

P L E A S U R E 36

level 81

an unending tug of war

Age 13 years 10 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 185 thousand
Death Count 58
Wins / Losses 1063 / 217
Temple Completed at 03/17/2012
Wood for Ark 49.6%
Savings 3M, 759k (12.5%)
Pet Gummy wyrm Woody 8th level


Weapon atomizer +90
Shield emotional wall +92
Head red riding hood +90
Body blackhawk down jacket +90
Arms holy water wings +89
Legs steelettos +91
Talisman portrait of the president +91


  • epitaph writing level 69
  • heel grip level 63
  • fanned fingers level 58
  • sober view level 48
  • awkward silence level 47
  • unbearable boredom level 47
  • Cheshire smile level 46
  • mass effect level 45
  • liana-eyebrows level 44
  • pocket hypnotoad level 39




  • Honored Renegade
  • Animalist, 1st rank
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Careerist, 1st rank
  • Champion, 1st rank
  • Favorite, 1st rank
  • Invincible, 1st rank
  • Coach, 2nd rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Hunter, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Shipwright, 2nd rank
  • Moneybag, 3rd rank
  • Raider, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

+3/17/20012~02:33: Dearest diary, today was the day! I carefully laid the last brick, swept all the rooms, opened all windows to let your glorious light shine in. I can’t believe it, your temple is finally finished, my Lord! I feel delirious with happiness.+

P L E A S U R E – 30th-level adventurer, member of the “Harvest Moon” guild, with the motto “Smote On This Right Here!”, stands at the 90th position in the pantheon of gladiatorship under the vigilant supervision of the god P A I N. We’ve had many reports that a Hypnotoad has been afraid to make eye contact with him since their last encounter

2/14/13, 10:40: Notes from the arena: Bill 300 Johnson surrenders. P L E A S U R E definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 5608 gold coins and a golden brick.

2/14/13 02:36: Notes from the arena: TinyTrevor surrenders. P L E A S U R E definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 8438 coins and a golden brick.

2/13/13 04:39AM: Notes from the arena: The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. Ildebranth was selected as the nominal winner. The winner got richer by 8715 coins and a golden brick.

2/12/13 02:53:AM Notes from the arena: The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. Juular was selected as the nominal winner. The winner receives a gold brick and 6115 gold coins.

2/11/13 06:39PM: Notes from the arena: Mihala is on his knees. P L E A S U R E salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 379 gold coins.

10/02/13 04:39 AM: Notes from the arena: P L E A S U R E is unconscious. Birgitte successfully fulfilled the goal of praising her deity! The winner got richer by 12139 gold coins and a golden brick.

09/02/13 08:32 PM: Pinky glowed and his eyes sparkled. It seems that my brute just achieved a new level. Level 42 now!

2/9/13 01:19:PM Notes from the arena: P L E A S U R E begs for mercy. Errorus definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 9290 gold coins and a golden brick.

2/8/13 09:58:PM Notes from the arena: Gabriel da Arch Angel begs for mercy. P L E A S U R E definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 3412 coins.

2/8/13 10:19:Am Notes from the arena: The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. P L E A S U R E was selected as the nominal winner. The winner receives a gold brick and 1419 gold coins.

2/7/13 10:34PM: Notes from the arena: Sydonai is unconscious. P L E A S U R E successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 3122 coins.

2/7/13 09:39AM: Notes from the arena: Zenrier begs for mercy. P L E A S U R E definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 7626 coins and a golden brick.

05/02/13 09:53 AM: Notes from the arena: Iate98crayons is on her knees. P L E A S U R E salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 4736 coins and a golden brick. The loser cadged 74 gold coins back.

2/3/13 11:15:PM Notes from the arena: P L E A S U R E surrenders. Briguy82171 definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 5769 gold coins.(damn I knew better than to punish on that last step but I did it anyways lol! Good fight Sir!

2/03/13 11:25AM Notes from the arena: The420Bob surrenders. P L E A S U R E definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 10258 coins and a golden brick.

2/02/13 11:21PM Notes from the arena: ITFC begs for mercy. P L E A S U R E definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 16623 gold coins.

1/31/13 11:58PM: Notes from the arena: Bill 300 Johnson is on his knees. P L E A S U R E salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 4155 gold coins and a golden brick. As a sign of heroic solidarity, the winner returned 359 gold coins to his rival for buying medicine.

1/28/13 05:11PM: Notes from the arena: Schecki surrenders. P L E A S U R E definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 8391 coins.

1/28/13 12:31: Notes from the arena: Chaosticles is unconscious. P L E A S U R E successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 159 gold coins and a golden brick. -kodak finish 9hp to 1 hp finish!

1/27/13 04:19pm: Notes from the arena: P L E A S U R E begs for mercy. The man in black definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 11568 gold coins.-this is the second time I’ve been in the arena for 10 mins or so matched this guy and forgot I was in:(. Really frosted my muffin that I was afk again this time! My fault entirely but still annoying-

1/26/13 07:44:PM Notes from the arena: Vessa is on her knees. P L E A S U R E salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 13976 gold coins and a golden brick.

1/26/13 01:50pm: Reached level 65. Now I am officially allowed to do the things I shouldn’t have been doing. Yeah!

