Temple Rush Diary
45 charges bought for these Bricks!!
26.05.14 ; 00:00
BC: 80,0%
03:44 PM Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Leeching Hulking Alpacalypse! Kayalyn got 11891 coins, eye of the Alpacalypse, a golden brick, a golden brick, a golden brick, a portable quest generator, a piece of bubble wrap, an ACME monster trap, a Godville Admin bobblehead and some fuzzy logic.27.05.14 ; 00:00
BC : 81,0%
Nothing really special today
28.05.14 ; 00:00
BC : 82,3%
29.05.14 ; 00:00
BC : 83,0%
30.05.14 ; 00:00
BC : 84,2%
Leveld up to lvl 41 today. Yay .
31.05.14 ; 00:00
BC : 85,0%
Nothing happnd today
01.06.14 ; 00:00
BC : 85,5%
Sadly not the wished 10 today :/
02.06.14 ; 00:00
BC : 87,0%
Back to the average :D
02.06.14 ; 00:00
BC : 87,0%
03.06.14 ; 00:00
BC 88,8%
08:49 AM Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Pickpocketing Hulking Scurrying Alpacalypse! Kayalyn got 15723 gold coins, tail of the Alpacalypse, a golden brick, a golden brick, a golden brick, a 19th hole, a rubber chicken nugget, a corporate stepladder, a backstage pass, a broken water chip, a portable drawbridge, a history eraser, a dimensional destabilizer, a brainstorm forecast and a black hole punch.1 Boss 9 Bricks :3
04.06.14 ; 00:00
BC : 92,2%
05.06.14 ; 00:00
BC: 94,8%
06.06.14 ; 00:00
BC : 97,5%
07.06.14 ; 00:00
FINISHED °____° Thanks to everyone who believed in me!!! - SO HAPPY :D