


level 56

Aqua de Vida!!! <(^.^)>

Age 12 years 9 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 88 thousand
Death Count 60
Wins / Losses 35 / 35
Temple Completed at 06/01/2013
Savings 65 thousand (0.2%)
Pet Heffalump Dogmeat


Weapon Schrödinger's catapult +63
Shield massive ego +61
Head wind turban +60
Body boiler plate mail +60
Arms autumn sleeves +62
Legs t-shorts +58
Talisman passion flute +65


  • somersault squatting level 31
  • smack of the bribe level 31
  • stifling embrace level 29
  • sunstroke level 29
  • heel grip level 26
  • thumb blowing level 26
  • beer belly level 24
  • splinter removal level 23
  • exhaust of the dragon level 21
  • full throttle level 18




  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Favorite, 1st rank
  • Careerist, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Renegade, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Animalist, 3rd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles


The story begins on a little orpan town girl Raven. She caused madness upon people to get money, and food. The evil little girl gained her name ShadowRaven. Walking in the path of distruction, Raven did what ever she please and when ever she pleased. She didn’t care about anyone until she met a strange girl named Luna. She led Raven into putting her faith in The Goddess Aqua. The Goddess Aqua was the goddess of the Moon and Water. Water could be good or evil depending on how you use it. Now believeing, Raven walks under the guidance of The Goddess Aqua and the other prophets. That’s where the real journey begins….

THE FIRST QUEST (Teach a Pig to Fly):

One starry skyed night ShadowRaven is awakened by the voice of The Goddess Aqua. “Your First quest is to teach a pig to fly.” Raven stares blankly at the sky. “What, R u kidding me. I can do something way better then that!” Thunder crackes the sky. Aqua replys, “JUST DO IT!” Raven jumps alil. “I shall complete the quest right away…” With alil time, practice, and praying the quest was almost done. With a final prayer, Raven pushed the pig off the cliff and it dissapeared into the mist. “That Ungreatful Beast Left Me Behide!” She later returned to the road and kept walking…..

Quest 2 (Ride a camel through the eye of the needle)

ShadowRaven wlking to the next town just getting over the last quest. A strange stone tablet falls in front of her, she picks it up and reads. “Ride a camel through the eye of the needle…and dnt throw a fit” ShadowRaven sighs. “Alright I’ll finish this quest…” She sat there and thought to her self and prayed to her goddess for help. Suddenly the sky turned gray and a tiny plastic camel and a large needle fell at her feet. She looks up then looks down and picks up the camel and needle. “Wow my Lady, this is a lot of help…” She rides the little camel though the eye of the needle. “Ok quest complete.”

ShadowRaven and Nibbler

ShadowRaven was walking through the forest to get to the next town. “I need to get home fast so I can trade in this loot and buy medicine…” ShadowRaven ran fast through the forest. Durning her run she saw a hurt animal. It was a FireFox. She looked at the poor animal then gentle picked it up. “I’m going 2 take u home so I can ge u patched up.” She began to walk through the forest. She looked down at the FireFox and saw it sleeping. When she finally reached Godville she got the firefox patched up. ShadowRaven looked at the firefox with happiness. “I’m going to keep you little firefox and I’m going 2 call you Nibbler.” She put a collar around its neck and smiled happily. With her new pet, they made their way to next town…

Quest: (Poke Achilles’ heel with a finger)

ShadowRaven was walking with Nibbler to Godville when a cloud of smoke appeared before them. In the smoke it read: Go Fourth and poke Achilles’ heel with a finger. Do so and you will be greatly rewared! ShadowRaven looked at it then at Nibbler…”Where can we find this Achilles?...” Nibbler walked over to a sign that reads: See the Greatest Warrior ever known in the GV arena…Achilles!!!! She examined the sign then smiled. “Alright Nibbler, let’s go to the GV arena!” They started to walk again. As they walked they startd to plan how they were going to finish this quest. After all the planning, they finally made it. Making their way to GV arena they slowly set their plan into gear. As said Achilles was in the arena fighting another warrior. Shadow Raven and Nibbler watched closely in the stands waiting for the fight to be over. Soon the fight had ended with Achilles victorious. Shadow Raven whispered into Nibbler’s ear “Now go and wait for Achilles at the exit then stop him. Distract him…” Nibbler nodded then walked away. Then Shadow Raven walked over 2 the exit where she saw Achilles petting Nibbler. Then slowly she crept up behind Achilles and poked his heel. Then she quickly scooped up Nibbler and ran away. While they were running ShadowRaven heard a lot of screaming and she thought: “What’s up with all the screaming all I did was poke his heel. Like really, what a wimp…” As they got out of the city they stopped to rest from all the running. Then a shiny gold brick fell in front of them. ShadowRaven picked it up and smiled.

+Rest in Peace Nibbler+

ShadowRaven was walking with Nibbler to the next town when a Dust Bunny came out and attacked ShadowRaven. She tried hard to fight it off but was failing. She prayed and prayed but it seemed not to work. She was down to her last health point. She sliently said her last goodbye to the world before her when the Dust Bunny went to finish her off. At the last momet Nibbler pushed ShadowRaven out the way and tripped the monster making it fall on him, crushing him. ShadowRaven tried to get the Dust Bunny off of Nibbler but failed. Nibbler the firefox had died. She cried over her pet who she had many adventures with. He will always be missed, but she knew he was with The Goddess Aqua now….

My twin sister and I

So its finally come true. My twin sister is a heroine! Blood Harts warrior of the sibiling deity to my goddess, Lady of the Moon. Im really proud of her. We can fight evenly now….i guess.

Seeing is Believing