You don’t need a hurricane to see a rainbow
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level 59
Age | 9 years 8 months |
Personality | neutral |
Guild | no guild |
Monsters Killed | about 94 thousand |
Death Count | 52 |
Wins / Losses | 27 / 24 |
Temple Completed at | 10/13/2018 |
Wood for Ark | 26.2% | Savings | 1M, 387k (4.6%) |
Pet | Trojan horse Fang 24th level |
Weapon | kaboomerang | +69 |
Shield | inflatable decoy hero | +69 |
Head | masque of the red death | +68 |
Body | slaughter-proof jacket | +67 |
Arms | palm readers | +70 |
Legs | greaves of bodily harm | +68 |
Talisman | LOLympic torch | +67 |
Templehood | 27865 |
You don’t need a hurricane to see a rainbow
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