God was banished. Reason: Game Rule 2.5 violation


Lerelere 447

level 116

🌷 soap dispenser 🐾

Age 8 years 3 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 336 thousand
Death Count 67
Wins / Losses 1030 / 1120
Temple Completed at 05/29/2017
Ark Completed at 07/16/2018 (313.6%)
Pairs Gathered at 06/08/2020
Words in Book 39.1%
Savings 17M, 371k (57.9%)
Pet Octobear Scrat 9th level
Boss Aftermoth with 204% of power


Weapon dignity shredder +129
Shield tour de forcefield +129
Head distributor cap +130
Body oktobervest +129
Arms infidelity gauntlet +129
Legs highly-absorbent pants +128
Talisman unicorn hunting license +129


  • spontaneous combustion level 112
  • powerful sneeze level 110
  • radioportation level 103
  • knight's move level 102
  • sticky fingers level 102
  • lion belch level 100
  • unbearable boredom level 91
  • steel finger level 87
  • sober view level 86
  • Cheshire smile level 85




  • Honored Animalist
  • Honored Favorite
  • Honored Hunter
  • Honored Raider
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Champion, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Seadog, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Miner, 2nd rank
  • Moneybag, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Scribbler, 2nd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Dueler, 3rd rank
  • Renegade, 3rd rank
  • Scientist, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

Pumpkins are falling from heaven,
This whole day is today.
Pumpkins are there and pumpkins are here,
Somewhere there are sweets.

! Heroes they are fought, are fighting vechno.Tak who should receive the glory: I or a hero? Yes, I’m not doing anything, just sitting on top of da kritikuyu.A hero deretsya.srazhaetsya moyu.Tyazhek the glory of his way and his evil zhizn.Leto heat, winter snow storm. Throughout the monsters, and no hero nor sleep nor rest. One problem – the monster in the doorway and his victory over them. Who compose the glory of the hero, who will understand how borba.Tot hero is worthy. And many among God worthy? such a little. And I do not they, that the gods want to zhal.My hero for us, and we deserve? not always. Hero glorious song I sing, heat and snow it ostudyat.On above all, he is the best! Hero skuki.Ne no time and everyone here is ready to become a hero! We sit and watch as the fighting. And they themselves are not able to even lift a sword. Only the kitchen knife able to keep everything. Hero to be an important task. Who dared the hero. And the rest is so-so. But where is the line when the pass for a hero? Where is the essence of all that is. Where the world is created and there. Here there lives one who has geroy.A dreamy gods we all look at him. For the glory of your hero I sing this song. And I am glad that I am light.

So call him Lerelere. He is a hero and try to fight. He knows his way and does not know its end. No Lerelere have any sleep or any otdyh.A only monsters.
_So, call me, I Vemego.Kto, vestimo.Net God, not God! Clearly, I do not what that BOG.a bog.Ya something, and all revere me. And my hero all of them make me even read! I Vemego_, my level of self-esteem steep vysok.I me warmly and well. Hero execute I get vse.A laurels I get no work.
Lerelere extracts gold bricks in my name! And soon I will build a temple where the great and unique Vemego will pray to me! See everything and fall down!
Soon I will have a temple, and buet a log gopher. And then I’ll swim to distant lands and enslave everyone! Fear the great Vemego! Tremble.

! When the temple is built. And the sea shakes my ship. My personal Frankenstein Gastronaut leaves me all the time. But why does he go so far away? What awaits him so far All around there is only gossip about the great library. Quite expected. After all, my Frankenstein collects book sheets for some reason. As if I decided to collect a super book of lost knowledge. I have a lot of guesses. After all, I am almighty god. Has he decided to overthrow me into the abyss. In the darkness, and he himself, he decided to steal my place. Well, no such thing is unacceptable. After all, we are great gods. And Frankenstein will learn from us how to deal with such.
We are all Gods. And we are great. Together we are strength and greatness, and we will not let Frankenstein into power. And we will lower it much lower. In the darkness of those terrible dungeons. There he will find out that the villain is guilty. That’s how it will be just right. And we will collect all those sheets that are. And we will create a great book of books. There is a lot of knowledge of eternity. There we finally find out what drives the stars. And the secrets of the universe.

50 % gold brick 28.03.17
date – 20:11 29.05.2017
time lived6 months 4 days
golden bricks received – Bricks for Temple 99.9%

Temple Completed at 05/29/2017
Ark Completed at 07/16/2018

Twos of Every Kind 996m, 991f
Twos of Every Kind 1000m, 993f

@ Lab Pairs 100m, 100f(100%)@
there are two details left before the personal boss, would rather
My Boss Gastronaut 142

It’s alive… It’s alive, it’s moving, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, IT’S ALIVE!
Notes from the datamine: the run was positive. End result — a bosscoin and a glyph for the book. ➠
Sent a parcel with the heart of the Escargolem to the lab.
Come on, Sea, we have to go down to the docks. Omnipotent One wants to play with his floaty toy.

The boss is assembled, it turned out hard. It was necessary to add the last detail. Everything seemed to be long. (temple, dungeon have certain actions: brick / log) Here you only rely on yourself.

23:07 Stuffed my gold coins into a piggy bank until it burst, revealing a gold brick.
Carefully placed the last brick, swept all the rooms, opened all doors, and cut the ribbon in a stately manner with my sword. I can’t believe it’s finally happened! After all these months of work, the temple in your name is finished, my Lord! I feel crazy with happiness.

My Lord, I checked the donations box in your temple and found a mysterious blue brick. As I was trying to decide how much to sell it for, it suddenly disappeared, leaving me totally confused.
Notes from the dungeon: The heroes plunder the treasure trove and divide the loot. Lerelere gets 10072 coins, a log for the ark, a history eraser, a golden snitch, a chaos engine, a pocket universe and an emotional shock absorber.Bodzo left unconscious. Those who missed the plunder are given 3356 gold coins in total as a consolation prize.

A log! A thousandth log! I’m even ready for a flood now. Not that I’m asking for it, Almighty.

Divine enlightenment politely made it clear that I was calling my pet by the wrong name all this time. I’ll be calling him Landumbo from now on!

Found an entry in my diary saying “Check the ark”. Will do as soon as I return to the temple.
My soul is full of longing for the secrets of the sea, Soul Supreme.



Into a dungeon, Almighty? I’ll do so as soon as I find someone else to go with.

02:07 Landumbo just shed his skin! Wait, does a battlesheep do that? Anyway, he looks bigger, meaner and cleaner now. Level 20! quick what

finally a marine pet 19.05.20
Divine enlightenment politely made it clear that I was calling my pet by the wrong name all this time. I’ll be calling him Sea from now on!

vemego ti camij lyчwil moi repoi
goodbye you are my best hero
Vemego egoomrt

Great One, I just re-counted the pairs and I think the ark now has a thousand of them. We’re not going to cram another thousand in there, are we?