1/25/13 11:13pm: Notes from the arena: Liir is on his knees. P L E A S U R E salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 6369 gold coins and a golden brick. As a sign of heroic solidarity, the winner returned 240 coins to his rival for buying medicine. Win Number 700!

1/24/13 07:51: Notes from the arena: Marvel2 is unconscious. P L E A S U R E successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 5890 gold coins and a golden brick.

21/1/13~ 09:17Notes from the arena: Dean Sam Winchester surrenders. P L E A S U R E definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 20928 coins.

21/1/13~03:57 AM Pinky just shed his skin! Wait, does a bipolar bear do that? Anyway, he looks bigger, meaner and cleaner now. lvl 41 now!

20/01/13~02:21: Notes from the arena: P L E A S U R E surrenders. Schecki definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 8873 coins.

Jan 19, 2013 08:54: Notes from the arena: P L E A S U R E is on his knees. Mythras salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 3174 coins and a golden brick. The loser cadged 285 coins back.

19/01/13 03:51: Notes from the arena: Big Bub is on his knees. P L E A S U R E salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 5977 coins.

18/01/13 04:58: Notes from the arena: P L E A S U R E is on his knees. Zaxon salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 7884 coins and a golden brick.

16/01/13 11:54 PM: Notes from the arena: P L E A S U R E is unconscious. Run successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 2728 coins and a golden brick.

Jan 15, 2013 6:24 AM~: Notes from the arena: Hero3 is on his knees. P L E A S U R E salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 2653 coins and a golden brick.

1/4/13 12:38 PM~12:25: Pinky glowed and his eyes sparkled. It seems that my brute just achieved a new level. 40th birthday, and P l e a s u r e has decided pinky is too nelly and cramps his style. plus the poor bear can hardly keep up these days. hero has his sights set on a double dragon or an alpha centaur.

1/3/123~I can’t believe I’m level 64 already. People tell me that I look much younger though, and I still act like a total noob.

12/13/12~11:38: Hooray! I’ve reached level 63!

11:38: Felt a burning desire to examine the mystery box. Found inside something unbelievable — a scroll with instructions on how to get a premature level up!

05:30: Notes from the arena: P L E A S U R E is on his knees. Luchtaine salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 9462 gold coins and a golden brick.

12/8/12 4:46 PM-04:42: Notes from the arena: Pee Kay is unconscious. P L E A S U R E successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 4694 gold coins.

11:10: Notes from the arena: Phantom23 is unconscious. P L E A S U R E successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 8177 gold coins.

11/16/12 2:17 PM02:11: Notes from the arena: Bag Lady begs for mercy. P L E A S U R E definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 435 coins and a golden brick. The loser cadged 122 gold coins back.

06:46: Notes from the arena: Elad surrenders. P L E A S U R E definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 3296 coins.

07:07: Notes from the arena: P L E A S U R E is unconscious. Bulletforyourblood successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 6817 coins and a golden brick.

09:20: Notes from the arena: The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. P L E A S U R E was selected as the nominal winner. The winner receives a gold brick and 6343 gold coins.

12:19: Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by the common destiny have defeated the arrogant monster! P L E A S U R E added 5159 gold coins, ear of the Giga Byter, golden brick and golden brick to his bag.

10/13/12 06:05: Hooray! I’ve reached level 60!

9/24/12~09:39: Wow, I am level 59 now! Luckily intelligence isn’t a requirement for level-ups.

21/09/12 03:00 AM: Notes from the arena: Gobbster is unconscious. P L E A S U R E successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 1529 coins and a golden brick.

10:53: Notes from the arena: Vaso surrenders. P L E A S U R E definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 8398 coins and a golden brick.

11:29: Notes from the arena: Ivan Yur Gudees is on his knees. P L E A S U R E salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 5073 gold coins.

04:52: Notes from the arena: Agustya surrenders. P L E A S U R E definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 9633 gold coins and a golden brick.

08:38: Notes from the arena: P L E A S U R E surrenders. Sir Ben definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 2910 gold coins. The loser cadged 350 coins back.

9/17/12~02:14: Notes from the arena: Eric Un Dome is on his knees. P L E A S U R E salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 5939 gold coins and a golden brick.

09:27: Notes from the arena: Mihala is on his knees. P L E A S U R E salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 3517 coins and a golden brick. 09:16: P L E A S U R E and Mihala look at each other appraisingly. The audience watches with anticipation. It seems that this is not the first fight between P L E A S U R E and Mihala – the current score is 11:3.

9/17/12 6:45 AM~09:45: Notes from the arena: Squidgitt is unconscious. P L E A S U R E successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 8330 coins and a golden brick. As a sign of heroic solidarity, the winner returned 280 gold coins to his rival for buying medicine.

9/9/12~06:44: Notes from the arena: Eric Un Dome is on his knees. P L E A S U R E salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 3849 coins and a golden brick.

09:41: Notes from the arena: Paluva Pussyfoot is on her knees. P L E A S U R E salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 7848 gold coins.

01:28: Notes from arena battle: Larkana is on her knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 3311 gold coins and a golden brick. This was my last Arena fight as a non temple owner.

5/26/12~06:16: Notes from the arena: Mihala is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 1284 coins and a golden brick.

