

Echolynn 16

level 63

It is 'til it ain't!

Age 7 years 2 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 108 thousand
Death Count 49
Wins / Losses 0 / 4
Temple Completed at 11/07/2018
Wood for Ark 49.1%
Savings 2M, 229k (7.4%)
Pet Double dragon Timon 27th level


Weapon transmogrifier gun +72
Shield unconscious armadillo +73
Head helm of perpetual ineptitude +72
Body nuclear waistcoat +73
Arms awkward paws +71
Legs knickerbockers of glory +73
Talisman unlike button +72


  • battle chess level 40
  • fanned fingers level 34
  • elbow bite level 33
  • cri de coeur level 33
  • unbearable boredom level 33
  • sword-swallowing level 32
  • heel grip level 30
  • foot massage level 29
  • peace enforcement level 25
  • selfish interest level 25




  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Favorite, 1st rank
  • Animalist, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Shipwright, 2nd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Hunter, 3rd rank
  • Martyr, 3rd rank
  • Renegade, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

This is the tale of the epic up & down life journey of the one of a kind heroine, Echolynn, and her all knowing & ever so just Goddess, Walayla.


Just about 1 1/2 months before the date of the first diary entry (the first entries have long been lost in history and are often believed to be so wild and outlandish, yet exciting, heroic, and confidential they disappeared under very strange circumstances… ) the heroine, Echolynn, is at once standing in the midst of a great battle between a ____ & a group of other heroes (including herself!) She is thoroughly surprised and caught off guard by this massive realization, but never mind that! There is a battle to win! She stumbles ever so slightly (so slight that no one would even notice. That is, no one but the Goddess she has yet to meet) but steadies herself, and thus begins to fight for the life she’s so suddenly been given! §°ฯ°§ With surprising strength, Echolynn lands the finishing strike against the _____, causing it to litetally shatter into a million tiny pieces and its particles dissipate into thin air! However, not before the _____ can cry out " You puny heros are no match for what lies ahead of each of you! You all will suffer and die horrible deaths at the hands of my master, ¿?" strike! dead! “Hmmm, I wonder what on 🌎 that ____ was blabbering about right before I slayed it? Huh, oh well. Probably wasn’t really important anyways, huh guys?? I really beat the crap outta that lame old ____! Am I right, or am I right?! Guys??” All Echolynn gets in return are angry glares from the other heros. Worst of all, the others made off with all of the loot from battle except for a %weapon%, some %equipment%, and a(n) %artifact%! These items becomming Echolynn’s first real set of hero’s armor (that she can recall actually getting herself through her own means, that is!) “Well hell… Maybe I should’ve let it finish its sentence… " , Echolynn says to no one in particular. Only, she receives a reply in the form of a %petsound% from one of the defeated _____’s minions. “Wow! I even got my very own %pet% outta this! Maybe it wasn’t all bad in the end! Aww, I 💘 it! I’ll call you %petname%! Lets head on back to %town% and celebrate @ %tavern%! Come on, %petname%! I’m taking you home!” Echolynn is woken up after a night of celebration by a thunderous voice booming through the sky (or is it only in her head? She can’t tell! Everything hurts and she has one hell of a hangover!) “Echolynn!! Echolynn!! You must heal! Go now to the doctor and tend to your wounds! Purchase healing items! You have a treacherous journey ahead of you, my heroine! For I am your creator, Walayla. I will take great care of you long as you worship and call on me in your times of weakness and great strength. Remember! I am the reason for your life, and I can end it as suddenly as I have given it to you!” Huh? Walayla? Yes, yes! My Goddess! My righteous and most powerful Goddess! I am at your mercy and will! I will build you a great temple so I may spread your name and glory throughout this land! Everyone will come to know, worship, and love my all knowing, Great One, Goddess Walayla! (She had me at hello.. well, technically @ Echolynn!) Thus, this begins the trials and tales of the ____ _____ heroine, Echolynn, and her tried and true companion , the %petpersonality% %petname%! Remember…Walayla is always watching…



Pure Good


“It is ‘til it ain’t!”


