

The Forbidden One 776

level 147
trader level 34

Hero Motto 🐢

Age 9 years 11 months
Personality neutral
Guild Guild Name
Monsters Killed about 750 thousand
Death Count 164
Wins / Losses 2 / 0
Temple Completed at 03/11/2016
Ark Completed at
05/20/2017 (585.7%)
“Ark Name”
Pairs Gathered at 06/13/2019
Book Written at 11/26/2021
Souls Completed at 10/03/2024
Shop “Shop Name”
Pet Solar bear Espen 98th level
Boss Imbossible with 345% of power


Weapon jazz club +159
Shield bubble of isolation +161
Head invisibility blindfold +162
Body vest of both worlds +158
Arms boomboxing gloves +155
Legs frictionless shoes +160
Talisman discredit card +160


  • eye scream level 156
  • cash whistle level 156
  • electrostatic discharge level 155
  • cri de coeur level 143
  • effect of the groundhog level 142
  • bloody itch level 140
  • flying bird level 138
  • sober view level 138
  • frost bite level 129
  • asynchronous swimming level 123


  • ⓶ Visit the trader with two identical coupons
  • ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones
  • ⓶ Have bosses' horn and hoof in inventory simultaneously
  • ⓶ Fill out the newspaper bingo completely
  • ⓶ Complete five side jobs in a row
  • ⓶ Deliver both a wanted monster and a wanted artifact within one day
  • ⓵ Die to a monster and lose 15k gold
  • ⓵ Reach the treasure room with single-digit HP
  • ⓵ Exhaust a boss with a 100+ turns battle
  • ⓵ Befriend Godville Administrator

Show all 12




  • Honored Animalist
  • Honored Careerist
  • Honored Favorite
  • Honored Hunter
  • Honored Miner
  • Honored Raider
  • Honored Shipwright
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Freelancer, 1st rank
  • Martyr, 1st rank
  • Moneybag, 1st rank
  • Saint, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Scribbler, 1st rank
  • Soulcatcher, 1st rank
  • Coach, 2nd rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Hotshot, 2nd rank
  • Renegade, 2nd rank
  • Scientist, 2nd rank
  • Seadog, 2nd rank

Hero's Chronicles

A little peace of History

I am just a basic hero, like all others, with small differences just like usual. Building a temple for the great Mythras of Arbor is my goal and slowly, but steadily, I’m progressing!

That was until the night of doom, my glorious Ninja Turtle vanished from this world. The nurse revived it, but it was already too late, it had from then on only been straying around with me, not doing anything any more. The only option I had was releasing it into the wild. Behemoth, I will never forget you.

I shall renew my chronicles today. A lot has happened since my glorious Ninja Turtle died.

When Behemoth was released into the wild, I wanted change. I couldn’t stand the pain in my heart, and thus I began becoming evil. From day to day, I felt like I was being punished, more and more, and very soon, it felt like nothing good was left in me. I was purely evil.
Being wicked kind of released me from my pain, though, and thus I accepted it.

At the time I also freshly joined a new guild, proudly I could call myself a follower of the Knights of the Coffee Table! And while days passed, and I collected brick after brick for my temple, I became more known with the Knights. The time flew by, and eventually I grew to become one of the first Cardinal at the Coffee Table, at which point even I, the usually so lone wolf, had formed some friendships among my fellow Knights.
Soon, there would be elections, for the first leader among the coffee table, to lead the guild with all the grace he’s capable off!
Looking back, I have no idea how, but eventually I managed to be said Leader, and I fulfilled my task, as much as I could.
Sitting around the Coffee Table all day long was very boring, though.
And with the time come, my period of reign went over.

Oh, but there, was that a glimpse of hope in the boredom of the coffee table? Yes! Finally! The day had come, I completed the temple for the ancient god, the yet unspoken of, and oh how he praised me! The next days, miracle after miracle hailed down from the heavens, and eventually I learned that my god isn’t that fierce as I thought of him, after all. I want to learn more about him.

Time has passed. The exciting days of owning a temple are long gone, and again I find myself in the position of sitting around that Coffee Table, barely having conversations with my fellow Knights, it is plain boring.

I decided to leave my guild. It’s the one I’ve been in for almost as long as my existence, and I’ve had a brilliant career in there, but I don’t see a possible future in there. From since Behemoth died, I’ve developed to be purely evil, and most other Knights around the Table are rather kindly disposed.

Long search throughout the whole of Godville has brought me to my, for the time being, final destination. The Forsakens Lament! Finally, a guild that accepts me for who I am.

I feel… strange, lately. Is this… felicity?

It’s been exactly 2 months since I last wrote in my chronicles. I have since been a member in The Forsakens Lament guild, whose members have accepted and integrated me as one of theirs. At first, it felt like always, but in the last few days, my god seems to have been treating me in a very pleasant manner. I wonder why, he must be mistaking me for another hero.
I do, in fact, not remember the last time I have been hit by a lightning anymore, already. Could this be due to some kind of memory loss? Strange, what could have caused it? Anyways, off to the tavern!

I have important news to put down in my chronicles again.

My last update was 4 months ago, a time in which worlds can change just as much as everything could remain the same for one hero. For me, however, nothing is as it was anymore. The Forsakens Lament? A name of the past, almost forgotten. I remained long with them, but I think I didn’t fit to them enough. I took what it takes to do what no one wants to do at first… to change my life… I left them in harmony.

I stumbled upon a guild fairly peculiar and wasn’t sure whether to try it out, however one of them invited me kindly, so I took the opportunity. Guild Name is the guild name!

At first sight they all seemed so normal that I thought it’d be boring, but watching the guild hall gate for some time, I was able to notice that every now and then, small groups of heroes, completely equipped for a tough adventure, descended into nearby caves and trapdoors (there’s so many of them!).

Note: It seems my god has other purposes than me filling my chronicles with my boring history! So be it, do your own thing here, great Mythras of Arbor.

The Universal Dungeon Lexicon

For an explanation of individual dungeon types, see here

  • Ability – A special skill of with each Boss Monster has at least one and up to three, for a list of all skills see here
  • TB – short for Treasure Boss
  • Treasure Boss – the final boss monster of every dungeon with the exception of Solitude dungeons; Usually (the only exception being in a dungeon of Migration) it is located in a room directly or diagonally adjacent to treasure and not separated from it through walls. It has three Abilities, which can make it tricky to fight if it is a hard combination
  • Warden – synonym for Treasure Boss
  • Overdriving – Commonly used in two circumstances to describe a deity;
    a) when someone is driving every, or almost every single step, wasting their godpower
    b) when there already is a driver, but another deity or even several other deities decide to drive too, into a different direction
  • Driving – The process of sending a directional command to lead the party of heroes into a specific direction (North, East, South, West)
  • Driver – Someone who is driving

Helpful dungeon guides

My Alternative Accounts

  1. Azul of Angmar
  2. Ryanon
  3. Luna of Theia
  4. Hivemind Embodiment 7