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Niruve (NI-roov)
01:05 Looks like I have the honor of being chosen for an inscrutable purpose by a supreme being. Thank you, Almighty! It might get awkward, but it’ll be fun.
Dueler Pantheon Gained/Lost Equation:
NewRating = Old rating +/- (25*Е)
Gladiatorship Pantheon Gained/Lost Equation:
100th Victory
Record: 100/3
19:11 Notes from the arena: Dante hall is unconscious. Niruve successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 1627 gold coins.
200th Victory
Record: 200/18
18:52 Notes from the arena: Render Oakdrane is on his knees. Niruve salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 1190 coins and a golden brick.
01:50 Carefully placed the last brick, swept all the rooms, opened all doors, and cut the ribbon in a stately manner with my sword. I can’t believe it’s finally happened! After all these months of work, the temple in your name is finished, my Lord! I feel crazy with happiness.
300th Victory
Record: 300/32
…geez you’re really starting to slack there, huh? That’s what you get for going dormant for two years.
11:38 Notes from the arena: Actually Ingma is unconscious. Niruve successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 10434 coins.
400th Victory
Record: 400/53
…actions failing to load during duels is becoming insanely more common…regardless of service quality. Ultrabuzzkill.
22:53 Notes from the arena: Good Guy is on his knees. Niruve salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 1535 gold coins and a golden brick. As a sign of heroic solidarity, the winner returned 331 coins to his rival to buy medicine.
500th Victory
Record: 500/66
…starting to think I’m not as good as I believed myself to be…constant work in progress.
08:19 Notes from the arena: Niruve parades in victory and gleefully displays his prize before the whole arena. Natasha The Slayer shakes her fist, vowing revenge. The winner got richer by 9705 coins and a golden brick.
600th Victory
Record: 600/78
yeah…taking the L is definitely trending in my life at moment…hopefully nothing but good fortune from here on out….or at least improved skill!
18:12 Notes from the arena: With a shudder and a final rattling breath, Circusmaster falls at the feet of Niruve. The winner receives a gold brick and 23349 coins.
Raiders of the Lost Ark
00:45 A log! A thousandth log! I’m even ready for a flood now. Not that I’m asking for it, Almighty.
Four years, on the dot!? …It’s not the years, honey, it’s the mileage.
Season 26 – Rank: 1st – ELO: 10167
Season Stats: 120/5
Record: 120/5
Longest Fight
101 steps
Niruve v Shadow Of Doubt
Shortest Fight
6 steps
Niruve v Azaghast the Tyrant
1st Loss
Meh. Can’t win them all…
08:55 Notes from the arena: Niruve is unconscious. Vyn successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 2315 coins. R: 39/1
…but getting to smash that cookie thievin’ face in the mud is pure ecstasy. 😏
18:47 Notes from the arena: Vyn is on his knees. Niruve salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 804 gold coins and a golden brick. Due to this fight’s special rule, the winner gets three golden bricks instead of one. R: 45/1
Most Gold Won in Arena
19:32 Notes from the arena: LiamDoc is on his knees. Niruve salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 71151 coins and a golden brick. Wowzers…
Most Gold Lost in Arena
08:47 Notes from the arena: Niruve is on his knees. Tarot salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 18877 gold coins and a golden brick. GAH.
Most Gold Held…that I’ve noticed
53357 → 06/22/2021
Most Arena Duels in a Day
6 → 02/22/2021
6 → 02/28/2021
Highest Bingo Score
S:59 R:11 → 06/24/2023
✧1st: Slaves to Armok ● ∞
Why, you ask? Simple.
As if I had a choice…
Armok is the omnipotent totalitarian of existence. A true constant, illuminating throughout all these random and chaotic universes. He can manipulate the essence of all creatures, including that of other lesser “gods”, but he generally relishes in observation of evolving civilizations, in hopes that one day they demolish one another.
As these civilizations spread and the frontier closes, they steadily become more homogeneous. Armok, looking upon this decadence in disgust, will reform each universe that fails to pique interest. Slapping it onto the anvil of creation to be forcibly and irretrievably changed.
So, you see?
