

Seinsibel Man 15

level 55

(Sing I will Survive)

Age 5 years 6 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 71 thousand
Death Count 26
Wins / Losses 7 / 4
Temple Completed at 08/06/2020
Wood for Ark 17.7%
Savings 702 thousand (2.3%)
Pet Biowolf Oy


Weapon Schrödinger's catapult +64
Shield irresistible force field +66
Head cover of darkness +64
Body tectonic plate mail +64
Arms noodly appendages +64
Legs feet of strength +66
Talisman gravity multiplier +64


  • falcon punch level 28
  • spontaneous combustion level 27
  • clinical strike level 26
  • electro-broom level 25
  • sober view level 22
  • cash whistle level 21
  • chakra bending level 20
  • spoon-bending level 19
  • tooth sampling level 18
  • toe-bite level 15




  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Favorite, 1st rank
  • Animalist, 2nd rank
  • Renegade, 2nd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank
  • Hunter, 3rd rank
  • Martyr, 3rd rank
  • Shipwright, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

Somnolentus and Somewhat Wise Hero

Seinsibel Man (Yes, Man is his family name) is choosen to be hero. Despite his reluctance, passive aggressive attitude and obssesive behaviour toward tavern beer, he agrees to protect humanity. Under the guidance of Somnolentus, Goddess who yawns a lot and is secretly materialistic, she blesses him with amazing power. However with great power comes great responsibility.

“Why did I become a hero? They get discount for a beer!”
Seinsibel Man

“STOP BEING DRUNK AND- Oooh, gold coins for me? I guess I can ignore that.”