

Sigfridr 26

level 70

As above so below

Age 3 years 9 months
Personality gentle
Guild Lapis Lazuli
Monsters Killed about 136 thousand
Death Count 57
Wins / Losses 7 / 13
Temple Completed at 01/12/2022
Wood for Ark 84.0%
Savings 3M, 878k (12.9%)
Pet Legal weasel Pilot 1st level


Weapon death's sickle +81
Shield language barrier +80
Head close-contact lenses +81
Body reversible Mobius jacket +79
Arms hands of jazziness +80
Legs kilt of mooning +80
Talisman dragon ball +80


  • chakra bending level 49
  • falcon punch level 47
  • self-cloning level 43
  • peek-a-boo level 42
  • slap of the whale level 39
  • awkward silence level 37
  • mega-bite level 37
  • knight's move level 34
  • selfish interest level 33
  • golden vein level 31


  • ⓶ Complete five side jobs in a row




  • Honored Renegade
  • Animalist, 1st rank
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Favorite, 1st rank
  • Freelancer, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Shipwright, 2nd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank
  • Hunter, 3rd rank
  • Moneybag, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles


  • Sigfridr is a middle-aged man born June 4th who has very dark brown hair and similarly dark eyes which peer cautiously out from a lightly scarred face. Many of his scars fall into his heavy facial hair. The beard seems to act as a lightweight shield. He worships a deity who demands Good Behavior even if he doesn’t always listen.
  • Sarefiena: Goddess of Rainbows, Light, the Weather, (Particularly the wind,) Textiles, Truth and Balance. She is said to appear to the west in the evening as the silver lining in the clouds just before a storm. If at the same time a rainbow appears it is a sign of her love for mankind. She rides on the back of a gigantic mallard drake who is named Eyvindr.
  • My role as Sarefiena is meant to be a character herself. I’ve decided she uses Eyvindr as her Vessel, and he acts as her Voice sometimes. When the GV is using archaic pronouns (Thee/Thy/Thou). Technically this will be the Goddess herself. Anything more modern, especially if slang is involved is spoken by Eyvindr although the Hero knows it’s still the Goddess.
  • In addition to the above, should a GV have mixed terms (archaic prose with slang) consider the Goddess being interrupted by her Vessel; Something which she does allow but she still is irritated by. 🙂
  • Followers of hers dress a lot like Sigfridr (Naturally, he is her only follower, but he seems unaware of that fact): A hooded all-purpose cloak for traveling, wearing at least one Quartz pendant around his neck, a signature pendant with his name etched on a facet of the crystal itself. He is wearing two other necklaces but those hide under his shirt. Around his waist, partially hidden by his ankle-length cloak is tied an unique belt with multiple small pockets holding individual stones and gems apart from one another. (if you like as I do, imagine this outfit with whatever the game typically has for armor, makes my eyes water…)
  • His Prayerbelt. It is with these gems he prays to his Goddess with. Different stones do different things, mean different things for what he wants accomplished. There is also a special rainbow-colored cloth that is folded neatly into a pocket that lies behind all of the rock pockets. This cloth protects his stones from unwanted contact with the earth as he prays with them. It is an expensive item partially because of the use of several vibrant dyes but also because the cloth has woven into its grey edging fine silver. Sigfridr’s cloth is not fancy, nor new. The colors are still vibrant although the red in it is becoming more pink. The threads are beginning to fray on one corner.
  • As Above so Below: The heavens reflect the land and vice-versa. He hopes he isn’t forced to fight any Devils in the afterlife. He has yet to figure out whether Sarefiena would do that to him or not… As it is, she has many pictures he drew of her stuck to her Heavenly Fridge.
  • Has a Chesthugger for a companion named Blaze. Blaze likes to sleep with his “fingers”/arms wrapped snug around Sigfridr’s torso, so he looks to an untrained eye like he could be wearing chest armor under his pullover.
  • “Pray prayers, Sigfridr”…. ….His Goddess is very demanding, but at the same time she can be as distant as the moon seemingly oblivious to his weak health. Sometimes Sigfridr wonders if she intentionally withholds her healing love to force prayers out of him but… She wouldn’t do that, would she?

06:10 AM ➥ Under direction from the heavens, I knelt down on the ground and said a prayer. Omnipotent One, you sure do demand a lot of attention.

In the beginning…. He was a passionate youth, enchanted by the allure of adventuring into the great spiraling unknown. His parents had taught him proper skills, survival skills to help him in his life as he was certainly going to need them. He was a bit of a slow learner but once he got something under his belt he had a difficult time of letting go. Letting go simply did not come naturally for him.

It was on his very first adventure, in his very first battle that he found faith in his Goddess. Sigfridr stood in a dusty ravine against the setting sun across from the Basement Dweller after luring it out of its cave with false promises of free wifi.

Turned out this Basement Dweller was half behemoth or something even though it was Sigfridr’s shadow that loomed over the humanoid monster. Out of cocky confidence, Sigfridr taunted the beast and the monster pummeled the living daylight out of him.

Things looked dark for him as the sun was covered by a cloud. He stood his ground for a minute until the Basement Dweller swept him off his feet with a frenzied haymaker attack. Suddenly fiery blue light engulfed the hero in a healing aura.

Revigorated, he picked up a rock. From his prone posture he held it up and as he did so the final rays of sunlight fell across his body.

From his hand—through what turned out to be a finger-sized fragment of clear quartz—a blue bolt of lightning zinged out across the ravine and struck the body of the Basement Dweller to near death, allowing Sigfridr to deliver the killing blow.