I’m trapped just as you are, reading this now…
…a true Slave to Armok.
✧2nd: Asylum ● இ
Arms bound, peering through the bars of a padded transport…
I feel this wave chanting over me…
Apparently my overwhelming pride and severe dedication to Armok is considered “unstable”, becoming cause for concern.
All I did was ship every kitten I could find to that blazing ball in the sky as sacrifice to my glorious Armok; hoping to cleanse the area of prying judgmental eyes…I can still smell that sweet crispy sizzle all this way…mm.
Anyway, after months of constant battling and bickering with other guilds about the existence of Armok, along with my apparent behavioural issues, they decided to institutionalize me. So Asylum, looks like you’re my new home for a while.
✧3rd: Niruvana ● Ⓝ
Well, my time served in the Asylum has finally been extinguished. Funnily enough, I found several of the inmates oddly relatable…I might actually miss a few of those blockheads. Unfortunately upon my release, I was informed by legal obligation, I’m no longer allowed within 1000 milestones from any other guild…so, it appears I’ll have to create my own little slice of paradise…Niruvana!
- PETS -
Nimbus – Sun Dog “Ancient”
00:55 Entered a love-hate relationship with the Sun Dog. Love its combat style, but hate that it is using it on me.
00:55 After vanquishing the Sun Dog, I noticed a pair of tear-brimmed eyes peering out from under the bushes. Wracked by guilt, I took the baby-monster’s shaking hand and adopted it as my pet. I’ll name him Scrat.
01:00 I knew I should have checked my sun dog for a collar. Turns out his name is actually Nimbus! That explains why he never listens to me.
03/15/2024 – Ark’d @ L45
01:25 Stalled the pet in the ark. Stay here for a while Nimbus, I’ll be back in no time.
Falkor – Gummy Wyrm “Lucky”
09:11 I looked into the kind eyes of the vanquished monster and suddenly decided — Gummy Wyrm, you’ll be my pet! And I’ll call you Blaze. Bandaged his wounds, gave him a treat and fastened the leash.
20:21 I knew I should have checked my gummy wyrm for a collar. Turns out his name is actually Falkor! That explains why he never listens to me.
- Honoured -
Honoured Renegade
I’d say 11 months is enough idle time…wake up, Niruve. Time to play. — Bored of waiting, I skimmed through the Gladiator Hall of Fame. Pshh, “Hall of Fame”, they call it. None of these names are as impressive as “Niruve”!
Honoured Dueler
Season 26
Rank: 1st
ELO: 10167
Season Stats: 120/5
Record: 120/5
Last Fight of the Season:
00:23 Gijung is unconscious. Niruve successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 2282 gold coins. As it was promised, the loser gets a great consolation prize – three gold bricks.
Honoured Favourite
- 1st Rank -
Favourite, 1st Rank
Builder, 1st Rank
01:18 Wow, a thousandth brick! Now I just need to get to my construction site and finish the temple…
Invincible, 1st Rank
23:00 Notes from the arena: Niruve parades in victory and gleefully displays his prize before the whole arena. Tarot shakes his fist, vowing revenge. The winner receives a gold brick and 5869 coins.
Animalist, 1st Rank
11:48 Scrat jumped into a bush and came out bigger and stronger. Wow, he leveled up! Maybe I should try that.
Champion, 1st Rank
Record: 500/66
08:19 Notes from the arena: Niruve parades in victory and gleefully displays his prize before the whole arena. Natasha The Slayer shakes her fist, vowing revenge. The winner got richer by 9705 coins and a golden brick.
Shipwright, 1st Rank
00:45 A log! A thousandth log! I’m even ready for a flood now. Not that I’m asking for it, Almighty.
Careerist, 1st Rank
Niruvana Ⓝ
- 2nd Rank -
Champion, 2nd Rank
Record: 50/1
04:25 Notes from the arena: Arcs is on her knees. Niruve salutes to the heavens! The winner got richer by 2395 gold coins and a golden brick.
Builder, 2nd Rank
19:25 Lions and tigers and bears? Oh my, I think I’ve entered the wrong arena again. Better get out of here before I’m noticed. Snatched a lonely golden brick lying around on my way back…well, that was anticlimactic.