  1. Jedaii Order “Master”: dates unknown (around levels15-23)
  2. Legion of Panda “Master”: dates unknown (around levels 23-30)
  3. Sons of Anarchy “Matriarch”: start date unknown ( around levels 30- current <50> < g.e.>)

Skills will update soon.. much has changed

  • -Elbow bite: 20th level, combat
  • -Seasickness: 14th level, combat
  • -Eye Scream: 15th level, combat
  • -Teeth Gnashing: 14th level, combat
  • -Rays of Love: 10th level, combat
  • - Electrostatic Discharge: 11th level, combat
  • - Knight’s Move: 11th Level, Transportation
  • - Concrete Placer: 9th Level, Combat
  • - Bloody Itch: 1st Level, Combat


  • Significant Otter- Tige: Lived to level 15 ( R.I.P)
  • SunDog- Shelby: set free @ level 17 after being knocked unconscious and healed.. :(
  • Dandy Lion- Dumbo: Current level <19>

Daily Newspaper Highlights

  1. : Day 2888 g.e
    “Rumor has it that Walayla submits especially good ideas and votes for the submissions of others”

Day 2818 g.e.

¤ 79th in Crossword and 11 points in Bingo! ¤
}{ 12:37 PM Couldn’t find the Benjamin’s button in my inventory, but found 1647 coins instead. Bingo! }{
☆10:01 AM Hope that I won’t have to desert some dessert in the desert again. But the reward was good: an extra dose of experience and a shiny golden brick!
☆10:43 AM Met a suspicious stranger in the tavern. He mumbled something about a secret religious organization in need of a brave heroine who could cull the weak of the herd. Here I am!
☆11:33 AM Cleverly evaded the pursuing Wrecking Bull by running into a bigger one.
☆11:37 AM Deathable ran out of the bushes shouting, “Echolynn, I’m coming!” and suddenly fell into a hidden pit. As usual, I have to do everything myself.
☆11:39 AM Kept a stiff upper lip and defeated the Wrecking Bull. The rest of me was a quivering wreck though. Shakily pocketed 74 coins and its good point.
°•°The heroine and the Insurance Clam are helping fill out each other’s medical registration…°•°
°•°The heroine is defending her lifestyle choice to the Insurance Clam…°•°
☆11:42 AM Got scared out of my wits. Good thing I brought an extra pair!
☆11:42 AM Alas, poor Insurance Clam! I’ll bring rosemary to your grave.
☆11:45 AM The Angel of Symmetry claimed that it had inner beauty despite its gruff appearance. Now I see what it meant: the Benjamin’s button and 38 gold coins I found inside it were exceedingly beautiful.
☆11:48 AM While the Combustible Piñata said its last goodbyes to the land of the living, I said my first hello to its perpetual stillness machine.
☆11:50 AM The Breaking Badger threw the fight as well as a frosted snowflake and 13 gold coins.
☆12:21 PM Flicked through the diary of the slain Bewarewolf. Man, I really come across as a jerk in this thing.
☆12:21 PM I wasn’t sleeping, Most Righteous One, I swear! I was simply checking the inside of my eyelids for holes…
☆12:26 PM Chanced upon a transfixed hero muttering, “Stop acting like a wuss and be a man.” Backed away slowly.
☆12:30 PM Tried using reverse psychology on the Dork Knight. Now it thinks that it’s a heroine and I’m a monster, but we’re still fighting as a result.
☆12:36 PM Bet the Stoned Golem 20 coins that it couldn’t jump off a cliff and survive. I won the bet and took my money from its body.
☆01:45 PM I feel like someone is stalking me… No, wait, it’s just my shadow.
☆01:48 PM Tried to navigate by following the stars, but they were all pointing in different directions.
☆01:51 PM I heard a nearby Corporate Giant yell “It is ‘til it ain’t! ”. You can assault me, kill me, take all of my gold and items, but when you steal the motto that I worked so hard to coin, that’s when it’s personal! It’s on now!
☆01:51 PM Note to self: it’s amazing how most plans work much better on paper. Now run!
☆01:58 PM The Colorblind Chameleon lost the sudden death round with a sudden death and was eliminated from the competition of life. Got 28 coins.
☆02:00 PM Strange words drifted by in a cloud of smoke: “Some do, some don’t do, and some just don’t know..”
☆02:01 PM Another golden brick. It seems that you only influence my life when I have a lot of money, my Lady. Do you still care for me now that I’m poor?
☆02:02 PM Yelled “Micromanager, I expect you to die!” To my surprise, it did. Picked up a list of haggling tips and 29 gold coins.
°•°Through the blizzards and the snowdrifts…°•°
☆02:03 PM The Thumb Raider cried, “Can’t you see all this fighting is tearing us apart?!” and ran off sobbing.
☆02:03 PM The earth began to rumble and “Autosave” flashed above my head. Nothing good ever seems to follow that…
°•°The Deer God is testing the limits of the heroine’s flexibility…°•°
°•°The heroine is unflinchingly staring danger in the face while slowly edging backwards…°•°
°•°The Deer God is refusing to play the bad guy any longer and is asking for a role reversal..°•°
°•°The Deer God attacks the heroine and misses..°•°
☆02:12 PM I hope the graveyard has an extra space for the Deer God.
☆02:12 PM Erased a couple of obscene entries from my diary just in case my Lady was watching.
☆02:40 PM Saw a dead heroine who had lost all her equipment. Covered her politely with strategically placed fig leaves.
☆02:45 PM Saw a pitched battle. Leapt into the melee, then realized I didn’t know which side I was on. But who cares?
☆02:52 PM The final score was Echolynn: 1, Revolving Dormouse: 0. Received 10 coins as a match fee and was awarded an inconvenient tooth as a winner’s trophy.
☆10:38 PM Begged a higher-level hero in the shop to sell me his egg-carton armor for a mere 1243 gold coins. It looks tarnished, but the price was really good!