5/26/12~12:29: Notes from the arena: Bulletforyourblood is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 4593 gold coins.

5/26/12~07:37: Notes from the arena: Pupseg is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 1607 gold coins and a golden brick.

5/26/12~03:18: Notes from the arena: Prince-Nez surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 534 gold coins and a golden brick.

5/25/12~09:20: Notes from the arena: Kain Able begs for mercy. Zoomie definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 2884 coins and a golden brick.

5/23/12~02:55: Notes from the arena: The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. Kain Able was selected as the nominal winner. The winner receives a gold brick and 10335 coins.02:55: MollyPig was removed from my potential threats list. She will remember not to stand in my way again.

5/22/12~06:07: Notes from the arena: Kain Able is on his knees. Pupseg salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 4502 coins and a golden brick. 

5/22/12~04:51: Notes from the arena: He-myrn is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 979 gold coins and a golden brick.

5/21/12~11:39: Notes from the arena: Koolmanbob is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 2579 gold coins and a golden brick.

5/21/12~06:45: Notes from the arena: Larkana is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 3559 coins and a golden brick.

5/21/12~08:22: Notes from the arena: Vaso begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 2573 gold coins and a golden brick. The loser cadged 352 gold coins back.

5/20/12~02:02: Notes from the arena: Mihala is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 8958 gold coins and a golden brick.

5/20/12~02:42: Notes from the arena: Charlie sheen is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 2561 gold coins and a golden brick.

5/19/12~06:35: Notes from the arena: Hero3 surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today!  The winner got richer by 3567 coins and a golden brick.

5/19/12~02:14: Notes from the arena: Larkana surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 2394 gold coins.

5/19/12~02:01: Notes from the arena: Kain Able is unconscious. Pirulin successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 3962 coins and a golden brick.( my dear shannonous played tricks on me and forgot to give me a treat, i recieved a concussion and lost my gold and the brick instead)

5/18/12~11:27: Notes from the arena: Peonka surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 708 gold coins and a golden brick.

5/18/12~06:07: Hooray! I’ve reached level 50!

5/18/12~05:12: Notes from the arena: Lufciaga is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 2258 coins.

5/18/12~12:51: Notes from the arena: Muley is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 2433 gold coins. (good friend and guildmate, we matched on accudent and she allowed me to have the win) i owe her:)

5/17/12~07:09: Notes from the arena: Lokirye is on her knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 4504 gold coins and a golden brick. The loser cadged 104 coins back.

5/17/12~03:21: Notes from the arena: Prins menthol is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 2615 gold coins and a golden brick. The loser cadged 284 gold coins back.

5/17/12~08:03: Pinky just made another notch on his collar. Looks like he got his next level. (Level 24)

15/05/12~ 09:22 PM: Notes from the arena: Sakuranbo is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 1360 gold coins and a golden brick.

5/15/12~07:58: Notes from the arena: Logan X is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 4496 gold coins.

5/15/12~10:44: Notes from the arena: Harvest Moon is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 382 gold coins.

5/15/12~04:53: Notes from the arena: Jenesys surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 3169 coins and a golden brick. As a sign of heroic solidarity, the winner returned 152 coins to his rival for buying medicine.

5/15/12~01:08: Notes from the arena: The claws is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1406 coins. As a sign of heroic solidarity, the winner returned 330 gold coins to his rival for buying medicine.

12:14: Notes from the arena: The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. Kain Able was selected as the nominal winner. The winner receives a gold brick and 5002 gold coins. 5/14/12~12:05: Notes from the arena: In the red corner of the arena — Kain Able. In the blue corner — Schlubb. The judge gives the go-ahead and the duel begins!

5/14/12~05:17: Notes from the arena: Afrobenny surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 2 coins.

5/13/12~09:32: Notes from the arena: He-myrn is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 2536 coins and a golden brick.

5/13/12~04:28: Notes from the arena: Logan X begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 2467 gold coins and a golden brick.

5/12/12~05:14: Notes from the arena: Sakuranbo surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 3352 gold coins.

5/12/12~10:11: Notes from the arena: Merille is on her knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 943 coins.

5/12/12~05:11: Notes from the arena: Phantom23 is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 6849 coins and a golden brick. As a sign of heroic solidarity, the winner returned 160 coins to his rival for buying medicine.

5/11/12~11:39: Notes from the arena: Kain Able is on his knees. Run salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 6014 gold coins and a golden brick.

5/11/12~05:54: Notes from the arena:  Jazz Wolf surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 2245 coins.

5/8/12~09:24: Notes from the arena: DRAGON is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 2403 coins and a golden brick.

5/7/12~09:58: Notes from the arena: Leprous begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 2309 gold coins.

5/7/12~04:44: Notes from the arena: Moha is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1586 coins.

5/7/12~11:55: Wil The Evil was removed from my potential threats list. He will remember not to stand in my way again. 5/7/12~11:55: Notes from the arena: The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. Kain Able was selected as the nominal winner. The winner got richer by 191 coins and a golden brick. 5/7/12~11:48: Notes from the arena: Shouting “Oh Fuuuuuuuuu…” Wil The Evil welcomes his opponent. Kain Able idly responds with “Ive Been à Bad Ā Bad Boy☾” and the duel begins!