Favourite, 2nd Rank
Invincible, 2nd Rank
17:55 Notes from the arena: Alfonso surrenders. Niruve definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 946 gold coins and a golden brick.
Fiend, 2nd Rank
10:32 Suddenly, Niruve grew two extra arms and started brutally punching Sir Kraken. Niruve is not showing mercy.
Animalist, 2nd Rank
17:22 Scrat glowed and his eyes sparkled. It seems that my brute just achieved a new level.
Hunter, 2nd Rank
10:15 United by destiny, the heroes defeated the nasty creature! Knight Of Nightmare got 845 gold coins. Niruve got 798 gold coins. Syllarra became richer by 798 gold coins. Hreidmar became the owner of 915 coins and a lucky paw of the Telepony. Reignbeaux got 837 gold coins and fur of the Telepony. Siren calls echo from the west, east and south. Fun Fact: Today is my brother’s birthday.
Saint, 2nd Rank
Niruve painted a beautiful rainbow; a bridge of light arched down to his servant. Shadow Of Doubt wheezed resentfully, watching the enemy get stronger.
Shipwright, 2nd Rank
11:51 Reported my success at the side job agency and was rewarded for speed. Got three logs for the ark and a prize chest.Jesus…
Freelancer, 2nd Rank
12:26 Having multiple jobs is hard, but the life of a hero isn’t cheap. Got two logs for the ark for completing my side job.
Coach, 2nd Rank
21:41 Notes from the sparring fight: Rayray lll gets experience points for today’s win, while Niruve thanks his partner for the lesson.
Careerist, 2nd Rank
Asylum இ
Martyr, 2nd Rank
16:10 Now a moment of silence for those who fell in battle against the Great Caesar’s Ghost. Which is me.
Savior, 2nd Rank
- 3rd Rank -
Builder, 3rd Rank
02:24 Makata is on his knees. Niruve salutes to the heavens! The winner receives a gold brick and 5397 gold coins.
02:25 My Lord, here is a new thing for you — Third Eye. It will have the most interesting entries from my diary.
Champion, 3rd Rank
15:12 Notes from the arena: Durovise surrenders. Niruve definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 2435 coins and a golden brick. Due to this fight’s special rule, the winner gets three golden bricks instead of one.
Invincible, 3rd Rank
18:31 Notes from the arena: Dante hall is unconscious. Niruve successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! Extra gold prize collected by the fans for the winner is 3804 coins. The winner got richer by 1512 gold coins and a golden brick.
Fiend, 3rd Rank
00:29 A zombie hand rose from the ground and held Kira Mocachi by the foot as lightning struck her. Seems like Niruve has had enough of Kira Mocachi.
Favourite, 3rd Rank
Hunter, 3rd Rank
21:53 Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Auriferous Summoning Alpha Mole! Hugothebrave got 2862 gold coins. Niruve got 8557 gold coins, an ear of the Alpha Mole, a golden brick, a golden brick, the key to success, a rib of the Mini-Alpha Mole, a horn of the Mini-Alpha Mole, a portable quest generator, a real piece of work, a chaos engine, some hot gossip and a history repeater.
Animalist, 3rd Rank
20:19 Scrat was suddenly surrounded by a sparkling glow and began skipping around and humming happily. Hey, I think he just leveled up!
Coach, 3rd Rank
01:46 Notes from the sparring fight: Arthur Godsake gets experience points for today’s win, while Niruve thanks his partner for the lesson.
Raider, 3rd Rank
02:52 Notes from the dungeon: The heroes plunder the treasure trove and divide the loot. Niruve grabs 10782 coins, a log for the ark, a golden eye, some canned heat, a freeze flame and a backstage pass. Raccoonman left unconscious. Those who missed the plunder are given 3587 gold coins in total as a consolation prize. After depositing all their gold into a savings box next to the exit, the heroes ascend to the surface.
Martyr, 3rd Rank
12:52 Just when I thought all was doomed, Arthur Godsake came running from the hills shouting, “Don’t worry, I’m here to help!” It was then that I knew all was doomed.
