Picture This

Godville, Nov 29 2022

Good news, everyone! Just as usual.

Godville Content Picturizer
Did you hear about image generation neural networks that create amazing pictures from a simple text prompt?

Here in Godville we have a lot of text and not so many pictures. So a few months ago we hooked up a neural network for creating Godville-related art, named it Picturizer and gave early access to some gods.

It went really well, so today we can finally open Picturizer for a broader audience โ€” namely, all gods with Ideabox IQ >= 10 (image generation takes a lot of processing power, so we can’t make it available for everyone, at least not for now). For those who are curious, but can’t access it yet โ€” here is how it looks like.

To sweeten up the experiment we will reward the best pictures with gratitude points. (If you already used Picturizer and submitted images, check it again to see if anything was approved โ€” we’ve rewarded dozens of pics.) The approval will happen every week for at least the end of this year.

You can find the Picturizer link in the Ideabox monster’s section. Feel free to discuss it and its art here.

Guild Council Reactions
The internal guild chat is a nice aspect of any talkative guild. Now it could also be colorful, because you can finally add reactions to Guild Council messages. You know, these colorful thingies like ๐Ÿ‘, ๐Ÿ”ฅ and ๐Ÿ˜ก that some people really like for some reason.

To use this feature be sure that you’ve updated the Godville app (Android, iOS) to the latest version released today.

Winter is Coming
By the way, winter is just a day away. That means heroes can expect three things.

Firstly, more frequent fishing โ€” in winter fish nibble even without a bait. Secondly, icebergs in seas colored thingies theyโ€™re just like reefs, but save your supplies while the ark is on it. Thirdly, Christmas presents are getting closer… but let’s keep that one till the next announcement.

Comments (30)
Orgm 4 Nov 30 2022 05:50

Ice floats are here again. This will save a lot of unneeded punishments.

Thanks for the great update as usual.

Solenopsis 5 Nov 30 2022 11:19

Oh thank you!

Kai The Trickster ๅบ™ Nov 30 2022 15:51

I would love this new content but I dont have an IQ points despite my have a bunch of submissions just sitting there, maybe devote more resources or time to the submissions?

Haona 4 Nov 30 2022 16:02

Using the recent developments in image creation by ai fot this game is a wonderful idea and it fits godville very well. Keep up the good work devs :)

Brinjal 6 Nov 30 2022 23:08

For anyone interested in the picturizer but without enough IQ points, know that an accepted idea or quest ending gets you 7 points, so two ideas are enough to get you access!

You will have to be patient though, because the devs get a LOT of ideas and they’re not a big team. Expect to wait several months for your ideas to be judged. (Though in my experience, quest endings are usually quicker)

You also get 1 IQ point for a grammar correction.

If you want to get into ideaboxing, check out my guide – Help! The ideabox sucks! (mobile friendly version)

Sophie The Woo 4 Dec 01 2022 15:57

Thanks so much devs!!!

DestielOTP 4 Dec 02 2022 05:57

It would be nice if you used actual artists to create art for your game instead of using AI, which pulls data from images that already exist on the Internet. Give that job to living artists and support them instead.

I’m disappointed by this news. This game doesn’t need this.

Elantien ๅบ™่ˆŸ็•œ Dec 05 2022 22:16

Thanks for the update.

King Cheese Tenth ๅบ™็•œ Dec 06 2022 11:41


Avatar Of Dimensions ๅบ™ Dec 10 2022 01:39

Thanks for your hardwork

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