5/7/12~07:56: Notes from the arena: Ash98 surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 2093 coins.

5/7/12~03:26: Notes from the arena: Rwox is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1789 gold coins.

5/6/12~08:13: Notes from the arena: Jazz Wolf is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 569 coins and a golden brick.

5/6/12~04:02PM: Notes from the arena: Bandit23 is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 4945 coins and a golden brick.

5/6/12~11:36: Notes from the arena: MaxTheChoosenOne begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 1609 gold coins and a golden brick.

5/6/12~04:10: Notes from the arena: Logan X is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 886 coins and a golden brick.

5/6/12~12:14: Notes from the arena: Baldricky is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 1906 gold coins.

5//5/12~02:25: Wow, I am level 49 now!

5/5/12~05/05/12 06:57 AM: Pinky just shed his skin! Wait, does a bipolar bear do that? Anyway, he looks bigger and meaner now. And clean.(lvl 23)

5/4/12~04:21: Notes from arena battle: Harvest Moon is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 2244 coins and a golden brick.

5/3/12~06:43: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able is unconscious. Mihala successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 5784 coins.

5/3/12~01:53: Notes from arena battle: Bayard is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 5684 gold coins and a golden brick.

5/2/12~07:51: Notes from arena battle: Erbaum is on her knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 515 coins.

5/2/12~02:46: Notes from arena battle: Mirasol surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 994 gold coins and a golden brick.

5/1/12~11:03: Notes from arena battle: Superzeh is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 803 gold coins and a golden brick.

5/1/12~04:31: Notes from arena battle: Jamf is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 4759 coins.

5/1/12~10:07: Notes from arena battle: Hobbo surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 3797 coins and a golden brick.

5/1/12~05:48: Notes from arena battle: Danielo is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 1399 gold coins and a golden brick.

5/1/12~01:32: Scraped together 9110 coins and managed to persuade the priests to revive my pet. Oh, Pinky, I’ve missed you so much!

5/1/12~01:09: Notes from arena battle: Pirulin is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 8406 gold coins and a golden brick.

4/30/12~07:40: The Godville Administrator raised its hand for a deadly final strike against me, when Pinky suddenly threw himself under its feet. The monster stumbled and fell dead on the ground, its neck broken. Pinky quietly heaved his last breath under the weight of the monster’s carcass. Oh, my Lord, why? He was so young…

4/30/12~02:42: In the red corner of the arena — Kain Able. In the blue corner — ITFC. The judge gives the go-ahead and the duel begins! It seems that this is not the first fight between ITFC and Kain Able – the current score is 0:1. Let’s see who will win this time. ~02:52: Notes from arena battle: The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. Kain Able was selected as the nominal winner. The winner receives a gold brick and 2542 coins.

4/29/12~08:05: Notes from arena battle: Prins menthol is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 144 coins and a golden brick.

4/29/12~03:38: Notes from the sparring fight: Kain Able ends the imaginary fight as the winner. Darkonius thanks his partner for the mental training.

4/29/12~10:53: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able surrenders. Leprous definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 2137 gold coins and a golden brick.

4/29/12~03:45: Notes from arena battle: Seagull is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 1527 coins and a golden brick.

4/29/12~03:33: Notes from the sparring fight: Kain Able ends the imaginary fight as the winner. Bulletforyourblood thanks his partner for the mental training.

4/28/12~11:22: Notes from arena battle: ITFC is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 4918 gold coins and a golden brick.

4/26/12~08:18: Notes from arena battle: Peachy lover is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 6001 gold coins and a golden brick.

26/04/12~ 09:47 AM: Soaring up into the air in a beam of colorful light, Pinky started to look bigger and stronger. Hmm, there isn’t any reason to fear for my life, is there?(Lvl 22)

4/26/12~02:42: Notes from arena battle: Aliyaa is on her knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 1231 coins.(became fast friends and have learned much from this wise wonderous hero)

4/25/12~07:26: Notes from arena battle: Toshii begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 856 gold coins and a golden brick.

4/25/12~01:00: Notes from arena battle: Dav3 is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 1586 coins.

4/25/12~06:35: Notes from arena battle: Run is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 4616 gold coins and a golden brick. As a sign of heroic solidarity, the winner returned 165 coins to his rival for buying medicine.

4/24/12~04:56: Notes from arena battle: Deekay is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 628 gold coins.

4/23/12~07:24 Notes from arena battle: Kain Able begs for mercy. Ulti definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 3343 coins

9:15 AM4/23/12~Notes from arena battle: Koril is on her knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 759 gold coins and a golden brick.

4/23/12~04:18: Notes from arena battle: Logan X is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 2435 coins.

4/22/12~09:25: Wow, I am level 48 now! Luckily intelligence isn’t a requirement for level-ups.

4/22/12~08:54: Notes from arena battle: Kwyjibo Fusebeard is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 3583 coins.

4/22/12~04:53: Notes from arena battle: Logan X surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 845 gold coins and a golden brick.

4/21/12~04:25: Notes from arena battle: G0d 0f War and Kain Able look at each other appraisingly. The audience watches with anticipation. 4/21/12~04:34: Notes from arena battle: The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. Kain Able was selected as the nominal winner. The winner got richer by 2192 coins and a golden brick. 4/21/12~04:34: G0d 0f War was removed from my potential threats list. He will remember not to stand in my way again.

