Rohanna 庙25
level 80
For the beauteous Qamala!
Age | 13 years 6 months |
Personality | neutral |
Guild | no guild |
Monsters Killed | about 234 thousand |
Death Count | 92 |
Wins / Losses | 68 / 50 |
Temple Completed at | 10/20/2012 |
Wood for Ark | 65.4% | Savings | 6M, 150k (20.5%) |
Pet | Gummy wyrm Nibbler 10th level |
Weapon | atomizer | +92 |
Shield | insanity plea | +91 |
Head | two-way mirror shades | +90 |
Body | sacrificial vestment | +90 |
Arms | holy water wings | +91 |
Legs | system reboots | +89 |
Talisman | spare rib | +86 |
- heel grip level 74
- stifling embrace level 67
- powerful sneeze level 63
- strike of the rabbit level 61
- brain dilution level 59
- battle chess level 55
- sober view level 46
- quantum fireball level 43
- menacing glance level 42
- Cheshire smile level 32
Might | 13665 |
Templehood | 2948 |
Gladiatorship | 7680 |
- Honored Favorite
- Builder, 1st rank
- Invincible, 1st rank
- Animalist, 2nd rank
- Careerist, 2nd rank
- Champion, 2nd rank
- Hunter, 2nd rank
- Martyr, 2nd rank
- Saint, 2nd rank
- Shipwright, 2nd rank
- Renegade, 3rd rank