Day 2819 g.e

¤ # in Crossword and # points in Bingo!¤
}{ ¿?¿?¿?¿? }{
☆03:50 AM Death came to claim me, but it tripped on its robe. Time to run away! Farewell, Undead Maul Cop!
☆03:56 AM Successfully dispersed a herd of stupid cows.
Only after completing my quest to cull the weak of the herd did I find out the whole thing was a scam. Drat!
☆03:59 AM IOU, one diary entry. — Echolynn
☆04:06 AM I heard that when it rains, it’s because you’re crying. Don’t be upset, Luminous One! Look, I’m doing a little dance for you!
☆04:09 AM Fishing is forbidden here… which only makes it more interesting. Drilled a hole and made myself comfortable.
☆04:15 AM Chanced upon a transfixed hero muttering, “Force the trader and get that huckering aura!.” Backed away slowly.
☆04:17 AM A beautiful maiden arose from the cold depths, holding aloft a strange sword. I’d better stop fishing and get away before she gets angry.
☆04:18 AM While wandering around aimlessly, I was suddenly ambushed by a giant sequoia tree. It just sprang up right in front of me.
☆04:21 AM Found a clearing in the forest filled with wildflowers and songbirds. Remained there a while and offered thanks to the Almighty for creating such beauty.
☆04:27 AM Darn that trader! Almighty, why am I so easily distracted by shiny things?
°•°Sold the finite loop for 58 gold coins after quite a bit of haggling with the trader…°•°
°•°The trader stole the fish in a barrel while the heroine was busy stealing 102 coins…°•°
☆04:28 AM I told the trader that my babel fish was haunted, then charged him extra for the spirit trapped within for a total of 441 coins.
°•°Trying to use asterisks to turn all of her items into bold artifacts…°•°
☆04:29 AM The weight from all this gold would do better as beer in my belly. I’m off to lighten my load…
°•°Explaining to the doctors that she simply fell onto her weapon…°•°
☆04:31 AM Bought some potions for 191 coins.
°•°Licking her wounds, finding them strangely tasty…°•°
☆04:35 AM Found some pixels on the ground. Added them to my health bar.
☆04:36 AM I yelled “It is ‘til it ain’t! ” on the mountaintops, but the echoes came back as “Level up!!.”
°•°Enjoying the scent of fresh cotton sheets…°•°
°•°Coming up with amazing ideas just before falling asleep…°•°
°•°Shhhh! The heroine is trying to sleep…°•°
°•°Entering power-save mode…°•°
☆04:37 AM Had a good rest!
☆04:37 AM Woke up and smelled the coffee. Drank beer and went back to sleep.

Took a hiatus.. continuing …

Day 2919 g.e

☆10:08 PM Buried my diary in a time capsule, so that future generations will know what it was like to be a beautiful and successful heroine in the golden age of Godville.