4/20/12~08:49: Notes from arena battle: Tanzephone is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 2567 coins. The loser cadged 275 gold coins back.

4/19/12~08:13: In the red corner of the arena — Kain Able. In the blue corner — Quatala. The judge gives the go-ahead and the duel begins! It seems that this is not the first fight between Kain Able and Quatala – the current score is 2:0.=08:23: Notes from arena battle: Quatala is on her knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 1275 coins.

4/19/12~01:31: Notes from arena battle: The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. Kain Able was selected as the nominal winner. The winner got richer by 901 gold coins and a golden brick.

4/18/12~06:06: Notes from arena battle: Tuck is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 14 coins.

4/17/12~10:00: Notes from arena battle: Ash98 is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 1896 gold coins and a golden brick.

4/17/12~08:16: Shouting “Blood Beer Bricks & Kicks” Kain Able welcomes his opponent. DanCore idly responds with “I ATE YOUR COOKIES!” and the duel begins! It seems that this is not the first fight between Kain Able and DanCore – the current score is 3:1. Let’s see who will win this time.=08:27: Notes from arena battle: DanCore is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 3793 gold coins.

4/15/12~10:43: Mihala and Kain Able look at each other appraisingly. The audience watches with anticipation. It seems that this is not the first fight between Kain Able and Mihala – the current score is 5:0.=10:53: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able is unconscious. Mihala successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1282 gold coins. As a sign of heroic solidarity, the winner returned 379 coins to his rival for buying medicine.

4/15/12~05:03: Notes from arena battle: Shouting “Blood Beer Bricks & Kicks” Kain Able welcomes his opponent. PinguPenguin idly responds with “☢ Deus ex machina!” and the duel begins! =05:25: Notes from arena battle: PinguPenguin is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 6951 gold coins.

4/14/12~11:28: Notes from arena battle: Chaosticles begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 1624 coins and a golden brick.

4/14/12~12:45: Notes from arena battle: Beysy surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 1101 coins.

4/13/12~03:14: Notes from arena battle: Sydonai is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 2482 coins and a golden brick.

4/9/12~02:21: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able is on his knees. Peter Willington salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 1120 gold coins.

4/9/12~02:23: Notes from arena battle: LoPan is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 1724 gold coins and a golden brick.

4/8/12~08:01: Notes from arena battle: Happyfish surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 2 gold coins.

4/8/12~01:01: Notes from arena battle: Ignoramus Thetus is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 1449 gold coins and a golden brick.

4/8/12~08:55: Notes from arena battle: Jules2 is on her knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 2316 gold coins and a golden brick.

4/7/12~11:08: Notes from arena battle: Kamal is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 2166 coins

4/7/12~06:11: Notes from arena battle: Mihala is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 776 coins. (That’s 5:0 vs her now)

4/7/12~04:26: Wow, I am level 47 now! Luckily intelligence isn’t a requirement for level-ups.~4/7/12~04:26: Felt a burning desire to examine the continuum transfunctioner. Found inside something unbelievable — a scroll with instructions how to get a premature level up!

4/6/12~01:32: Notes from arena battle: Punch Monster is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 1249 coins.

4/3/12~03/04/12 11:26 PM: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able is unconscious. Chaosticles successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 4655 gold coins.

3/27/12~ 11:08: Notes from arena battle: Gozar is on her knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 1978 gold coins and a golden brick.

3/26/12~07:36: Notes from arena battle: Jules2 surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 696 coins.

3/25/12~07:10: Notes from arena battle: Kamal is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 3415 coins.

06:58: Notes from arena battle: Koppy Katt is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 534 coins and a golden brick.

09:23: Notes from arena battle: RooR begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 2515 gold coins and a golden brick.

3/24/12~08:50: Notes from arena battle: Saedist is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1604 coins.

3/23/12~09:00: Hooray! I’ve reached level 46!

12:20: Notes from arena battle: Tuntor the Collector is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 1332 gold coins and a golden brick. As a sign of heroic solidarity, the winner returned 266 gold coins to his rival for buying medicine.

06:28: Notes from arena battle: Hero3 is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1495 coins.

09:51: Notes from arena battle: Nylorac is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 598 gold coins.

05:25: Notes from arena battle: Moha is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 6549 gold coins and a golden brick.

12:11: Notes from arena battle: Doctor October begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 3304 coins.

03:48: Notes from arena battle: Ash98 begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 1983 coins.

06:11: Notes from arena battle: Valkerie is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 2910 gold coins.

11:48: Notes from arena battle: Jaymo Mook is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 501 gold coins and a golden brick.

04:31: Notes from arena battle: Derptardo surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 1070 coins.

09:54: Notes from arena battle: Danielo is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 3112 gold coins and a golden brick.

09:03: Notes from arena battle: Inbred begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 2157 coins and a golden brick.

04:26: Notes from arena battle: Captain Murphy is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1874 coins.

11:28: Notes from arena battle: Bandit23 is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 889 coins and a golden brick.

08:37: Notes from arena battle: Mihala is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 3518 gold coins and a golden brick.

02:42: Notes from arena battle: Attila Ulrick begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 281 gold coins and a golden brick.

05:22: Hooray! I’ve reached level 45!

