Stuffin 庙18
level 60
why?... why? why why? why
Age | 12 years 3 months |
Personality | neutral |
Guild | no guild |
Monsters Killed | about 102 thousand |
Death Count | 94 |
Wins / Losses | 41 / 42 |
Temple Completed at | 08/13/2014 |
Wood for Ark | 31.6% | Savings | 996 thousand (3.3%) |
Pet | Rocky raccoon Nipper |
Weapon | spam grenade | +69 |
Shield | shield of invincibility | +69 |
Head | helm of overwhelm | +70 |
Body | custom skin | +69 |
Arms | rotator cuffs | +69 |
Legs | greaves of bodily harm | +69 |
Talisman | strange attractor | +70 |
- poisoned kiss level 43
- steel finger level 36
- eye scream level 32
- sober view level 26
- quantum leap level 26
- dove of peace level 26
- liana-eyebrows level 24
- Cheshire smile level 22
- rickrolling level 19
- cash whistle level 18
Templehood | 10256 |
- Builder, 1st rank
- Favorite, 1st rank
- Careerist, 2nd rank
- Martyr, 2nd rank
- Saint, 2nd rank
- Shipwright, 2nd rank
- Animalist, 3rd rank
- Champion, 3rd rank
- Hunter, 3rd rank
- Renegade, 3rd rank