

The Almighty Varanus 14

level 44

Bbuy meh a drrink pleeshh

Age 9 years 11 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 43 thousand
Death Count 36
Wins / Losses 9 / 6
Bricks for Temple 66.0%
Pet Trojan horse Cuddles


Weapon blade of grass +49
Shield perfect alibi +52
Head executioner's hood +52
Body ninja turtle shell +51
Arms unrequited gloves +51
Legs happy feet +48
Talisman magic ankle bracelet +52


  • acid tears level 24
  • strike of the rabbit level 19
  • opacity control level 17
  • mass effect level 16
  • thumb beating level 16
  • foot massage level 15
  • sunstroke level 12
  • pathological honesty level 10
  • self-cloning level 9
  • auto-stopping level 6




  • Favorite, 1st rank
  • Builder, 2nd rank
  • Renegade, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Animalist, 3rd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank
  • Hunter, 3rd rank
  • Martyr, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

Godvoice Collection:

01:39 PM A thundering voice shouted “Please answer, I’m really freakin bored .” And I thought my god was annoying.

08:50 AM The town crier meandered by, yelling, “Hear ye! Hear ye! keep on keeping on my little dude.”

07:51 PM A mad hermit ran up to me and screamed, “Look at “Act of God” insurance policy”.

07:41 AM A demon appeared before me and proclaimed: “slay like you have never slain before, and prove your worth to be at my side mortal!.” He then squinted at me and said: “Sorry, I thought you were someone else.”

08:46 AM Heard, “kneel down and praise thy goddess!” emit from another hero’s pocket. That’s the most annoying ringtone I’ve ever heard.

09:21 AM Heard an adult male Bio-degrader howl, “Why did you visit the afterlife again? Feel like you needed a dirt nap?.” I’ll be glad when mating season is over.

02:47 PM Strange words came in a puff of smoke: “Hero here I am tell me what you want .”

11:04 AM Saw a woman with a frying pan furiously chasing a man, yelling, “Get out there and beat somebody!!” Sounds like he’s got some explaining to do.

12:24 PM I heard a shout further along the road: “Who’s a cute ninja tortoise? Yes, you are, Timon!.”

07:51 PM My fluency in Morse code finally came in handy. I listened to the rhythmic clanging noises coming from the blacksmith’s hut and decoded the words: “upgrade bolt to a higher level.”