04:25: Notes from arena battle: The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. Koppy Katt was selected as the nominal winner. The winner got richer by 4278 gold coins and a golden brick. (lmfao talk about some crazy ass luck…… wow i love the great random)

11:13: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able is unconscious. Unnamed successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 202 coins. ( 69 steps and one of the closest and most frustrating of our battles… but always an interesting and fun experience battling with this epic gladiator:)

05:31: Notes from arena battle: The Amazing Zizz surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 2313 gold coins.

10:45: Notes from arena battle: Ebak begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 845 gold coins and a golden brick.

11:26: Notes from the sparring fight: Pirulin ends the imaginary fight as the winner. Kain Able thanks his partner for the mental training.

02:02: Phantom23 was removed from my potential threats list. He will remember not to stand in my way again. 02:02: Notes from arena battle: The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. Kain Able was selected as the nominal winner. The winner receives a gold brick and 753 coins.

12:33: Notes from arena battle: Logan X is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 3203 gold coins.

07:11: Notes from arena battle: Hero3 is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1660 gold coins. The loser cadged 401 gold coins back.

01:42: Notes from arena battle: Z66 is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 261 coins.

08:23: Notes from arena battle: Shazamm is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 1004 gold coins and a golden brick.

05:02: Notes from arena battle: Horace Worblehat begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 1024 gold coins.

04:34: Notes from arena battle: Peonka begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 3054 coins and a golden brick.

03:10: Notes from arena battle: Belsebub is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 207 coins and a golden brick. The loser cadged 60 gold coins back.

05:18: Notes from arena battle: Unnamed begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 3100 coins. The loser cadged 88 gold coins back.

10:57: Pinky’s just shed his skin! Wait, does a bipolar bear do that? Anyway, it looks bigger and meaner now. And clean.

01:28: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able is on his knees. Pirulin salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 967 coins and a golden brick.

05:10: Notes from arena battle: Alisto is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1007 gold coins.

02:52: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able is unconscious. Sydonai successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 2296 gold coins.

10:22: Notes from arena battle:  B1llyB0b is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 533 coins and a golden brick.

12:13: Notes from arena battle: Hobbo begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 5132 gold coins and a golden brick.

07:52: Notes from arena battle: Tethnun surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 955 coins.

02:18: Notes from arena battle: Alkyonor is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 1832 coins and a golden brick.

07:04: Notes from arena battle: Ash98 is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 61 coins.

01:46 Notes from arena battle: Nella is on her knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 1112 coins.

27/02/12 02:47 AM: Hooray! I’ve reached level 44!

05:16: Notes from arena battle: Col Gaddafi is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 4141 gold coins and a golden brick.

11:57: Notes from arena battle: The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. Kain Able was selected as the nominal winner. The winner receives a gold brick and 812 gold coins.

08:09: Soaring up into the air in a beam of colorful light, Pinky started to look bigger and stronger. Hmm, there isn’t any reason to fear for my life, is there?(LvL 15 now)

03:08: Notes from arena battle: Jaztek is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 2996 coins and a golden brick.(That was one hell of a try! Well met. Till Next time:)

10:55: Notes from arena battle: The Earthly Saint is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 2537 gold coins.

06:47: Notes from arena battle: Skaar surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 1578 gold coins and a golden brick.

02:17: Notes from arena battle: BraidsMaster is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 2393 coins and a golden brick. As a sign of heroic solidarity, the winner returned 102 gold coins to his rival for buying medicine.

09:08: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able is on his knees. Ulti salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 1946 coins and a golden brick.

04:07: Notes from arena battle: Rhynstone surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 2550 gold coins.

11:14: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able surrenders. Pirulin definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 3670 coins.

05:17: Met Jessu during a rest by the wayside and borrowed his diary to read. The writing is so similar… We’re obviously soulmates.

05:07: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able begs for mercy. Jessu definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 4698 gold coins.

10:55: Notes from arena battle: Schlubb is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 3734 gold coins and a golden brick.

01:35: Notes from arena battle: Jaymo Mook is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 194 gold coins and a golden brick.

06:51: Notes from arena battle: Kai Tyson is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 1675 gold coins and a golden brick.

12:18: Notes from arena battle: Hobbo is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 2170 coins and a golden brick.

04:06: Notes from arena battle: Terror91 is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 3255 coins and a golden brick.

12:06: Notes from arena battle: Mihala is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1102 coins.

06:39: Pinky was suddenly surrounded by a sparkling glow and began skipping around and humming happily. Hey, I think he just leveled up!(LvL 14)

04:34: Notes from arena battle: Jeeber begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 3980 gold coins and a golden brick.

08:14: Notes from arena battle: BietchBieber begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 2 gold coins and a golden brick.

10:19: Notes from arena battle: Kankanek is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 1921 coins.

06:11: Notes from arena battle: Chaosticles surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 1020 coins and a golden brick.

02:21: Notes from arena battle: Phoenixxx is on her knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 3249 coins and a golden brick.

10:11: Notes from arena battle: Mihala surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 268 coins.

02:43: Notes from arena battle: Sadew is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 4167 coins and a golden brick.

03:42: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able is unconscious. Jessu successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 657 coins and a golden brick.

