Saw a burning bush. Watered it.” – Quite literally!

Quest – Knock at Baldur’s Gate and run away – Almost the same as knocking at Death’s door quest.

“Savagely shouted, “Traveling to the Unknown!” at the Browser Historian and ran away while it was dizzy.” – That’s one way to do this.

I was checking the history of The Drifter and found out with a little surprise that some stats have gone up since I have taken him.
This shows me and for anyone that it may be concerned that for everything you choose (or not choose – that is a choice too), it has an impact.
This may be obvious and sometimes, even for the person itself, it can be vague or not considered at all (as not seeing it as an option altogether).

I am also stating it out: I am blind as well (not literally) by not knowing and learning to know about other things that are unknown for me.
Pretty sure when we take this into consideration; Every one of us, is blind in some aspect.

All been considered, it reminds me of a story.
However it does not relate to what has been written, so I will consider if it’s worth sharing tomorrow.

Day 4 –
137 are connected and have some meaning, although sometimes I forget about it, and it still may affect it.

This time, there is a 3-tie breaker!
Time to roll the dice 3 times! :)
Rolling d4… 2-2-1
I was almost surprised to reroll (because no one voted vote to the 4th locked word in the sentence), according to the last result, commencing on revealing the 1st word: gone.

Quest – Save the world anonymously (epic) – That’s sometimes what it feels like.

Story time? Story time! (Reminder: Recalling from memory and it is not original)
There is a rumor about a ‘greater’ place, some consider it as ‘forgiving’ and ‘accepting’ every one of a kind.
You know? It could sound nice to see these places yourself, but are they true or just exaggerating what is really in there?

Due to the complexity of not even knowing where it is, life continues on…
Until, something odd happens, but it sounds… incredible?
You can hear faint pleasant sounds from where you are, and people start following the sounds, wait, animals too? Does plants count as well?!

This is almost sounds outrageous to think about, and it seems so real, probably it is time to see why they follow this single direction.

As you follow them forwards and some do behind you, hoards of these life-forms are continuing this direction, before approaching a cave.

The sounds get stronger as you enter, and you see a circle of who were in front of you and those who enter after you – In the center, a [Pick your color] flame is present, illuminating the place.

Those that are surrounded are kept in anticipation, their eyes (or energy?) project the color of the flame as it is the most beautiful thing they have ever seen.

You are probably expecting something ‘Suddenly’ will happen or that the cave might explode out of room soon enough, and you won’t be wrong, entirely.

As the flame continues to produce these sweet captivating melodies: one person, two persons, a lion and sunflower approach from different directions towards the flame and getting engulfed, entirely.

It continues on, with other life-forms as they stood for a while, they decide it is better to surrender themselves to something greater, forgiving and accepting.
The sounds are getting louder the longer you stay there and the flame signals(?) to you; Stay for 2 more minutes.

What would you do? – You have approximately 100 seconds before something happens(?)

Day 5 –
7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…
And the results are out!
The Majority chose the last word, 6th word: return.
P.S. To this day, Every word got at least one vote each!

I hope you took the exercise well, and if not, that you are enjoying reading so far.
The sharing of the story and the value, comes from; Why not to share and open the perspective?
Sometimes, it is necessary to see which time it is the best to uncover.
This time, it’s for all of you – I unconsciously, part of the flame as many caretakers before and will after me.

An adventure, discovery and anything else you see, is a part of it and I hope that it will reach at least one person, or just remind me and you about what might happen (even though, not everyone will discover this level, in their lifetime, probably…)

In another news – “Just as the Undead Flying Saucier was about to finish me off, Sandman gamely threw himself head-first at the creature, killing it instantly. He’s been stupefied since, with his eyes crossed and his tongue hanging out. I promise I’ll heal you, my brave, loyal double dragon, if it’s the last thing I ever do!” – One hour was left for the pet when I logged in, and this happens…

“I spent 14171 coins to heal my pet. He wasn’t knocked out for too long, so he might even get his next level faster. Grow big and strong, my Sandman!” – Glad to be there on time, for The Drifter and the pet, Sandman “Steady” (Double Dragon!)

