Snowchupacabra began his life as a simple house cat, named Snowball, who loved to “mouse”. He would catch them and play with them, until the game ended, by being board or accidental death; or not. One hot summer day, a bott fly left some eggs iwait for a prospective host. unknown to Snowball he had picked up the eggs in his fur. While walking though the bushes in front of it god’s house, During the hottest part of the summer, while Snowball was cleaning himself thegg hatced and boared into Snowballs nose, borrowed deep into his body, to metamorphsize, in doing so, becoming a Chupacabra larvae, it’s DNA blended with Snowballs, turning his rear legs into hooved legs, his kitty claws into razor sharp blades and his teeth into flashing white fangs, Snowchupacabra the hero. Still at play, in Godville. Don’t end up his mouse toy, or you’ll be dead and he will have your gold and stash!
23:11: I spread my fingers wide, stared like a crazy person, and did an unflattering impression of the Modest Mouse. The Modest Mouse stood aside and patiently waited until I’d finished showing off8.23.2012@18:48: The Bulletproof Pest raised its hand for a deadly final strike against me, when Woody suddenly threw himself under its feet. The monster stumbled and fell dead on the ground, its neck broken. Woody was knocked out by the hit of the monster’s carcass. Oh, my Lord, if I don’t bring him back to senses within the next 60 hours, he’ll lose all his levels and his will to compete!