06:09: Notes from arena battle: Laeus Rex is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 1919 gold coins and a golden brick.

01:04: Notes from arena battle: Prince-Nez is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1420 coins.

08:27: Notes from arena battle: Afrobenny surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 5079 coins and a golden brick.

12:12: Notes from arena battle: LoPan is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 147 coins and a golden brick.

05:47: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able is unconscious. Goretex successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 1058 gold coins and a golden brick.(this guy actually kicke my ass, idis however hoave a punishment carry over to my next turn which i woul have encouraged but shit happens and he beat me:)

08:23: Notes from arena battle: Brody Brockington surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 1916 gold coins and a golden brick. The loser cadged 357 coins back.

01:21: Notes from arena battle: Bulletforyourblood surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 539 coins.

03:26: Notes from arena battle: Leyton Koffin is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 1470 coins and a golden brick.

10:39: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able is on his knees. Mister Sparkle salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 1315 coins.

05:19: Notes from arena battle: DanCore is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1207 coins.

01:16: Notes from arena battle: Dunaskin is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 42 gold coins.

02:38: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able surrenders. Tissue Paper definitely fulfilled her god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 2071 gold coins and a golden brick.( Completely forgot i was in the arena and got my ass handed to me eithout so mych as a thank you for my being AFK!;(

08:44: Notes from arena battle: Ulti is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 1070 gold coins.

01:44: Notes from arena battle: Dav3 is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 494 coins.

06/02/12 07:03 PM: Notes from arena battle: Epic Kane is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 6804 gold coins and a golden brick.

05:41: Notes from arena battle: Jaymo Mook is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 1599 coins and a golden brick.

11:14: Notes from arena battle: Clydus surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 1271 gold coins. The loser cadged 332 gold coins back.

04:46: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able begs for mercy. Gonzoine definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 3689 gold coins.(Hmm what can I say? I got cocky and this guy reminded me exactly why that is the last thing a good gladiator ever does.)

11:52: Hooray! I’ve reached level 42!

06:53: Notes from arena battle: Sadeshi is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 988 gold coins and a golden brick.

10:09: Notes from arena battle: Toshii begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 986 gold coins.

06:06: Notes from arena battle: Kokudo surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 642 coins.

09:44: Notes from arena battle: Si the Slicer is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1186 gold coins. The loser cadged 377 gold coins back.

04:57: Notes from arena battle: Kargoth is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 2 gold coins.

12:25: Notes from arena battle: The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. Kain Able was selected as the nominal winner. The winner receives a gold brick and 2212 gold coins. 12:17: Notes from arena battle: UniQ and Kain Able look at each other appraisingly. The audience watches with anticipation.

06:48: Notes from arena battle: Logan X is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 1386 coins and a golden brick.

10:47: Notes from arena battle: Bretchlol is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 761 gold coins. As a sign of heroic solidarity, the winner returned 61 coins to his rival for buying medicine.

12:37: Pinky just made another notch on his collar. Looks like he got his next level. Up to lvl 11 now!

06:32: Notes from arena battle: The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. Gnomas was selected as the nominal winner. The winner receives a gold brick and 3769 coins.

12:57: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able is unconscious. Jaymo Mook successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1383 coins.(Fell asleep after 4th or 5th step…..)

08:21: Notes from arena battle: Quatala begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 2570 coins.

09:20: Notes from arena battle: Quandary begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 2 gold coins.

03:27: Notes from arena battle: Cutie-Stilling is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 2331 gold coins.

01:36: Notes from arena battle: Tyoona is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 1411 coins and a golden brick.

11:07: Notes from arena battle: Rhynstone is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 827 gold coins and a golden brick. As a sign of heroic solidarity, the winner returned 224 gold coins to his rival for buying medicine.

06:55: Notes from arena battle: Etay is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1751 gold coins.

12:46: Notes from arena battle: Dream master is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 6241 gold coins and a golden brick.(This guy had me action locked for like 8 or 9 steps. finally standing 16 hp me 40 hp him my turn to hit. unfortuneately for him he used an action to get me that low and mistimed  a little. Eager to end this long struggle and glad to have my influence fully restored i drank a potion and punished winning narrowly 6 hp me 1 hp him.)

07:16: Notes from arena battle: The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. Murt was selected as the nominal winner. The winner got richer by 2411 gold coins and a golden brick.

03:23: Pinky just made another notch on his collar. Looks like he got his next level. level 10.

(05:21 In the red corner of the arena — Sminky the Burn. In the blue corner — Kain Able. The judge gives the go-ahead and the duel begins!  It seems that this is not the first fight between Kain Able and Sminky the Burn – the current score is 1:0.   Apparently, the fighters are equal. A judge will determine the winner with the flip of a coin.   05:34 The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. Kain Able was selected as the nominal winner. The winner receives a gold brick and 345 gold coins. As a sign of heroic solidarity, the winner returned 121 gold coins to his rival for buying medicine.

12:05: Notes from arena battle: DanCore surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 2843 gold coins and a golden brick.

03:10: Notes from arena battle: Derptardo is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1205 coins.

11:15: Notes from arena battle: Reluctant poo surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 1779 coins.

06:55: Notes from arena battle: Dj Shamoon is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 2 gold coins.

