Godville glory.
Im not entirly sure where I came from originally.. what I do know is I woke up one morning and A strange priest told me you are the personal Hero Of The God Njack with this responsibly you must fight To Protect Godville and claim Glory in Njacks name. Taking what he said into consideration I Named my self Godville glory and began my Epic Adventures
During my early Adventures I found my self getting into alot of bar fights with the locals waking up blind drunk, broke or even both! on a few too many occasions i was dragged into the marshals office. After a few Repetitions it was Clear in order to become Truly Heroic I needed to join a guild that could help me out these miss understandings.
01:51: Tigger snorted disdainfully and laughed at my futile attempts to talk to locals to figure out what to do next. Now he’s making faces at me. If you think it’s so easy, why don’t you try it yourself, you silly Firefox? Drumroll journey to Wild Seven
After many days searching I found A newly formed Guild (at the time) Wild Seven they hoped to stand against evil and be A major force in the much predicted day of reckoning! Here I made many friends.
My Wild Seven Journey’s brought me to…? Cliff Hangers are such pains!
If you’d like to hear more please leave your vote :)
03:14: With my health restored and a renewed zest for life, I shall continue my quest for glory!