“Filled with love, the monster’s heart grew three sizes, making it easier to stab.” – Ohhh, it is so sweet, to kill x)

Side Job – Make 1,500 diary entries (48 hours) – Good luck.

I do not know how I do this, and I’m glad to push myself further.
Experimenting in safe environments are one of the main keys that enable us to discover ourselves better and clearly.

These rare opportunities, many people take for granted (yes, even I and so do you), but some of us acknowledge or will do it because when we discover that the path there grants us more than the stimuli, there is even more to explore beyond.

You might be surprised yourself, I am continuing to surprise myself and cherish the moments when I push myself, of course, with reasonable cause and safety in mind.

Day 6 –
7, as a lucky number and The Drifter is dead, until…

“I was floating upwards towards feelings of peace and happiness, when my spirit was violently shoved into my body screaming back to life.” – That sums up.

Results – 4th word: forwards.
(If you send to me the correct 5th locked word before it is unlocked, I will give another clue about who I am for you in Day 7)

“It took a long time, but I finally managed to save the world anonymously. Soon, the world will hear of my great accomplishments and shower me with praise and gifts for… wait, what? THAT’s what anonymously means?
My quest to save the world anonymously is done. After hearing about how epic I was, I humbly accepted a pile of wooden ark planks and a gift-wrapped, triple-sized chunk of experience.” – :)

“Sandman graciously gave me a quick ride on his back. I gave him a big hug as thanks.” – The Double Dragon Pet for The Drifter and vice versa :)

“Fished out a heart of the Salsamander (lvl 1). How did it get there?” – On the same page as you.

“The Shock Therapist slowly disappeared in a swarm of hungry tribbles.” + “The Ghoulkeeper tried to flee when it saw the hungry tribbles in my backpack. The hungry tribbles were faster.” – Since I have opened the pumpkin, the hungry tribbles eat left and right.

Everyone should have the chance to experience, experiment and explore.
Today, there was and still is a chance that one of them were to bring me possibly deep down.
Mostly, because of some being locked in certain knowledge and feeding it consistently as it continues to “evolve”.

I am sad for these people that are being “passed” almost like an ‘object’ for those kinds of goals.
Certainly, not everything is this way, and the majority of it involves, by the bare minimum, treating people like people.

This is were the foundations laid out, some exploit them still and we should watch out.
We just need to prepare for what’s to come and see it for ourselves.
I… (the thoughts travel to the possibilities of what can be written next)
I’m continuing to learn, and it’s hard sometimes but it is possible.

You will know what’s coming next, or not, or maybe do, perhaps else?
Anyway, in whichever choice you are going to make, regardless of your position, please listen to yourself and see what’s more there in the surroundings.
Thank me by giving your kindness, it would mean much more when it passes, genuinely(!)

Day 7 –
My last day.
The remaining word, 5th word, unlocked by default: expecting.

“Even though the Boa Conscriptor got killed by my equipment, it looks like it’s not a problem for these sharp-toothed tribbles.” – These tribbles are getting hungrier each day.

“The gang of tribbles indicated this was their stop and finally hopped out of my backpack leaving 11381 coins as tips.” – Nice :)

Side Job – Make 1500 diary entries (reward pending) – Done :)

In the end of it all, you have been illuminated to what I and others have been written.
Whenever you read the chronicles, I hope this adventure is enjoyable and memorable as it were for me.

My goal, by taking care of The Drifter during this time, were to challenge myself and seek what I can do and prevail my “walls” by calling it into question.

If you have managed to read all of my chronicles, I bow and thank you for taking your time.
As a bonus, if you took the exercises and thoughts before reading as quickly as possible, I tip my invisible hat to you as well.

We are all a character, we highlight what (hoping) feels right, and just remember; I believe there is more into it, into this levels, at least level 10.
I am glad to see that my longed thoughts are being connected and reminded & seen that I am on the right path consistently.

It is not over, and I will continue in whichever it will be.
It’s challenges and explorations, what might it be?
Into the journey, we go like The Drifter continues on…

Before logging off and handing The Drifter for the next one, 3 things will happen;
Before the transition – sharing of a recent experience,
Just before it – the decryption and explanation of the answer,
Last but not least, after the transition – sort of an epilogue, on my personal account.