02:44: Notes from arena battle: Bandit23 surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 1057 gold coins.

10:34: Notes from arena battle: Schneider23 surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 1016 gold coins.

06:39: Notes from arena battle: Dunaskin begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 1703 coins and a golden brick.

21/01/12 07:00 PM: Hooray! I’ve reached level 41!

21/01/12 01:56 AM: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able is on his knees. Dream master salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 1849 gold coins.(1st loss in ages since unnamed got me. I totally forgot i had gine to arena and my heroe was used as dream masters punching bag;( I apologize Kain Able. I will make it up to you!)

08:40: Notes from arena battle: Shire Berk is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 3027 gold coins.

08:54: Notes from arena battle: Budd Smoker surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 507 gold coins and a golden brick.

11:19: Notes from arena battle: Captain Murphy is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 299 coins and a golden brick. As a sign of heroic solidarity, the winner returned 87 gold coins to his rival for buying medicine.

07:04: Notes from arena battle: TEMPURA surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 2951 coins and a golden brick.

02:52: Warog was removed from my potential threats list. He will remember not to stand in my way again. 02:52: Notes from arena battle: The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. Kain Able was selected as the nominal winner. The winner got richer by 4228 gold coins and a golden brick. 02:42: Notes from arena battle: Warog and Kain Able look at each other appraisingly. The audience watches with anticipation.

11:59: Pinky was suddenly surrounded by a sparkling glow and began skipping around and humming happily. Hey, I think he just leveled up!

10:44: Notes from arena battle: Eicca is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1507 gold coins.

03:19: Notes from arena battle: Cutie-Stilling is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 1246 coins and a golden brick.

10:48: Notes from arena battle: Bandit23 is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 1764 coins and a golden brick.

01:31: Notes from arena battle: PinguPenguin is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 2240 gold coins and a golden brick.

02:56: Notes from arena battle: Leyton Koffin is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 3430 coins.

10/01/12 02:56 PM: Notes from arena battle: Baldricky is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 617 coins.

12:41: This time, Ebak was too strong. That’s ok, I’ll have my revenge next time. 12:40: Notes from arena battle: The fight was a tie and its results will not be registered in the history. Ebak was selected as the nominal winner. The winner receives a gold brick and 236 coins.

09/01/12 09:27 AM: Hooray! I’ve reached level 40!

01:41: Notes from arena battle: Gardon is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 3737 gold coins and a golden brick.

08:30: Notes from arena battle: Nihlathak is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 433 gold coins and a golden brick. The loser cadged 160 coins back.

09:14: Notes from arena battle: Bollox Steele is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1950 coins.

03:43: Notes from arena battle: DanCore begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 1785 gold coins and a golden brick.

02:25: Notes from arena battle: Kurion is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 1439 coins and a golden brick. The loser cadged 361 gold coins back.

Notes from arena battle: Heybaybay is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 8072 gold coins and a golden brick.

01:03: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able is on his knees. Unnamed salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 3767 gold coins and a golden brick.( only had 9 charges when this arch enemy of mine happens to match me for the second time in 3 days. unfortunately i couldnt close the deal in time so we no stand 3:2. altho one of his wins and one of mine were ties)

27/12/11 02:21 PM: Learned a new skill: “bloody itch”!

27/12/11 02:21 PM: Hooray! I’ve reached level 39!

05:23: Notes from arena battle: Unnamed is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 414 coins and a golden brick.

11:37: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able surrenders. Bigpoppamk definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 3086 gold coins.( Good Fight Bro:)

06:35: Notes from arena battle: Karras surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 2841 gold coins and a golden brick.

08:44: Notes from arena battle: Replace surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 5499 coins.

Notes from arena battle: Kain Able is unconscious. Ulti successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 803 coins.

08:21: Notes from arena battle: Katibree is on her knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 815 coins and a golden brick.

09:47: Notes from arena battle: Bjj is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner got richer by 355 coins and a golden brick.

12:14: Notes from arena battle: Cuddle Monkey surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 1363 gold coins.

05:04: Notes from arena battle: Crashner begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 1949 coins and a golden brick.

05:43: Notes from arena battle: Bollox Steele begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 1933 coins and a golden brick.

12:41: Notes from arena battle: Tyoona surrenders. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 2 coins and a golden brick.

08:40: Notes from arena battle: Gregle is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 1627 gold coins and a golden brick.

03:43: Hooray! I’ve reached level 38!

11:45: Notes from arena battle: SilkyZ begs for mercy. Kain Able definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner receives a gold brick and 1675 coins.

06:17: Notes from arena battle: Kain Able is unconscious. Heybaybay successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 4144 coins.(I fucked up and forget to notify my guildmates and friends so we let this play out randomly and i got my ass handed to me;) Gratz Brosky!

02:10: Notes from arena battle: Bplantz is on his knees. Kain Able salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 584 gold coins and a golden brick.

09:02: Notes from the battlefield: Kain Able is defeated. Lafawnda added 2482 gold coins to her treasury. Lafawnda now has a “Made in Godville” label, some reputation bleach, a recipe for failure, Kain Able’s dog tag and a golden brick for the temple at her disposal.(AFK)

01:29: Notes from arena battle: Dusty-Bottom is unconscious. Kain Able successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 2670 gold coins.