

Picardus Worfus

level 59

Allllrighty then!

Age 9 years 9 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 96 thousand
Death Count 91
Wins / Losses 18 / 14
Temple Completed at 01/24/2016
Wood for Ark 34.1%
Savings 1M, 296k (4.3%)
Pet Satan claus Olwyn 29th level


Weapon spam grenade +69
Shield full blast shield +67
Head helm of overwhelm +68
Body slaughter-proof jacket +68
Arms rotator cuffs +68
Legs nuclear power pants +70
Talisman LOLympic torch +68


  • inept singing level 31
  • falcon punch level 30
  • shiny heels level 29
  • pseudopod attack level 29
  • teeth gnashing level 28
  • electro-broom level 26
  • rickrolling level 22
  • tin throat level 22
  • spoon-bending level 22
  • drunken rampage level 18




  • Honored Renegade
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Animalist, 2nd rank
  • Favorite, 2nd rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Hunter, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Shipwright, 2nd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank
  • Raider, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

Coming from humble beginnings, Picardus Worfus set out on an epic journey of undeniably not knowing what the whole point of the journey was about… Many gold coins and beers later it occurred to Picardus that finding gold bricks and quests were important, as was praising his god, Maximus Rogerus, whose divine goodness (and somewhat harshness) helped Picardus along the path to success and guided him a little on the right path. The temple is still in the early stages and much is still unknown of it’s mysteries but it’s coming along, brick by brick…

Golden temple progress

10% completed 5th September 2014

20% completed 15th October 2014

30% completed 5th December 2014

40% completed 1st March 2015

50% completed 4th May 2015

60% completed 20th August 2015

70% completed 19th October 2015

80% completed 23rd Nov 2015

90% completed 3rd January 2016

100% completed 24th January 2016

Some of Picardus Worfus’ best moments…

I guess I’m lucky! Found a treasure chest containing 1041 gold coins.

Felt a strong desire to examine the box with a question mark. My senses didn’t let me down — found 2899 gold coins inside!

12/08/14 felt a strong desire to examine the continuum transfunctioner. My senses didn’t let me down — found 4958 coins inside!

14/08/14 Ohh my first dungeon quest! Notes from the battlefield: Defeated the Summoning Deafening Scurrying Squirmisher! Picardus Worfus got 1675 gold coins

15/08/14 Oh a 2nd dungeon! Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Nimble Overtaker! Picardus Worfus added 4763 gold coins a token of friendship and a supersonic screwdriver to his bag.

18/08/14 I guess I’m lucky! Found a treasure chest containing 1473 gold coins.

23/08/14 I guess I’m lucky! Found a treasure chest containing 1818 coins.

23/08/14 Boss battle! Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by the great random have defeated the Enlightened Pickpocketing Terracotta Worrier! Picardus Worfus became the owner of 6226 gold coins 2 golden bricks a picture of a thousand words and a portable stairway to heaven. The enlightened boss turned out to be a good inspiration for a deep prayer.

24/08/14 I looked into the kind eyes of the vanquished monster and suddenly decided — Significant Otter, you’ll be my pet! And I’ll call you Fido. Bandaged his wounds, gave him a treat and fastened the leash.

27/08/14 Boss monster fight! I defeated a Cholestroll and felt an irresistible urge to take apart the deus ex machina and found 6792 coins inside. Now that’s the intuition of a true hero!

20/09/14 Notes from the arena: Panyeng is unconscious. Picardus Worfus successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! Extra gold prize collected by the fans for the winner is 6477 gold coins. The winner got richer by 577 gold coins and a golden brick.

On the same day, 3 gold bricks in one minute… 17:22 The gift of fate jumped out of my backpack, fell to the ground, started to sizzle, and slowly transformed into a golden brick. Yay! 17:22 Suddenly my bag of money burst open, spilling its contents on the ground and forming a solid golden brick. Shiny! 17:23 I followed a sudden urge and threw my money bag into the air, where it was zapped by lightning. Looks like I’ve got another golden brick!

27/09/14 Was a big day for achievements! Went up to level 24! Hooray! After all this long and agonizing traveling, the quest to try every trick in the book is finally over. Got a golden brick, an arrowproof vest and 10824 coins as a reward! Good news, Mighty One! I learned a very useful new skill: “death by snu-snu”. At least the traveling master who trained me promised it was very useful.

01/10/14 Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Skilled Pickpocketing Vertigoat! Picardus Worfus got 6339 coins a portable wormhole a love triangulator a rubber duck a rosetta stone and an alternate reality cheque.

10/10/14 Another epic quest completed! Hooray! After all this long and agonizing traveling, the quest to pass the test of time is finally over. Got a gold brick, thunderwear and 11175 coins as a reward!

17/10/14 Boss monster! Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Squandering Leeching Deafening Terracotta Worrier! Picardus Worfus became the owner of 5003 gold coins, the broken heart of the Terracotta Worrier, a kernel of truth and a gold coin counter.

22/11/14 I didn’t manage to heal up my pet’s wound in time. Well, Fido, your regenerating abilities will help you to recover, but I think level-ups and pantheons are not for you anymore. On the other hand, who needs those silly things anyway?

26/12/14 Thoroughly took apart the christmas cracker. Found 2543 gold coins inside. What a gift!

New Years Day 2015 Took Fido to a local orphanage to try to cheer up the children. It worked so well that the kids begged him to stay. He gave me a wistful glance and a sad smile before going inside. Farewell, Fido, I hope you give those kids as many fond memories as you have given me.

09/03/15 Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Deafening Skilled Heromnivore! Picardus Worfus got 6181 gold coins, ear of the Heromnivore, a* golden brick*, a pointless fork and a pick up line.

29/05/15 Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Skilled Enlightened Terracotta Worrier! Picardus Worfus got 5120 coins, a golden brick, a hell pass, some poetic justice, a frame of mind, a penalty shot glass, a list of unproven facts and a final countdown clock.

14/08/15 Judging by Shelby’s face I think he’s tired of me. I guess it’s time to finally set him free. Farewell, Shelby! I promise to find a new best friend in your memory!

20/08/15 Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by the Great Random have defeated the Scurrying Auriferous Alpacalypse! Picardus Worfus became richer by 7877 gold coins.

24/01/16 Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by common destiny have defeated the Auriferous Overhearing Overtaker! Picardus Worfus became the owner of 7247 coins, lucky paw of the Overtaker, a golden brick, a breaking news repair kit, an evil laugh track and a gold coin counter.

24/01/16 Dearest diary, today was the day! I carefully laid the last brick, swept all the rooms, opened all windows to let your glorious light shine in. I can’t believe it, your temple is finally finished, my Lord! I feel delirious with happiness.