Shipwright, 3rd Rank
06:41 Returned to the side job board. Got a log for the ark and an expensive suitcase filled with bonuses for finishing said side job.
Freelancer, 3rd Rank
01:32 Returned to the side job board. Got a log for the ark and a prize chest for finishing said side job.hurting?
Moneybag, 3rd Rank
Careerist, 3rd Rank
Slaves to Armok ∞
Savior, 3rd Rank
Hotshot, 3rd Rank
Niruve — 17th-level adventurer, member of the “Slaves to Armok” guild, stands at the 17th position in the pantheon of duelers under the vigilant supervision of the god Niruve. His worst enemy — an Out-Sorcerer. Favorite trophy — something that looks like a parallel world map. He is also a huge fan of Last Resort’s pubs.
Niruve — 52nd-level adventurer, member of the “Slaves to Armok” guild, with the motto “∞ 🐺 ∞”, stands at the 135th position in the pantheon of Gladiatorship under the vigilant supervision of the god Niruve. All he ever wanted was a little love and affection.
Niruve — 58th-level adventurer, member of the “Slaves to Armok” guild, with the motto “∞ 🐺 ∞”, stands at the 4th position in the pantheon of Duelers under the vigilant supervision of the god Niruve. He asked us not to feature him in this issue, but we do what we want.
1.) Hairplug4men (Heybaybay) ✓
2.) Tomw (Flint Steel)✗
3.) Soulearth (Earthsoul)✗
4.) Shirohige of Legends (General Zilong) ✓
5.) Dragon Rider 119 (Dante hall)✗
6.) Merfington (Merf)✗
7.) Vorpal (Harold Groebal)✗
8.) The 123 (The 456) ✓
9.) Armour878 (Sir Pangolin) ✓
10.) Kokrot (Arthur Godsake)✗
11.) Dogess (Squidgitt) ✓
12.) Holy Satan Crimson Avarice (Zelan Lycas) ✓
13.) Bigdaddyy (Bigdaddyy) ✓
14.) Schyzo (Kacrutz)✗
15.) Kokoron (Kokoronyay) ✓
16.) Haylienator (Mother of Hamsters) ✓
17.) Eminent Stone (Frank Washington)✗
18.) Orgm (Isekaitaro) ✓
19.) Kangxp (Lunasa) ✓
20.) Aerknard (Veltra)✗
21.) Hankvi Guidza (Chihiro Fujisaki) ✓
22.) Goddess X Goddess (Heroine X Heroine)✗
23.) Soneder (Sanoske)✗
24.) Kazehime (Whimsy)✗
25.) Noghoge (Naghor)✗
26.) Badass Karma (Downtrodden Sod) ✓
27.) Autopilot (Elongated-Muskrat) ✓
28.) Persuasive Advocate (Shadow Of Doubt) ✓
29.) Idum (Rubin The Red)✗
30.) She-reen (Ensukemi) ✓
31.) Toastwyrm (Tarot)✗
32.) Stickyorder (Oromis) ✓
33.) Ashmodias (Nucleus The Third) ✓
34.) Shakerag (Somina) ✓
35.) Blahite (Trainase)✗
36.) Lady Sparx (Jaemi Sparx) ✓
37.) Lord Sparx (Nykon Sparx)✗
38.) Letram Trawoc (Floralyn) ✓
39.) Pejorate (Millisar) ✓
40.) Nickthegreat (Nickthegreat)✗
41.) Ni less knight (Knight of 42 Ni)✗
42.) Oversee Year (Dungeon Raider)✗
43.) Immortal Nine-Lives (Aeron Than)✗
44.) Krohnos (Farkwar junior)✗
45.) Batdroid (Hemroid) ✓
46.) Sorenim (Bobu The Jp) ✓
47.) George the God of Aa (Gief Epix)✗
48.) Lord01 (Sir Lance Of Lot)✗
49.) Hildegarda-chan (Kawaii-nya-chan) ✓
50.) Miralew (Rayray lll)✗
51.) Miss Monsoon (Waterfalls) ✓
52.) Tuxedo Cat (Mousie)✗
53.) Lady Darkfire (Huntress Darkfire)✗
54.) Nosht82 (Nosht82)✗