From here on he has continuously been pestered by the sing-song twittering of his Blessed Goddess Sarefiena. Oh Goddess willing, but sometimes he wishes he could just tune her out. She is such a forgiving Goddess to not have punished him much at this point.

“04:46 AM Tried to convert some wanderers by teaching them the benefits of being your follower, but hit a slight snag. What are the benefits again, Exalted One?”

  • Goddess Entries Posts I liked, additional chara insight:

“04:57 PM An extremely excited heroine bounded up to me and yelled, “You didn’t pray hard enough. Sigfridr, you need to make me a holiday. Devoted to prayers”, before being dragged away by several men in white coats.”

“04:58 PM ➥ Oh, right. The prayer. The prayer for Gentle One, the prayer made especially to praise Gentle One, Gentle One’s prayer. That prayer? Got you covered.”

“08:16 PM While drinking in a tavern, we all suddenly started to sing “Temple temple temple… temple temple temple. TEMPLE TEMPLE TEMPLE… Go pray.” Strange, I’ve never heard that song before…”

“08:17 PM ➥ Some things are best left unspoken. That was one of them.”

But he went to the Temple~

“04:39 AM Closed my eyes for a moment and listened to the sound of nature. It sounded like, “My hero must always remember to diligently pray any time he is in town. Or else I must rescue you. Perhaps I got a dud..”

This one needs to be in ‘inspirational asmr’ mode, with a stock-card rainbow img. Oh and a gif of some glorified mallard duck pasted over that 😛


04:23 AM A spider was writing a message in its web. I think it said “What is this then about a ‘selfish interest’ skill, Hero? Should I now call you thief?”, but I squished the nasty thing before it could finish.


02:31 AM A duck waddled up to me and quacked: “Could you please pray a small prayer that I will be with you!?.”

02:31 AM ➥ Under direction from the heavens, I knelt down on the ground and said a prayer. Mighty One, you sure do demand a lot of attention.

Well, ducks fly…. So one could argue this drake came from the heavens himself, lol. I am heavily considering making the Duck her symbolic animal. Er, I mean my? lol….


03:58 AM Tried opening my mind to new ideas, but all I’m coming up with is “Prayers…. prayers…… prayers…..”

04:27 AM A relatively large snowflake fell into the palm of my hand. Upon closer inspection, it appeared to read “Sacrifice a coin my way, Hero.”

04:27 AM ➥ I wanted to offer gold coins as a sacrifice to you, my Lady, but then I decided that some roadside flowers would do just as well.


Something I’d seen as I was perusing Sigfridr’s inventory:

* Troubled clef
* Teddy bear’s picnic basket
* Gently weeping guitar

And thusly I went on to peruse the akeshic GodWiki for something. I searched artifacts and equipment, as well as quests but did not see something I was expecting. For now, I will keep pondering over the trouble of a Theme Song but felt the necessity to share.


04:04 AM Stared intently at the trader hoping she would give me a discount. She asked me out instead.

04:04 AM Won 299 coins by outstaring the trader. Gave her my bouquet of heroic posies for being a good sport.

04:04 AM The trader suddenly stuck his hand out, as if he was gifting me a minor setback. I wonder why I had to yank it out of his hand. Almost like he didn’t want to let go…

04:05 AM “A handsome profit for a handsome hero!” the trader said as he paid me 322 coins for my “Act of God” insurance policy. Well, technically I said it, but I’m sure that’s what he was thinking.

04:06 AM Sold everything except my soul. The trader didn’t want it, even when I tried to throw it in for free.

  • It is too late in my day for writing yet admittedly this snippet is endearing. I can imagine two traders here, a dad and his daughter. And my hero is this brute who thinks he’s something like John Wayne. pfft


03:48 AM The trader suddenly congratulated me for being the first customer on his anniversary and rewarded my help with the circle of life. Strange thing is, this shop only opened up yesterday.

03:52 AM I couldn’t be bothered to haggle anymore, so I threw my broken heart over the trader’s shoulder and grabbed a bag of 1734 gold coins while he was looking for it.

03:54 AM I can’t think of any use for this circle of life, but I sure can think of a good use for the 337 gold coins the trader gave me for it.

Circle of life isn’t worth as much as a broken heart… oh dear, you okay there, Hero?

03:57 AM Was stripping a bush of its tiny, shriveled berries when suddenly they transformed into large, succulent fruit. I thanked my kind and generous goddess profusely for the much needed replenishment.

03:57 AM Rhythm of drums… colorful lights swirling around me… the air is electric… I feel like dancing.

03:58 AM Under the influence of the Great One, I brimmed over with goodness and decided to destroy everything angrier than I am.

Know your berries~


04:02 AM A voice from the skies shouted: “Oh uh… go ahead and cancel the registration. Let Blaze live a life free from having to fight. So cancel. Cancel.” Funny.

04:02 AM ➥ I’m in the middle of something, Gentle One, but leave your message with Blaze and I’ll get back to you.

04:03 AM Awoke to a rooster crowing “Cancel quest.” Ate the fiend and went back to sleep.

04:03 AM I heard that if you love someone, you should set them free. I released Blaze into the wild to pursue his hopes and dreams. Meanwhile, I’m off to pursue all my greatest ambitions, in the tavern.

[by the by Blaze was a Chesthugger. ]

11:19 PM I looked into the kind eyes of the vanquished monster and suddenly decided — Gnomewrecker, you’ll be my pet! And I’ll call you Oy. Bandaged his wounds, gave him a treat and fastened the leash.


02:49 AM A ray of healing light fell over Oy. Mighty One, shouldn’t I be your priority?