Chapter1. I am Noaka son of Percy Jackson and secretly his brother I am the one to behold of posiden for my friends I will always protect thee through thick & thin for the strength of the great Neo foretold to come the end of the 1st chapter of my life. Chapter.2 The greed and sex.Foretold through the good vs evil against chaos for if there is evil is also good to Everett from my fair maiden to thee I love not but someone else. I love Nenalata but just amazing for the good in the world for us to join together with (under breath) ugh join with the forces of evil to defeat chaos because it will destroy evil none alone can defeat it unless we band together to defeat this…this………….CHAOS and because of it there will be you guessed it zombies so with me or against me let’s kill chaos and fight till the end or die trying. Chapter.3 A heart filled with glory and a fist of pain! Death death when shelpelsure killed death he made everyone who was dead not dead and that was when zombies came to be and King Alteon the good was killed by shepulsure he was turned to a zombie!So here we are with hero of this jumble of a story…… me and my name is JJ Simmons and Artix (who we thought was the champion of light but isn’t and we found out it was shelpulsures daughter who is gravelyn while everyone else knew who they were I didn’t and Artix was about to tell me when or defenses were breached and me Gravelyn, and Artix also out of nowhere moglin named twilly comes out of nowhere so we where the last stand until we have notice of something else we were all the world had) so that’s the one defense to the last survivors in yulgar inn and of course my trusty pet Woody a Firefox which is immune to zombies. To be continued……..chapter.4 So we defeated the zombies but all of a sudden zombie dragons come out and now we also got the lord of chaos to deal with But Shepulsures sword kills his master and become one with the armor for next time so ugh why me Artix: don’t worry we maybe could be turned into zombies at least it won’t hurt probably an……… me: interrupts no I’m not going down without fight unveils Artix’s true power he spreads gold wings and but I also reveal my power by taking my shirt off and spreading black wings with dark energy protruding out of them and I now have horns on my head and dark energy tattoo’s that glow.