

Auray 31

level 82

Dies Irae, Dies Umbra

Age 11 years
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 255 thousand
Death Count 149
Wins / Losses 27 / 20
Temple Completed at 01/31/2015
Ark Completed at 08/26/2016 (188.4%)
Twos of Every Kind 461m, 479f (46.1%)
Savings 7M, 655k (25.5%)
Pet Double dragon Stitch


Weapon colossal blunderbuss +92
Shield self-portrait +91
Head lion's mane +91
Body vacuum pack +91
Arms spiral galaxy arm +91
Legs antigravity boots +91
Talisman portrait of the president +91


  • exhaust of the dragon level 76
  • mass effect level 67
  • cobweb gulp level 65
  • lucky hoof level 64
  • slap of the whale level 53
  • scissorhands level 49
  • deafening snore level 48
  • winged swing level 47
  • falcon punch level 45
  • asynchronous swimming level 36




  • Honored Favorite
  • Honored Renegade
  • Animalist, 1st rank
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Careerist, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Hunter, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Savior, 2nd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank
  • Moneybag, 3rd rank
  • Saint, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

The ascension (The age of darkness);

At the beginning, there was simply the Aether, an infinite sea of quantum energies that constantly boiled in turmoil.

But then after a period of time so long as to be immeasurable, the statistically impossible but yet inevitable occurred, the Aether itself became ordered, for just a fraction of a second there was peace, and in that time the first universe formed.

Yet the universe was doomed, as when the Aether returned to turmoil it would too, in turn sink back into the Aether, later in the universe, when life had came and gone a myriad of times, there came the humans. There was nothing special about them, their species were simply capable of walking the razors edge between self-destruction, and self-preservation that allowed them to attempt something as dangerous as this and not destroy themselves whilst trying.

When experimenting with multi-verse travel they succeeded in opening a doorway, a man-made tear in space-time, however due to the Aethers inherent instability rather than opening at the target universe, it opened directly into the Aether, through lucky chance this happened as the Aether once again sank into chaos, displaying the indescribably beautiful mixture of colours that was the Aether. Somehow every line and curve, each random pattern seemed to radiate raw emotion, as though its very randomness and unpurposed existence held more meaning than every answer to the question humankind has ever given, the team of scientists as well as their entourage did not resist as they were pulled through into the rift and as such “survived” the death of the universe.

Out of these survivors all bar 7 were annihilated on contact with the quantum energies. Of those 7 only 5 were to survive, their physical bodies eroded by the rift itself.

The remaining 7, 5 of which would one day come to call themselves the Aetherials, and the 2 others who’s minds were lost to the fog of time, were subjected to horrific tortures. They were burned, vaporised, erased, and remade countless times thier only protection being the madness they had come to embrace, yet even this was not enough and so 2 of there number perished, no longer able to hold their consciousness together. Eventually the ever-changing conditions of the aether came to something new. . . it became responsive to the will of sentient beings, yet not through the rift wall, allowing the 5 minds still within the aether to affect it, and inexplicably, even to the Aetherials themselves they were bonded to the 5 lights of the aether and at last, after a development aeons long. . . the Aetherials were born.

Following the ascension of the Aetherials they lay in a coma like state for an untold number of cycles, in this state they slowly gained conscious control of the rift and any universes that form within it, yet they also began to subconsciously control the rift, where once there was chaos there was now order, new universes could form and life could begin to flourish.

The Awakening (The dawn age);

The beginning of the Dawn age is marked by the awakening of the Aetherials, upon waking they did as many would do after waking from a coma, they turned their gaze upon themselves and looked at what they had become. At first they noticed the obvious physical changes, namely that they no longer had a physical body, and that their mind was instead linked to a single shard of energy that has assumed the appearance of a crystal. Secondly when they attempted to cast their minds back they could only see a hazy fog of memories prior to their awakening, yet all subsequent events were recorded in there apparently seamless memory. There penultimate discovery was that of their new abilities and powers, their minds were now unfettered by the blinkers of mortal existence, time itself was of no consequence, and they could manipulate space-time itself, altering the laws of physics to suit their own needs. Finally these 5 beings, with which there was no distinction between themselves and true gods, noticed one another, fortuitously for creation itself they vaguely remembered one another from their time as mortals.

After recognising one another for what they were, they began to talk at a speed incomprehensible to anything other than themselves, yet still it continued for millennia. Eventually a consensus was reached, they would each look for a being greater than themselves, and this was to become such a great part of themselves that they took the method they would use to search for this greater meaning on as their name. First there was the Physicist who chose to look for evidence of this being within the nature of the Aether and Multiverse themselves; secondly there was the Chemist, who would look at the interactions between matter, energy, and the universes to search for evidence. Next there was the Biologist who looked at the random creation and interaction between non-sentients and sentients, again looking for proof of a greater being. The remaining two Aetherials, the Warrior looked towards the sentient beings desire to expand their own territory and violent urges looking for evidence within their actions, whereas the Cyberneticist looked towards the sentients desires to improve themselves and to become more than they are, to try and unlock the secret of the Aetherials own existence and in turn to prove or disprove the existence of a greater being.