My parents have reminded me of something while we talked recently, and a video is kinda hinting on it in another perspective which is happening.
Both of them, affect every, single, one of us, bit by bit.
In reality and the digital world we are in.

I will be precise here and just say it:
When we are aware of the system we are in, the more likely, we can navigate and travel outside of it.

Here’s a personal example which happened in the first Space Mafia (Series) Game (it’s basically a social deduction game, similar to wolfs and villagers):
Basic rules have been handed to each of the players, except another role came into play – The hologram, which dies in the first night and knows all of the “bad” pals.
Each night, the hologram can give only a single letter which is being shown in the next day to all of us with the events of the killings.

No one has expected that, and I eventually broke the system by Addressing the hologram with a question of: "Is X (Player Name) “bad” pal?" with a Yes (“Y”) or No (“N”) answers, which soon got evolved with other players and beaten the game as it wasn’t forbidden by the rules.

Even when the system might get complicated eventually (more rules to negate this types of scenarios), we are following it.
By being aware of what we are into, it is our first step to know if we need to take action, for us and the sake of all of us.

It did affect the players on the “bad” side, even though we all played by the same rules, we shall seek and research properly if it’s necessary and act accordingly; When we are aware of our surroundings, we unlock a step forwards outside.

Now, for the decryption answers…

It is I, Thegamerking777, aka, TGK777!

Below this text, the answer will be shown, if you want a go before revealing with the answer, now is your chance.

Without further ado,
“Read the Chronicles to find out the pattern shown in plain sight. In Day 6, it would be complete.”

Each day, more of this message would be decoded.
On Day 5, the message was complete.

There is indeed a pattern which is sneaky and was shown all along,

We will go Day by Day and see together, on the left is the Day number and right is the first word/number/symbol:
1 – T he, 2 – G ame, 3 – K arma, 4 – 7, 5 – 7, 6 – 7, 7 – !

Probably most of you hadn’t got it, with not knowing the answer at all or even with it, perhaps after some time.
Sharpen your skills? Great! Fun time? Fantastic! You just read all of this? Unbelievable!

Even if you haven’t said yes to any; Thank you for taking your time and attention.
It took (how much hours had it took?) approximately half a day in total(?!)
I am not even sure, because I lost track of time as soon as I enjoyed the beginning of Day 1 until the very end of Day 7.

I hope that for the next caretakers, a glimpse of the possibilities and what can be done will continue to discover and light it up.

Last, and this time, not the least, for this chronicles –
I am going to copy My and The Drifter Chronicles into my personal account and write the first words in there.

Feel free to look into it and contact or surprise me!


02-11-2023 to 7-11-2023
Day One: After 35 levels I thought it was a good time to put Sandman “Steady”, the double dragon, in the ark before anything could happen to them.
Also was brought out IRL to a cemetary where the rain very lightly poured as we metaphorically poured one out for someone. The mushrooms were nice this time of year but they do feed off the dead.

Day Two: 10:09 p.m. After such a glorious battle with the Ticking Crocodile, I could not bring myself to deliver the finishing blow. Instead, he will be my new companion. Come along, Oy, let’s go questing!
Found Oy today, also was taken to a pharmacy for a flu shot. Went well.

Day Three: 03:25 p.m. As thunder rumbled and lightning split the sky, Oy began to shine with a glorious and terrifying light. Great One, why can’t leveling up be this impressive for me?
Oy leveled up today, other than that rather uneventful.

Day Four: Nothing of note happened other than I joined the Questers Union guild today as it’s second memeber, seems nice so far.

Day Five: 04:40 p.m. Decided to take an underwater basket weaving class. After all, what could possibly go wrong?
And so my dive into academia begins…

Day Six: 01:20 p.m. I was bored to tears, so I decided to challenge Death to a game of chess. This should be interesting.

Day Seven: 02:58 a.m. Wait, he accepted? I was just bluffing. I don’t even know how to play chess. Time to run away!
My quest to challenge Death to a game of chess has been completed! Received some experience and a wish for good luck.
My last day with The Drifter. I hope he had fun

7-11-2023 to