For Clarity Sake

Godville, Mar 10 2023

Hey there, fellow deities!

Let’s talk about “earthly news”. Remember those handy updates above the diary that keep us in the loop about what our heroes are up to? Sometimes they get a little too creative and puzzling, making it hard to understand what’s going on down there.

So we’ve made some changes to make divine observation easier. Now, the news headline tells you exactly what your hero is doing. “Fishing on 13th milestone”, “Sleeping in Bumchester” or “Trading in Herowin” — it’s all simple and clear. And the earthly news itself is still there in all its ridiculousness.

To check out this new feature make sure your Godville app is up to date (Android, iOS).

In other news, spring has sprung! That means it’s time for our annual Spring Content Cleaning. If you come across any poorly worded, inappropriate, or overused game texts, let us know in this forum topic.

Comments (37)
Bigbeerman 6 Mar 10 2023 13:32

Hooray! Im first!

Margoyle 5 Mar 10 2023 13:38

Second. Oh hey Bigbeerman!
Also neat!

Orgm 4 Mar 10 2023 13:43

Thanks for this very useful feature. Great update as usual. 🙂

Bastienne 6 Mar 10 2023 13:44

Oh! That’s really helpful!

Thorbjoern 6 Mar 10 2023 13:51

This is neat

Goddess Greenwitch 4 Mar 10 2023 13:58

Great change! Thanks for the update.

Twork Mar 10 2023 14:08

Seventh. Also this is just what I needed and had no clue until just now.

Urasismine Mar 10 2023 14:23

Awesomesauce! Can’t wait to see what happens next!

Cotzbalam 6 Mar 10 2023 14:28

Very helpful and long awaited, thanks devs!

Foobar42 5 Mar 10 2023 14:32

Nice! Our guild will be thrilled!

Sniper404 6 Mar 10 2023 14:55

Lovely job devs, keep up the amazing work!

Godonetwothree 4 Mar 10 2023 15:03

Thanks for keeping the game neat and even more entertaining!

Bibliophile 4 Mar 10 2023 15:58

Thanks for updates! New feature seems very useful.

Awesomeness Fawn 5 Mar 10 2023 16:37

You guys are great

Darkwing Duck 4 Mar 10 2023 16:44

I like this a lot – thanks guys!

Ladypersephone Mar 10 2023 16:46

Thanks, I like this new update! I sometimes missed the “I’m fishing” thing because the text wasn’t clear at first glance.

Mannivu 4 Mar 10 2023 16:47

Uh, nice! Simple is better!

Phantom-Heh Mar 10 2023 17:05


Auwall Mar 10 2023 17:19

Thanks! Sounds very useful

Goddess of Science Mar 10 2023 17:27

Amazing update! Thanks devs :)

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